Quato 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go back and look for drops that show "MAP" capitalized as an acronym and "map" as in; to map as a verb or read a map as a noun.

Minor Attracted Person has always been the meaning of the acronym.


Quato 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's now free to be a witness at a tribunal out of the public eye.

Quato 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe my daughter has Alopecia caused by the HPV vaccine. Remember how hard they pushed that a few years back?

I regret giving in to it. I didn't let my family take any Covid jabs after that.

It took a long time for Alopecia to develop so you don't immediately associate it with the vaccine.

That's how they get you.

Quato 3 points ago +3 / -0

I remember in college in California in the 90's, there was a woman who gave a presentation to our class under the guise of sex education.

Teaching college age students about condoms and contraception, she demonstrated how to put a condom on a dildo with her mouth. She popped and unlubricated condom into her mouth and deep throated the dildo and when she took it out, the condom was applied.

I can only imagine what they're teaching kids these days.

Quato 3 points ago +3 / -0

Assume for a moment that God is real and that He can hear us through prayer, but the Catholic Church has been corrupted for over 1000 years.

What if the belief that sin is what separates us from God is fake? The idea of being separated from God is the lie. The church wants us to believe that the church is necessary for us to reconnect with God. We just give our weekly donations so they can run things and help the poor. But do they really help the poor? How many churches are corrupt? How many churches/megachurches are really helping themselves, keeping themselves is wealthy and in power?

So if you can speak directly to God and be heard, then what do you need the church for? We praise the Father, and the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, but what if, it was the church that was the one that added that last part?

What is confession, if not an opportunity for a corrupt priest to gain information to blackmail a parishioner?

Are you going to take advice about your marriage from a middle aged virgin?

If sex is dirty, why must you save it for marriage to give to the person you love most in life?

If you're told it's sinful to research astrology, doesn't it beg the question, that if it's not real, then what's the harm?

I think there's more to God, that what we've been led to believe. I think there's more to the bible than what we have been given.

And knowing that none of us has a complete picture, I'm willing to listen to anyone/anything and decide for myself if they're full of shit or not.

That all said, I think there are snippets of truth out there and they come from many places.

For example, there was an episode of Star Trek TOS where there were aliens that couldn't be seen because they were vibrating at a higher frequency, moving faster than the human eye could see. I think there's some truth in that.

That there's things physically on Earth that we cannot see, either because we're not equipped to understand those things or that simply we are blind to them because we're not ready to understand what we are looking at. Ghosts, werewolves, vampires, etc. to quote The Matrix.

What are Vampires? What is Adrenochrome? How do vampires live long and stay young? What is Hollywood? How many kids get off the bus for fame and fortune, but are never heard from again?

I don't think that the existence of aliens disproves God.

I believe what we know of the bible is what they let us know of the bible. Notice that the words/readings have changed subtly and not so subtly over the years. That doesn't even take into account what has been altered in translation.

I think our full understanding of God has been limited/controlled by the church.

Ask yourself about all the mentions of the Pope in the Q drops.

If the Pope is/was corrupt, what does that say about the church?

Our children are being taught racism under the guise of being against racism, being taught to hate each other, hate themselves for being white, for being men, for being the wrong gender, etc. Being taught that chemicals and hormones and self-mutilation are the path to happiness.

You can look at that as a form of child sacrifice, just like abortion to understand how anti-God the enemy is.

There is a great deception at work against all of us, not just our country alone.

View everything that seems wrong, as an attack against our country. They're not going to send an army, they're going to corrupt our current and future generations of children. Weak men in hard times are easier to defeat than strong men in good times.

It's up to you to determine how much or how little God is in your life. Not the church. Not some middle aged virgin. Not some rich guy with bad hair on TV asking for donations.

If everything, I mean EVERYTHING, we know could be a lie, then it's up to us to determine what is the TRUTH. The truth will set us free.

The world as we know it, is heading for a crash and it is only accelerating. Prepare yourselves. It's gonna be biblical.

Quato 1 point ago +1 / -0

Independence Day also told us that aliens will bring back Elvis.

In 2012(same director) the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy is on a tidal wave that crashes into the White House, occupied at the time by a black president, wiping him out.(Watch the Water)

Quato 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hands look young.

Quato 3 points ago +3 / -0

I bet this is the same crew that did the inflatable C130 with the dummy in the landing gear.

How cheap can Michael Bay go and still sell it?

by IAmOne
Quato 4 points ago +4 / -0

I haven't used Reddit in so long I forgot what the duck even means now.

Quato 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must have been a real somber conference for those who were lucky enough to be on a different flight.

Quato 10 points ago +10 / -0

What did Lori Laughlin reveal when she was incarcerated? She was on the set of full house. I think that whole daughter tuition debacle was cover to get her to testify.

In fact when celebs say they have covid and will be self-isolating, I think they're being taken to a tribunal either as defendants or witnesses.

Just a theory.

Quato 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I am on a plane, I'm told to put the oxygen mask on myself before my children. If I lose consciousness, I'm not good for any of them.

Quato 1 point ago +1 / -0

He said it outloud because he was casting a spell. By the deep state hearing it, it forced them into error. Looking glass would have enabled them to see all the charges they would eventually file and now it was a matter of simply waiting for them to commit their crimes while being closely monitored.

They couldn't interfere because White Hats had to let it all play out otherwise, they'd be corrupting the timeline and creating new unpredictable timelines.

Quato 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suspect that gayness from parasites is a biological reaction to prevent the spread to the rest of the population.

And if The Parasite Pill is true, then it's the root cause of most of our ailments.

Quato 11 points ago +11 / -0

Mark Ryden, the artist, graduated from my college and spoke to our class. He told us about how he was told to REMOVE ALL SKULLS from Michael Jackson's Dangerous album, but he got away with hiding one in the breast of the gold statue on the left.


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