Right on, brother! I've probably tried finding you three or four times over the past year +
I don't post like I used to but I'm still on here every day :D
I hope all is well for you and yours!!
Lakota! I haven't seen you in forever!!
lol this just hits different 🤣
Welp.. I learned something new.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD6qtc2_AQA
Happy Birthday, anon! :)
Congratulations! Wonderful news! Raise your child with pride, love your wife, and keep working on yourself! You do these things and you're living the dream!
Yep! Agreed, and I'm one of those crazies that got the apple flavor horse gel. It fixed my digestive issues immediately (still fine after over a year), wife and kids all took it too. No regrets! I still have a couple tubes stashed away for the future.
You could find an Adobe Illustrator specialist and have them turn the cards into vectored artwork, then you can blow them up as large as you want without losing any quality. That's how billboard images are made. I just copied the first Trump superman-looking card and brought it into Illustrator. It looks awesome even when blown up to a 12 foot tall picture.
Badge of honor - looking forward to them actually letting you back on
Amen to this post!!
That's one of the few decent accounts to follow on twatter
The man's a class act.
At least Toobin's got his pants up
This is sick and perfect at the same time. Well done.
I'd say this is notable KEK
I highly suggest Concord Grapes. They're very hearty, need zero watering (the more they struggle, the healthier they'll end up). Easy to can them. Excellent for making juice, jelly, wine, and much more.
Very well said.
I love Dr. McGee!
Gee.. I wonder what kind of firearm... couldn't possibly be one of those scary 80% "ghosted" "assault rifles" with the super short barrel and pistol brace. /s
You're absolutely right. Finding the right chiropractor for your needs is of utmost importance.
As someone who had a similar surgery 21-22 years ago, I can say that I feel your pain. My best advice is to heal up as fast as you can, then call a chiropractor. My recovery was much longer than yours will be (mine was 5 years but I also had 4 vertebrae fused, and the surgery was much more crude back then) and still had significant pain even after those 5 years - until I went and got adjusted. My first adjustment literally had me feeling better than I had felt since before my injury. I've continued monthly and have been completely pain-free ever since (over two years). Good luck and God Bless!
Was that one posted on here or on VOAT? Cuz I too recall listening to the same clip you've mentioned.
This is Genius! TopKek of the day!
I used to constantly post on Reddit (pre-ban) and then on voat.. then not so much here because to me, the goal of the Q team has been clear from day one, and thankfully once the .win platform showed up - as did so many great anons posting similarly to you so I've pretty much just been enjoying the show while still checking in just about every day..
You've always done such a phenomenal job posting here Purkiss - thanks for all of your hard work! You've more than proven yourself as a reliable OP - You deserve to pat yourself on the back anon! Your time has NOT been spent in vain!