It is time to turn MSM. There is a skeleton in that picture waiting. MSM is still feeding propaganda to the people. Even Fox News is still pushing its control opposition propaganda. The truth is out there but you have to look for it! How many people look for it?
I believe Sidney does and has always represented WH MI and has the proof of Election fraud. Her depo will be taken in Georgia and the whole case will be suddenly dismissed. She has until 11/5 to revoke her plea. I think this has to do with the Plan’s time frame.
Thought I’d based upon conditioning processing sensory perceptions which are based upon either fragments of reality presented by MSM or our senses which are indisputably limited. It is inadequate to meet a reality that is beyond our ability to perceive and to understand. Conclusions of thought (judgments) must be treated as loose clothing, e.g., probably wrong.
“How do you get evidence submitted legally?” She had to agree to be depose as part of her plea! You never put someone on the stand without understanding their testimony. I believe she reps military not DJT. She said she can’t represent DJT because of a conflict - I attended a speech she gave. I believe Sidney is going to produce the evidence to the prosecutor creating panic and dismissal of the criminal case! That is why she can withdraw plea by November 5. Think of the panic if this case is dismissed.
The proffer could have been very general, e.g., you will testify about ? truthfully. There is an old article about her authorization to represent parties in military tribunals. I think she represents military intelligence on the election. Additionally she can withdraw the plea on or before November 5th. What happens (public perception) if suddenly the charges are dropped and the complaint is publicly dismissed?
If she follows the agreement she has to testify truthfully. The question is who will the truth hurt! I cannot imagine that they would put her on the stand without a deposition first under oath. They may be shocked to hear Sidney’s truthful testimony. I believe the whole case could be dismissed.
The Feds have been positioned for arrests in the US Virgin Islands for more than a year and haven’t made a single arrests! Instead the Feds civilly sued JPMorgan using the Virgin Islands attorney General as its proxy.