The WH military has it all! Why not submit the evidence? The WH military has the Epstein organization targeted and staged for arrests but nothing happens! Time to red pill with real evidence! Give those asleep a chance to wake up! Great that Jan Halper Hayes came forward but once again only with words! You can’t complain about not enough people being awake when you are the one hugging the evidence! I listen to D. Johnston say WH military is in control then in my mind they are responsible for crimes of omission, for example, Hawaii! Time to produce hard evidence!
J6ers have paid a very heavy price to show how corrupt the court system is! Cannon fodder! Vax individuals with Turbo cancers and sudden deaths are paying a heavy price! Cannon fodder! White hats drip, drip, etc. drags things out! They possess enough information to end the chess game! It looks like a lot of kids are going to get boosters while the chess game continues!
Theme: we have it all! Theme: tech and cures will be made available! I believe the evidence once disclosed will carry the day! Nevertheless, the chess game continues! Lost another one to the vax a week ago! Think about J6ers and their families! Old system never care about victims! I personally know major former prosecutor that left DOJ because of their attitude towards victims. I believe White Hats end is positive. However, I question the length of the movie? Many people are awake! The submission of audited election results by the military would bring the game to an endpoint! If your argument is that a lot of people suffered over the last 150 years I do not disagree. My issue is how long the movie needs to run! I think it is time to end the movie and begin the transition! Because many have suffered is no excuse to allow the oppression to continue any longer than is necessary!
There is multiagency task force! Take a look at VI v JP Morgan. I think DOJ is on both sides! Remember VI Attorney General was fired for suing JP Morgan but suit wasn’t dismissed. The litigation is redpilling a lot of people especially VI jury pool. The real question is how long? This could be dragged out for months or it could happen very quickly! The Military wouldn’t be looking to DJT unless it had irrefutable proof he won 2020! Time for them to come out of shadows and introduce the evidence in Court!
To the Whitehats: Why isn’t this on US MSM? I don’t like the drip, drip …. You flipped JE probably as early 2017! FBI is on notice that there is a $600 Million law suit coming for failure to act to prevent further victims! How much time as expired since had enough evidence to end JE? Each day this continues there are more victims and new victims. Evidently victims don’t have rights! Think of the J6ers as they sit day after day in detention! Your teaching the public at their expense! DJT indictment may be a great success to you but what about the J6ers? Did you get their consent! You have so much evidence of serious crimes that await disclosure and upon disclosure it would wake everyone up! But it is the plan! I listen to podcasts where the chid people as impatient. They are the ones making money or have relevance only as long as the game continues. I know a victim that has been suffering since 2011 because of this game! You do nothing to alleviate his suffering. From my perspective I see little difference between you and your targets! You may have a more noble cause but don’t delude yourselves that ALL the suffering during the implementation of the Plan was necessary!
Too many are cannon fodder while the plan rolls out! People are dying from vax, depression, and failure to make hidden medical care that remains unavailable. Need to flip at least one MSM station! Time to end this movie! Time for real disclosure.
We are observers to game where we do not have seat at the table. Remember, enjoy the popcorn. I recall someone talking about retaking and repurposing their symbols just like using their playbook! Who knows? I sure don’t. The weight of observable facts says Elon is with us! The past is all about infiltrating.
DOJ only cares about its case; not the victims. Old DOJ same as new DOJ. Acosta was actually following the law until main justice intervened. To the military J6ers, vax injuries, immigration problems, etc. just cannon fodder! Q says by the law. What meant is by the law for the criminals, not victims.
People are in jail without a trial! Why can’t the general public know all the facts? They can redact portions that may creat a security risk if any! It is like keeping a 20 page document because of one line! They don’t represent the people; they represent themselves!