Ranbo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Italian disinformation rides! Eunuchs! Awaken! To the vespas!

But sir! The salon!

No time for that Fabio! the enemy is liquidating my country's libido! Bring me my thesaurus. Not the bible Fabio <facepalm>.

Im very sorry sir. For my penance i will blame the americans. If they could only have produced a quality espresso machine we could have ruled the world.

Yes fabio. Remind them of their lack of destiny, inculcate in them great fear of homoerotic financial fearporn. Look at them all. SITTING in their coffeeshops. Sipping their Pathetic, watered down proletarian breakfast blend AND TO THINK they even have the GALL to COMPLAIN!

Give it to them fabio. Give them what they deserve! They are going to read about The Next philosophical apocalypse, for the first time. Fabio, remind them the end is near please. And fetch me a pack of cigarettes.

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some was the wrong word apparently. All the love. Much better

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Barron is receiving some love, he is so loved. Everyone up there loves him. Hang in there bro. 🙏

Ranbo 2 points ago +2 / -0

My name is tzu

How do you do

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mean life. The very outlier defining himself, the mean disrupter. Politics is the enforcement of the mean. Without the glory of victory, the political class becomes absorbed by the finite. Thank you to all our brave courageous public servants for honoring their duty to the colors, that very beautiful shade of red that the political class views through plastic royal purple glasses. Make your mother proud, make your country proud! Political advantage is a tale of re-creation!

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Catholicism? Isn't there an app for that? Give according to your talent, gain according to your gift. Self determination determines self? De-terminate yourself! Welcome to ahnolds pizza shop. If you like pepperoni and 9mm bullets youve come to the right place. See you at easter! Clearly the Terminator represents the admonisher. Is the admonisher terminating sin? Who determines? Can sin be Quelled, ? How is it a-voided? B-voided? Piss off, shithead, Im already aware. No longer quelled. But but but how can we add our gift together if we each have to subtract ? If I determine 9mm tastes like pepper, can i trick my throat into swallowing the salty lead? Who tricks? The terminator doesnt laugh. The audience is bored waiting for it to digest. They already know the only way out is the way it came in. Fear is not a-voided.

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

66.6% is the anti mean they want us to believe to achieve . The pre awakening, the pass/fail mark. Who embraces the pass-fail? The great enslaver of the old testament? Who redeems the fallen? How? Who goes from zero to hero? Only one who went from hero to zero, naturally. Anyone who strives to escape the branding of failure has but one choice and that is to take one step in the direction of symmetrical split between momentary death and failure in real time. The halfway point is in view after a 90 degree come about to starboard, at that pinnacle of pythagorean power, your co-creator hands you the sword and the antivenom. Slay that mother effin snake! You already did once to get here and youre gonna do it again to leave, so you might as well get to practicing. Tired of meeting at the intersection of mean and failure, Captains off the bridge. Dont let the audience run us aground!

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0
  1. Remove wedding ring
  2. Dig in
  3. Defend high ground
  4. Fight to the death 4.5 welcome your life after you cut it all down the middle or
  5. Be reborn together
Ranbo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Im not sure what it was but a few months ago I had this weird brown mucus plug come out of my nose that felt like it was deep in my sinuses. It was followed by 2-3 oz of extremely salty brown fluid over the course of a day or so. Came after about a year of massive semen rentention. Felt like an orgasm in my sinus and my ability to think really cleared up. Something opened that felt like a gland because after that i had a black circle over my vision for a while. During this time I had some interesting life changing events and i woke up feeling like the michael Douglas in Falling Dwon. I was tossed into a cave for 72 hours guarded by a man named Hesus, missed my daughters birthday party, ran into death and his gang of marauders, preached the gnostic gospel and got stabbed by an illegal in a homeless camp, all in a pair of sandals! Its all good now though, i have better mental acuity than ever, i dont pine for anything, and im back in my house!

My wife says it definitely wasnt a cerebrospinal fluid leak due to my hydraulic buildup of excess seminal fluid and years worth of fasting. So I guess we can rule that out. Has anyone else ever experienced this? What about visitations a la the book of Wisdom? Anybody? Bueller? 👍

Ranbo 5 points ago +5 / -0

They asked him, "Sir! They want a predebate drug test! Can we do a drug test before the debate, sir?" To which he replied, "Malarkey! Im the drug tester in chief! I test all the drugs! Give me a drug, Ill show you the results. Wheres Hunter, my assistant? He has them all. HUN-TER!"

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Celine/Selene , Greek Moon Goddess Dion? Dios mio? No dios. Seized? Dark? Meh. 10 minutes? Darn. How long or will she ever recover? Will her heart be able to _______? Stiff? Looks like she saw one. A fear trigger? Phone position? Engaging taser app. Is this the same as when crooked became beautiful ? Tossed in like a side of beef. A beautiful side of beef. Nah. We love titanic right? Saw it in theatres, broken records for holding it in! We love wispy jack, ensconsed, in his icy grave, still no word, but his heart still has it going on to the (nth degree). Pardon me, but do you have ten minutes to talk about our lord and savior, The great american three hour tour? 🙏

Harangue! , ye harangers, ye harbingers, yeeters of faith! Ye have the antivenom, complete the sarc-chasm, abandon the point of no return, drink it! Ahh The propelling glycol death preserver of life!. This! Is! ASPARTA! Into the void, past the point of no return, inoculated, armored, thirsty. See you halfway ese!

Ranbo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your reply. This is my alt acct. I entered full fledged seeker mode on New Years. Someone here posted a link to archaix on youtube and it was off to the races. Im learning a lot about enoch, hermas,floods, fools, the power of play writing and the inculcation of fear and doubt. Divine inspiration is a wonderful thing and is present literally everywhere in life. My goal is for those of you with the followers to start applying this method of expression as a fire extinguisher for the fears that pop up in their daily lives. Good People need to remember their lives are a divine Choose Your Own Adventure book in a time loop, and you can go back to any point in your own life and remake your failures into wins by adjusting your aspect. Not only does this "buy you more time" but it also changes the way failure is viewed on the great bell curve of judgement. Significant outliers carry greater value to lift the mean when we raise our expectations of others and ourselves simultaneously. That is, the moment you read the above passage and understood your inner state of being is identical to the divine, you should expect the next person you meet to be as divinely inspired as you. An epidemic of mass enlightenment is pulled (via fear) kicking and screaming out of the void and into existence, the same way a tornado forms. seemingly out of nowhere. Its like when Marty starts ripping chuck berry riffs at the under the sea dance and confidently trots off the stage having horrified his parents generation. While we all know its a movie, the implication is that what we believe to be divine inspiration is simply a matter of fear. Am I afraid of divine inspiration? If I was, would I recognize it? If i recognize it in one place, would it exist in others? Is therefore, all coincidence a mannerism of the divine ?
Most people get off the seeker bus before they become Jim Carrey but some of us are here just to enjoy knee jerk divine reactions to antithetically divine situations.

All fear, like doubt, is allowed to impregnate in the womb of thought. It has to go through a gestation period and is born of an unprotected pregnant mind. Aborting fear takes practice, and is only learned from people who have faced their own fears. I posit that what we call death is a benevolent force and while it is effortlessly merciless it is also fondly merciful in the realm of pre thought. The same realm where the goth kids get the idea that the mother of creation is a dead frankenwhore. Its all a manner of perspective you see, and life, ripe with pregnant possibility in every moment, doesnt sit around and wait! It will come into you hard and fast and leave you wondering what the hell just happened. Shortly, death will come by and dust you off, check your vitals, review your chart and leave you with an appointment card. It says "Here is your dash. I polished it for you. Have fun, quit fking up, and think of me the next time you have a cup of coffee and a cigarette. See you around. By the way, you look like sh*t."

Ranbo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks, Im really just grateful to be here.

Ranbo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I apollogize. Sniff sniff AROOOOOO

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