Interesting theory. I think it's equally plausible Oakland is just a shithole through and through.
"Why aren't I fifty chromosomes ahead, you might ask?"
I'm sure the mask tech is highly advanced, but last time I checked, masks don't give someone the ability to perfectly mimic the voice and speech patterns of another human.
I can accept that politicians might use body doubles for public appearances from a distance, but THE IDEA (to quote the real Joe Biden) that multiple people can give speeches and have close-up photos taken and still be identified as the same old man with no credible anomalies between the different "actors"?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Blurry screenshots side by side with different camera lenses, angles, lighting, and phases of known plastic surgery do not count as extraordinary proof.
Kim Clement said that the solution to save America was so simple, yet so ingenious, that only God himself could have come up with it. All this double/clone bullshit just doesn't fit the book in my view.
Haters will say it's fake
I agree. I think the author is using embellished language, and many people on this site are too eager to over-analyze the words used.
Never heard of either of these people before.
This looks like the same guy, although I believe one of the images is flipped horizontally. Look at the brow wrinkles above his nose and the lines around the corners of his mouth.
Flipping a person's face horizontally can sometimes have an uncanny effect, especially when the face isn't perfectly symmetrical.
There are other focal length, angle, and lighting differences that can explain everything seen here.
Biden: "I'm not fucking leaving!"
Republicans: cheer
Biden: "The show goes on!"
Personally I prefer brunettes with brown eyes.
This feels low key hella racist
Your fingertips to God's ears
Alexander "Ohhh Sayyyy Cann Youuu Seeee" Vindman
Any answer beyond #1 is too far out for me personally to accept
I think the simplest explanation is that this whole scenario has been meticulously gamed out and the Dems have been purposely maneuvered into running Biden with very few alternative options. No need for robotic Biden or clones/doubles of Biden. Never personally felt those theories were plausible, and still don't.
Do you think Thomas Massie's wife was foul play?
Steve Bannon was also adamant that Trump would become president through a house floor vote in 2021 so there is that.
Death valley probably
Did we really need a body language expert to state the obvious?
And yet how many proven hoaxes did he try to revive during the debate?
The very fine people hoax
The drinking bleach hoax
The bloodbath hoax
The suckers and losers hoax
The January 6th insurrection hoax
Am I missing any of them?
BuT sTeAlInG fRoM bIg CoPoRaTe sToReS dOsEn'T hUrT aNyOnE
It'll be a tv studio with mutable microphones and no audience.
Would still be hilarious tho
Trump/White 2024
Yeah no thanks
It was supposedly a random Internet user with a sketchy track record who claimed that they had a connection with one of the jurors.
In order for this sort of tech to be used during the debate, Trump would have to be in on it and ok with it. Even then I find it hard to believe.