Organize locally, find other means of communication. When SHTF, anything where resistance can be organized or communicate will be shutdown. I'm sure they already have a day 1 list. I doubt it would be the whole internet but who knows. You will have no idea what is going on out there if you aren't prepared.
Many on the livestrams I saw had American accents. They will always find ppl to do the dirty work. I'm sure his emergency declaration increases his budget allowing him to pay extraordinary amounts to gestapo and tow truck drivers.
Read Dissolving Illusions a couple months ago. Great book. My kids will never get another vaccine. The Leicester smallpox story is so eerily similar to what is happening today. The way they pushed the vax and its effectiveness despite evidence to the contrary. The language is the same. It's either corrupt people fall into the same tactics naturally or it's organized and they are purposefully using the same playback that worked to bring the masses accepting vaccinations today.
Go Putin!