RealityIsBroken 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump's hand not actually on the Bible? I didn't catch it but hearing commentary on this...

RealityIsBroken 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indeed, I'm eager to see what all comes out, how deep the rabbit hole goes.

SO much out there, manipulated history, timelines, etc.

Been watching about world fairs the past couple days.

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Considering I was three in '75...

Although those years had some of my favorite comedians.

There was a documentary fairly recently on National Lampoon that was pretty good.

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I don't know. While I'm anxious to not only get it all out, but get it remedied, it also needs to maintain a drip, drip, drip.

Too much too fast will be too much for too many.

Psychedelics and psychiatrists standing by lol

Just popped to mind, Q drop about this will not be for everyone, as in more than just TDS libtards, but also perhaps people that can't mentally handle it all?

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't watched SNL in, I don't know how long, and I've only seen it maybe a couple or a few times anyway.

Someone at work was telling me this past Friday Chappelle was going to guest host.

RealityIsBroken 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed, and so much more.

Maybe he'll start with older stuff and work forward to ease people into just how corrupt the US Inc has been.

RealityIsBroken 8 points ago +8 / -0

BM videos definitely appear to indicate a penis presence, so what TS surgery did he perform on BM?

F to M to live as a F?

What evs lol

RealityIsBroken 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I don't know, there's lots to digest of things that just don't make sense according to our "history".

One thing that certainly seems to bring plausibility to the table for me with previous resets is seeing the way these clowns are running things now. There's no way they have been doing this for a millennia w/o a reset or two/few along the way.

Lust, greed, and excess of both are probably the catalysts, also from seeing how these clowns are running things. Maybe this go round AI has been running the show, but no way AI isn't playing a way bigger role in things then has been let on.

RealityIsBroken 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was looking up "natural nicotine" yesterday and came across these:



RealityIsBroken 6 points ago +6 / -0

So I heard him in an interview regarding the fires, he almost broke down into tears over his house burning. I'd gotten the impression his house was a loss, but this is saying otherwise? Hmm...

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