RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0


In the spring of 1933, opponents of vaccination had hoped to be able to overturn compulsory smallpox vaccinations in view of the fact that those involved in Nazi health policy were partly committed to naturopathy. Instead, at the end of the year, the Reich Ministry of the Interior dissolved all “anti-vaccination and anti-vaccination associations” and banned “any public anti-vaccination activity”.

At the same time, however, there was no general compulsory vaccination for the newly available diphtheria vaccination and, according to Thießen's research, it was not even seriously considered. Ironically, a dictatorship that used the most radical means to protect the “national body” with murder programs such as “euthanization” and forced sterilization of “hereditary patients” renounced new vaccination requirements.

At least as far as the normal “national comrades” were concerned. For Wehrmacht soldiers, however, serial vaccinations, whether for the first time or as a booster, were common. Immunization against diphtheria, scarlet fever and typhoid fever was increased; In contrast, the tuberculosis vaccination offered on a voluntary basis met with little response in the last year of the war.

Things were different after 1945: Many people in bombed-out Germany now felt the need to be vaccinated - against dysentery, typhus and typhoid as well as again against smallpox, because in the second half of the war the mandatory vaccinations were no longer implemented in many cases.

By October 1949 at the latest, “the population was extremely tired of vaccinations”. This was due to the same questions as exactly three quarters of a century earlier, in the debates about compulsory smallpox vaccination: Did the “right to self-determination over one’s own body” take precedence over the “interest of the whole”? Or not right now?

RebalionMcEntirefire 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's projection. They're narcissists. "Sore winners."

They're " in charge " and still can't stop talking about their opposition.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +2 / -1

That in this masculine protest, however, there lies for the neurotic the more fundamentally compensating "will to power" which may change the value of feelings and even transform pleasure into pain is proved by the frequent cases where the direct effort to act like a man meets with obstacles and avails itself of a circuitous route, in which event the role of the woman is overvalued, passive traits are strengthened, masochistic, and in men, passive homosexual traits emerge, by means of which the patient hopes to gain power over men and women : in short, the masculine protest makes use of the feminine role in order to attain its purpose.

The greatest difficulty which stand in the way of an understanding of the neurosis arises from the striking protection afforded these inferior, effeminate traits and their acknowledgment by the patients. Here belong all the phenomena of the disease generally, but also the passive, masochistic traits, the effeminate characteristics, the passive homosexuality, impotence, suggestibility, accessibility to and inclination for hypnosis, or, finally, the apparent surrender to effeminacy and to effeminate behavior. The final object, however, always remains the same, the domination over others which is felt and appreciated as a masculine triumph.

In this developed neurosis the sexual appetite is frequently directed to children, persons of low station, maids; homosexuality, perverse inclinations or inclinations to masturbation are constructed and adhered to because the patient hopes thus more easily to master the situation. For the fear of a woman hinders a natural sexual relation to such an extent that the neurotic in order to avoid the defeat of which he stands in fear, arrives at the expedient of ejaculatio precox, of pollutions, and of impotence.

In neuroses homosexuality even when carried into practice is always found to be a symbol by means of which it is sought to place the individual's own superiority beyond question. This mechanism is similar to that of a religious psychosis in which the nearness of God has the significance of an elevation.

— Alfred Adler, 1921, "The Neurotic Constitution"

RebalionMcEntirefire 7 points ago +7 / -0

Astonishing how easy it could be for adversaries to cripple our military without a single mortar.

Similarly how stupid our 'leaders' continue to behave regarding it, for status reasons I'd imagine.

So far from my circle over the last 3 years: 1 had turbo brain cancer: she's dead; 2 with major skin disorders: both alive but not comfortable, medicine isn't doing much for either besides alleviating pain; 2 with heart issues: one keeps having minor heart attacks, looks real rough.

Honorable mention is one of the last times I talked to my friend of over 30 years, he hinted to me subtly that he's dying, but he just had a kid and has another one on the way. He's not an idiot but him and his wife tried to 'game it out' which way they should play and they chose to get it. He lost his job anyway because of woke shit heads.

I hate communists and socialists. I hate them so much. I don't even know where I'm going with this.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0


National Socialism

During National Socialism, infection protection was dominated by the National Socialist racial and national community ideology. According to Solbrig [9], “the fight against epidemics was in the greatest interest of preserving public health, the existence of the people, the working power of the people and, not to forget, also in the financial interest of the state.” In many cases, disease control was misused to conceal euthanasia measures. From 1935 onwards, the law on the standardization of the healthcare system provided for the establishment of medically managed health authorities, whose responsibilities included not only the “Racial Care Association” and the “Health Police” but also the fight against communicable diseases. To implement the vaccination requirement, the organization continued through employed vaccinators and vaccination districts, the implementation of vaccination appointments and the creation of vaccination lists as already set out in the Reich Vaccination Act. The medical officer of a district or the head of the medical department supervised vaccination technology, vaccination success, premises, purity and effectiveness of, and trade in vaccines. The health department had to create a main vaccination report from the reports from the vaccinators and the vaccination lists and send it to the supervisory authority.


From today's perspective, the "Third Reich" began with a surprise: in 1933, the vaccination practice, which had been liberalized shortly before, was not only retained, but even politically codified. Since the "seizure of power" there has been a noticeable skepticism about vaccination, even a rejection of coercive measures, which Winfried Süss rightly expressed astonishment about: "In a country [...] that [...] since the [...] seizure of power the individual rights to bodily self-determination in favor of the health of an imaginary 'national body' and thus increased the chances of such a vaccination being enforced, [...] this development can come as a surprise."60

How could the reticence in this important area of public health care be explained? Why was it that in 1933, of all things, were government claims to power abandoned when it came to providing for the “national body”? The ongoing debate about the Lübeck vaccination scandal offers an initial explanation for the concerns at the time. A second factor is rooted in the NS ideology itself, since vaccination raises serious problems from a “racial hygiene” point of view. Finally, immunization against disease is in sharp opposition to the idea of hardening and selection.

This was at least emphasized by numerous opponents of vaccination, who sensed the dawning of the dawn since the "seizure of power", especially since they were able to refer to authorities from the NS leadership in their criticism. The reference to a statement by Julius Schleicher, “Vaccination is a racial disgrace” 61, or the assertion that the Reich vaccination law “demonstrably was passed by the Jewish deputies Löwe, Lasker and Eulenburg, who called themselves the 'fathers' of this Law of April 8, 1874," 62 as the "German anti-vaccination medical association e.V." warned in October 1935. Rather unusual, however, was the rhyming form in which the “Vaccination research sheets” published at the end of 1933 declared the “elimination of compulsory vaccination” as a “basic condition [...] for the development and advancement of people and humanity”: “German people, have ' Nothing in common with vaccinations, / It is a mockery of all true health care, / And you don't want to be your gravedigger yourself, / Then you resolutely commit to the anti-vaccine nation!”63


Professor Siegmund W. van Kapff was a member of the National Socialist association “Reich Committee for Public Health Service”. The association examined, among other things, medical research according to the criteria of racist Nazi ideology. In the Interior Ministry's consultation on abolishing compulsory vaccination against smallpox, it was recorded as follows. | quoted from: BAB R 1501/3648, minutes from March 14, 1934, pp. 13-14.

He is convinced that the majority of the German people reject the vaccination. This also confirms the assumption expressed here that if the conscience clause were introduced, not 40 percent, but 75 percent would make use of the exemption. If compulsory vaccination continues, the majority of the people will doubt that National Socialist principles are decisive in Germany's medical policy. […] He could not see that there would be great dangers if the vaccination requirement was relaxed. If the justification refers to the vaccination as “a minor intervention”, this would not be the case. You have to keep in mind that in most cases the damage does not appear immediately after the vaccination, but often only after years. [...] If the conscience clause is introduced, he thinks it is right that the public is informed that vaccination damage could occur. It is intolerable if the justification states that enormous propaganda must be made for the vaccination, but any danger of the vaccination should be concealed. That is not decent. The people must know the truth.

All three of these papers were written in Germany, where Holocaust denial is a crime.

I, again, dedicate this repost to the Public Health Nurse who so often casually lamented how much she hated white men months prior to convincing my ex to try to push the jab on me.

If she didn't spew so much hatred, I may have taken it, honestly.

So, in hindsight, I suppose that I should thank her for hating me.

I wouldn't even be posting if not for her vile, anti-white diatribes.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't imagine watching South Africa go wrong, then moving to the 'free states of America' and watch it start to go down the same idiotic path.

Must really suck to watch it happen twice is what I'm trying to get at.

A third iteration: he would be the one to fuckin know, now wouldn't he?

RebalionMcEntirefire 2 points ago +2 / -0

The "priest clans" have precedence, governing territories and the resident members of the underclans. In particular, they have the power of deciding, during times of famine, who must make the ultimate "Contribution to the Race": All individuals are rated in various ways on their "kalothi", or fitness to survive. When the need arises, those lowest on the list are required to perform "Ritual Suicide".

— Partial plot line to "Courtship Rite" 1982 by Donald Kingsbury

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course. It's our culture to defend ourselves from being the victims of crime.

He's asserting that blacks should be able to commit crime without penalty.

It's pretty un fucking real because he's saying it outright and they all agreed.

Step by step, at an unknown pace, we could end up like South Africa.

Or worse, a convoluted pantomime of WWII; preliminary and intermediary casualties forgotten or obscured, penultimate victims and villains reappearing in their proper time and order as designated by the victors.

I pray that I'm wrong.

RebalionMcEntirefire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excerpt from "International Review of the Red Cross, Volume 89 Number 867 September 2007, pp 645-647"

First, members are screened for intellect, [40] physical ability and a powerful positive identification with the political regime. This not only helps groups find individuals with the abilities they want, but also fosters an idea among members that inclusion is special and the group is elite, differentiating its members from others. New members are bound to the group through basic training, a set of initiation rites which often include isolation from people outside the group, and the imposition of new rules and values. From this beginning, members develop an elitist attitude and an in-group language. They learn to dehumanize themselves as well as outsiders – to subsume their individual identities within that of the group. Leaders harass and intimidate recruits, [41] preventing logical thinking and instilling instinctive responses. Rewards are given for obedience, and socialization of the group includes witnessing group violence, 42 often in the form of the intimidation of recalcitrant members. As a result, members become desensitized to violence; both seeing and perpetrating violence become routine. All this training adds up to complete control of the group over its members.

With this understanding of group psychology it is easy to see how members of the military are susceptible to becoming perpetrators. It may be less obvious why medical doctors are vulnerable (see Table 2). One must remind oneself that physicians are experts at compartmentalization, who deal with life and death every day and whose profession carries a sense of power. The motivation for choosing a career as a physician is often a fantasy of power, either sadistic or voyeuristic, as medicine gives licence to look, touch and control. Doctors treat patients as impersonal medical cases so that they can more easily process what they have to do – taking a scientific approach to remain detached in their work, they heal by attacking and killing disease with surgery or therapy or whatever tools they have available. Medical students also go through an initiation ordeal. In the anatomy class they handle a dehumanized cadaver or watch operations without knowing the patients, and are made to feel shame for any lapses in which they show too much ‘‘weakness’’ or inability to dehumanize patients. [43] Medicine as a profession contains the rudiments of evil, and some of the most humane of medical acts are only small steps away from real evil. For example, although surgery to amputate a gangrenous limb is a healing act, it involves the cutting and maiming of the human body, which in non-medical circumstances would be a harmful, criminal act.

Table 2. Why physicians are vulnerable to becoming perpetrators

  • Compartmentalization
  • Tendencies towards sadism, voyeurism
  • Healing through hurting, repressing awareness of violence
  • Use of science to objectify violence
  • Use of metaphors and euphemisms
  • Tendency to justify and rationalize
  • Impersonal medical detachment
  • Narcissistic sense of superiority

Excerpt footnotes:

40 Mika Haritos-Fatouros, ‘‘The official torturer’’, in Ronald D. Crelinsten and Alex P. Schmid (eds.), The Politics of Pain: Torturers and Their Masters, Westview Press, Boulder, Colo., 1994.

41 (Robert Lifton, The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, Basic Books, New York, 1986.)

42 Janice T. Gibson and Mika Haritos-Fatouros, ‘‘The Education of a Torturer,’’ Psychology Today, November 1986, pp. 50–8.

43 Heidi Lempp and Clive Seale, ‘‘The hidden curriculum in undergraduate medical education: qualitative study of medical students’ perceptions of teaching’’, British Medical Journal, Vol. 329 (2004), pp. 770–3.

My wake up call was when the public health nurse who wanted to jab me talked about how she hated white men.

Never personally had any problems with the medical field until around 2019 when I met that malevolent gorgon.

RebalionMcEntirefire 2 points ago +2 / -0



Im Nationalsozialismus stand der Infektionsschutz unter dem Vorzeichen der nationalsozialistischen Rassenund Volksgemeinschaftsideologie. So lag nach Solbrig [9] „die Bekämpfung der Seuchen in allergrößtem Interesse der Erhaltung der Volksgesundheit, des Bestandes des Volkes, der Arbeitskraft der Volksgenossen und, nicht zu vergessen, auch im finanziellen Staatsinteresse“. In vielen Fällen wurde die Seuchenbekämpfung dafür missbraucht, Maßnahmen der Euthanasie zu verschleiern. Das Gesetz über die Vereinheitlichung des Gesundheitswesens sah ab 1935 die Einrichtung von ärztlich geleiteten Gesundheitsämtern vor, in deren Zuständigkeiten neben der „Erbund Rassenpflege“ und der „Gesundheitspolizei“ auch die Bekämpfung übertragbarer Krankheiten fiel. Zur Umsetzung der Impfpflicht wurden die Organisation über angestellte Impfärzte und Impfbezirke, die Durchführung von Impfterminen und die Erstellung von Impflisten wie bereits im Reichs-Impfgesetz festgelegt fortgeführt. Der Amtsarzt eines Bezirks bzw. der Medizinaldezernent beaufsichtigte Impftechnik, Impferfolg, Räumlichkeiten, Reinheit und Wirksamkeit von sowie den Handel mit Impfstoffen. Vom Gesundheitsamt musste aus den Berichten der Impfärzte und den Impflisten ein Hauptimpfbericht erstellt und der Aufsichtsbehörde übermittelt werden.

In English:

National Socialism

During National Socialism, infection protection was dominated by the National Socialist racial and national community ideology. According to Solbrig [9], “the fight against epidemics was in the greatest interest of preserving public health, the existence of the people, the working power of the people and, not to forget, also in the financial interest of the state.” In many cases, disease control was misused to conceal euthanasia measures. From 1935 onwards, the law on the standardization of the healthcare system provided for the establishment of medically managed health authorities, whose responsibilities included not only the “Racial Care Association” and the “Health Police” but also the fight against communicable diseases. To implement the vaccination requirement, the organization continued through employed vaccinators and vaccination districts, the implementation of vaccination appointments and the creation of vaccination lists as already set out in the Reich Vaccination Act. The medical officer of a district or the head of the medical department supervised vaccination technology, vaccination success, premises, purity and effectiveness of, and trade in vaccines. The health department had to create a main vaccination report from the reports from the vaccinators and the vaccination lists and send it to the supervisory authority.


From today's perspective, the "Third Reich" began with a surprise: in 1933, the vaccination practice, which had been liberalized shortly before, was not only retained, but even politically codified. Since the "seizure of power" there has been a noticeable skepticism about vaccination, even a rejection of coercive measures, which Winfried Süss rightly expressed astonishment about: "In a country [...] that [...] since the [...] seizure of power the individual rights to bodily self-determination in favor of the health of an imaginary 'national body' and thus increased the chances of such a vaccination being enforced, [...] this development can come as a surprise."60

How could the reticence in this important area of public health care be explained? Why was it that in 1933, of all things, were government claims to power abandoned when it came to providing for the “national body”? The ongoing debate about the Lübeck vaccination scandal offers an initial explanation for the concerns at the time. A second factor is rooted in the NS ideology itself, since vaccination raises serious problems from a “racial hygiene” point of view. Finally, immunization against disease is in sharp opposition to the idea of hardening and selection.

This was at least emphasized by numerous opponents of vaccination, who sensed the dawning of the dawn since the "seizure of power", especially since they were able to refer to authorities from the NS leadership in their criticism. The reference to a statement by Julius Schleicher, “Vaccination is a racial disgrace” 61, or the assertion that the Reich vaccination law “demonstrably was passed by the Jewish deputies Löwe, Lasker and Eulenburg, who called themselves the 'fathers' of this Law of April 8, 1874," 62 as the "German anti-vaccination medical association e.V." warned in October 1935. Rather unusual, however, was the rhyming form in which the “Vaccination research sheets” published at the end of 1933 declared the “elimination of compulsory vaccination” as a “basic condition [...] for the development and advancement of people and humanity”: “German people, have ' Nothing in common with vaccinations, / It is a mockery of all true health care, / And you don't want to be your gravedigger yourself, / Then you resolutely commit to the anti-vaccine nation!”63


Professor Siegmund W. van Kapff was a member of the National Socialist association “Reich Committee for Public Health Service”. The association examined, among other things, medical research according to the criteria of racist Nazi ideology. In the Interior Ministry's consultation on abolishing compulsory vaccination against smallpox, it was recorded as follows. | quoted from: BAB R 1501/3648, minutes from March 14, 1934, pp. 13-14.

He is convinced that the majority of the German people reject the vaccination. This also confirms the assumption expressed here that if the conscience clause were introduced, not 40 percent, but 75 percent would make use of the exemption. If compulsory vaccination continues, the majority of the people will doubt that National Socialist principles are decisive in Germany's medical policy. […] He could not see that there would be great dangers if the vaccination requirement was relaxed. If the justification refers to the vaccination as “a minor intervention”, this would not be the case. You have to keep in mind that in most cases the damage does not appear immediately after the vaccination, but often only after years. [...] If the conscience clause is introduced, he thinks it is right that the public is informed that vaccination damage could occur. It is intolerable if the justification states that enormous propaganda must be made for the vaccination, but any danger of the vaccination should be concealed. That is not decent. The people must know the truth.

All three of these reports were written in Germany, where Holocaust denial is a crime.

What. Else. Is. There. Left. To. Say?

RebalionMcEntirefire 14 points ago +14 / -0

*looks around at the shambles I've been trying to rebuild*

Yeah. So long as the media is turning my friends and family into zombies, nothing can change for me personally.

Can't imaging how much damage the media has done long term to the country with their mockingbird bullshit.

RebalionMcEntirefire 4 points ago +4 / -0

We were warned.

The experts below are from a speech made prior to 2003, over 20 years ago.

Only by using special means to “clean up” America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. This is the only choice left for us. This is not a matter of whether we are willing to do it or not. What kind of special means is there available for us to “clean up America”?

Conventional weapons such as fighters, canons, missiles and battleships won’t do; neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons. We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons, despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio-weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle, in the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of “cleaning up” America all of a sudden. When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.

From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China’s colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. But would this work? If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to “clean up” America and reserve America for our use in a moment. Our historical experience has proven that as long as we make it happen, nobody in the world can do anything about us. Furthermore, if the United States as the leader is gone, then other enemies have to surrender to us.

Of the research done on genetic weapons throughout the world, Israel is the most advanced. Their genetic weapons are designed to target Arabs and protect the Israelis. But even they have not reached the stage of actual deployment. We have cooperated with Israel on some research. Perhaps we can introduce some of the technologies used to protect Israelis and remold these technologies to protect the yellow people. But their technologies are not mature yet, and it is difficult for us to surpass them in a few years. If it has to be five or ten years before some breakthrough can be achieved in genetic weapons, we cannot afford to wait any longer.

If you get on the website using key words to search, you will find out that a while ago comrade He Xin pointed out to the Hong Kong Business News during an interview that: “The U.S. has a shocking conspiracy.” According to what he had in hand, from September 27 to October 1, 1995, the Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev Foundation, funded by the United States, gathered 500 of the world’s most important statesmen, economic leaders and scientists, including George W. Bush (he was not the U.S. president at the time), the Baroness Thatcher, Tony Blair, Zbigniew Brzezinski, as well as George Soros, Bill Gates, futurist John Naisbitt, etc., all of the world’s most popular characters, in the San Francisco Fairmont hotel for a high-level roundtable conference, discussing problems about globalization and how to guide humanity to move forward into the 21st century. According to what He Xin had in hand, the outstanding people of the world in attendance thought that in the 21st century a mere 20 percent of the world’s population will be sufficient to maintain the world’s economy and prosperity, the other 80 percent or 4/5ths of the world’s population will be human garbage unable to produce new values. The people in attendance thought that this excess 80 percent population would be a trash population and “high-tech” means should be used to eliminate them gradually.

I think the thought of it puts many into complete denial of reality. They'll start just talking sports.

Think about it: they got our own military to get rid of a major portion of our forces due to 'a vaccine.'

The vaccination program in our country, due to the dogma of the program, was our Achilles heel.

Thanks to that dogma, our military can't recruit and anyone who didn't take the vaccine is hated.

Getting called a racist or a nazi or a fascist? Well, here are two more excerpts from the speech:

Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, these enemies would reach Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don’t waste time on these trivial things. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “The Party’s leadership is prompt in making decisions. Once a decision is made, it is immediately implemented. There’s no wasting time on trivial things like in capitalist countries. This is our advantage! Our Party’s democratic centralism is built on the tradition of great unity. Although fascist Germany also stressed high-level centralism, they only focused on power of the top leader, but ignored the collective leadership of the central group. That’s why Hitler was betrayed by many later in his life, which fundamentally depleted the Nazis of their war capacity.

Germany’s dream to be the “lord of the earth” failed, because ultimately, history did not bestow this great mission upon them. But the three lessons Germany learned from experience are what we ought to remember as we complete our historic mission and revitalize our race. The three lessons are: Firmly grasp the country’s living space; firmly grasp the Party’s control over the nation; and firmly grasp the general direction toward becoming the “lord of the earth.”

Every single DC prostitute who votes to keep our border open should be tried for treason. Full stop.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0

A nomadic people can only lead a nation somewhere other than where it is.

It's kind of the ultimate 'lied on your resume' example.

"It says here that you'd like to centrally plan an economy. Tell me about some other economies you have centrally planned before."

RebalionMcEntirefire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Parasocial interaction (PSI) refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms. Viewers or listeners come to consider media personalities as friends, despite having no or limited interactions with them. PSI is described as an illusory experience, such that media audiences interact with personas (e.g., talk show hosts, celebrities, fictional characters, social media influencers) as if they are engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them. The term was coined by Donald Horton and Richard Wohl in 1956.

Many parasocial relationships fulfill the needs of typical social interaction, but potentially reward insecurity. Many who possess a dismissive attachment style to others may find the one-sided interaction to be preferable in lieu of dealing with others, while those who experience anxiety from typical interactions may find comfort in the lives of celebrities consistently being present. Additionally, whatever a celebrity or online figure may do can provoke emotional responses from their audiences—some even going as far as suffering from negative feelings because of it.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't get out of the slump. I'm surrounded by liberals and a gal at work tried promoting communism today.

RebalionMcEntirefire 1 point ago +1 / -0

From Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927):

The attack is not upon the procedure, but upon the substantive law. It seems to be contended that in no circumstances could such an order be justified. It certainly is contended that the order cannot be justified upon the existing grounds. The judgment finds the facts that have been recited, and that Carrie Buck

"is the probable potential parent of socially inadequate offspring, likewise afflicted, that she may be sexually sterilized without detriment to her general health, and that her welfare and that of society will be promoted by her sterilization,"

and thereupon makes the order. In view of the general declarations of the legislature and the specific findings of the Court, obviously we cannot say as matter of law that the grounds do not exist, and, if they exist, they justify the result. We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world if, instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.

  1. artificially produce 'socially inadequate offspring'
  2. involuntarily wrest as much profit out of their life as possible
  3. remove them from society with the same procedure which produced them

The limits of my language means the limits of my world.

— Ludwig Wittgenstein

An infinite legion of compliant, non-complaintive workers; I can see why they don't want to talk about this subject.

The 'artificial-intelligence' debate as a metaphor for when the 'socially inadequate' breach the limits of their world.

RebalionMcEntirefire 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember that 'the government' is an abstraction, a verbal veil.

It is the real economy: 'eco' - 'nomos' | the 'repetition' of the 'law.'

Each question starting with "should the government..." is a threat by a member of the group to assess how much they can steal from you safely.

RebalionMcEntirefire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good luck searching for Al-Qaeda on the internet, you’d have better luck going next door and asking them in person.

— Sam Hyde, TEDx Talk "2070: Paradigm Shift" at Drexel University, 2013

RebalionMcEntirefire 3 points ago +3 / -0
  1. brainwash their constituents into believing total absurdities

  2. fodder which they can gaslight you with after mentioning it

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