Everybody has a price, right? Interesting how after President Trump left, the traitors were (and are still being…) closed for who they really are. After Faux News screwed up the call on election night, I have not watched them at all, with the exception of the Tony Bobulinski (sp?) interview with Tucker Carlson. With all the RINOs now unmasked there, they willl probably follow the same path as the other Pravda fake news outlets.
Bravo, speaker! That red-headed clump of cells need to shut her hole immediately and go learn something useful. She obviously could not answer the speaker’s questions, and continually kept looking back for the other NPCs to offer assistance. Plus, she looks like she really needs to bathe. It was so painful to watch and hear this, but just goes to show how truly ignorant and stupid the left are.
Never really was “emergency use” as stated, but intentional harm as intended. I can only imagine what the misled will be thinking about if they ever wake up and learn about this.
What is truly evil about this, was the statement about the big pharma lobbyists, and how that industry, in conjunction with the corrupt government, has sold out the people of the world for money.
Always trying to gun grab…too bad their skulls are too thick for any information to sink in.
Time would be better spent reloading and practicing, in my opinion. Lots of one-way talk and no real discussion with those assholes. It just seems silly that if they don’t like something, then nobody else should like it, either. Very childish and immature.
Always be vigilant…so many sellouts. I am amazed that there are that many dummies who can be bought out to sell us out.
May those families victimized by the low-life sellouts find peace, and exact justice on the evildoers. Yup
Excellent report from an Australian pede’s perspective! Thank you for this, and I pray that you all will find true happiness in your homeland. I still have your country on my “places to visit” bucket list, and am looking forward to being there to experience it someday soon.
Excellent post—thank you!