RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saying or coulda been a spergy engineer who really doesn't care for cars as much as he wanted to raise money to get to space and knew the in crowd wanted solar panels and electric cars ATM and would spend $100k to be cool.

Plus he has resultingly pushed Electric motor and battery tech much further. If we got past the grand standing we would say "let's make some crazy hybrid production cars" now to get the best of all worlds gas and electric.

He's an enigma ATM. Remains to be seen but Knowles' canary tweets are definitely confusing AF to still be up.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's their annual report in which they are "supposed to" report for seen risks. The crazy thing was before even going to the risk section from OPs image this is a bullet point in their "notice for forward outlook" : "unforeseen safety issues and claims for personal injury or death arising from the use of our COVID-19 vaccine and other products and product candidates developed or manufactured by us;"

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you against manned air forces too then? It's literally the same justification used for everything "why risk our own troops"

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean... Dead man's switch was always said to be a thing regardless of him being in jail or not I thought.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oliver stone has interviewed Putin in which Snowden was brought up and he had a very interesting but thought out take: he should've just resigned if he had issues with the NSA. Stone then says "like you did with the KGB" and Putin says "yes exactly." Prior to that I had never heard that Putin allegedly resigned from the KGB after they helped with the coup of Gorbachev.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah tbh I was expecting wayyyyyyy more footage than we've gotten from civs. Like there were the TikTok girls showing the bombs and planes day one but then drips.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stephan Banderas, we literally hid him from the Nuremberg trials so he could hopefully lead Ukrainians against the USSR

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've been watching content on the region since this action broke out and I might be misremembering but I thought from the stone video they covered crimea and how the Russian naval base has been strategically necessary for Russia and has never left their control even during the period when crimea was given to Ukraine.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is it a hit piece when he literally sat down with them and asked them to walk him thru those days.... They talked about yutsenkos poisoning making him a sacred victim helping him win in 04. I thought it was informative and was the most long winded straight forward I've heard from Putin on his worldview and actions.

Of course I was dissatisfied by the lack of subs in that scene especially when they had them readily available for all the interviews and other cuts from the past but it gave me a more rounded view.

The us backed the neo Nazis, knew they were neo Nazis/had heritage in the SS since after WW2 but still backed them and provided escape for their leaders while the USSR was after them.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +2 / -1

People are not gonna like that but it's a sub part of A that has me uncomfortable for sure. Putin was in their version of cia post kgb Soviet fall so I can't put "dissuade the most loyal Americans from ever taking action by showing them proof of their gov doing things they don't like but that there's some good guys who've got it handled". The hard part is how obviously.

This one in itself isn't entirely impossible to me that someone allied with Putin would have access to nk to either direct or hear their launch schedules. Especially since they didn't do any under Trump.

Other proofs obv are diff

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah someone last night told me to look up her leaked Ukraine call setting up Biden to come in. Fucking Christ I'm disgusted that we just created tinpot dictators everywhere so that our elite could launder tax money to themselves.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oan lost the plot over this, they have been way more neocon than newsmax and other new wave news. Imagine in the same year we end a $20 trillion war with nothing to show for immediately selling us on another.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or that the whole pressure campaign in 16 was about nationalizing the bank before trump was in

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Idk Helis at all but my lifetime of cod made me think all those first Helis looked extremely Russian and that last looked a lot like ours.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fact one of them tried taking the pill and survived and the others just sat there and pled guilty definitely seems so. No even arrest details other than to we got them and they had this stuff on them. Case closed my ass lol.

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just wrote a lot on zelensky in another post, dude seems like a puppet, his speech is getting blasted everywhere ATM imo like how Obama was portrayed. It would quite literally be like if we just elected anybody who's ever played a president well in a tv show 2 years after it was created. The "well" is a guess based off the fact he's elected but given The Steal who knows.

Then started digging into the production company, okay zelensky founded it and they created the show. Okay where'd he get his start? Oh the tv network that is 95% of Ukrainian tv. When you go to the channel wiki it talks about a specific oligarch investor. Oh he was one of two founders of privatbank. Hmm that sounds familiar.


Oh ya, the bank Biden was pressuring poroshenko on nationalizing with the threat of not giving the imf funds to cover the buyout/bailout.

Just what Ukraine needs, a fed.

Then I started following the bailout to the owners. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.unian.info/politics/amp-10942133-ukrainian-businessman-kolomoisky-wins-suit-against-ex-nbu-governor-gontareva.html

I don't even know because I then looked into this chick from this suit trying to grasp some more. The nonprofit linked there has some generic ass 90s looking website with broken links, no real details etc. But they have social media? Went to their Twitter to see how far back it went. Constant Ukraine fear mongering since 2014 which lines up with the Obama coup a bit but has literally 0 interaction on Twitter despite constant posting til 21.

Then there's this stuff that makes it domestic that just makes little sense to me: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.clevescene.com/cleveland/delaware-judge-presses-pause-on-ukrainian-oligarchs-legal-case-in-us/Content%3foid=36573205&media=AMP%2bHTML

Was a decent sized story in Ohio when this initially started coming out.

RedditAsylumSeeker 14 points ago +14 / -0

Only thing I can think of is maybe what they said sometime last week about getting some of the emergency powers made permanent. Does scare me as a potential cover, "here we won't lock your bank accounts via emergency powers, they are just normal powers now"

RedditAsylumSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well that's literally why TMobile bought sprint. TMobile was developing the long wave and Sprint was doing the short wave. I got fucked by having a Sprint phone that couldn't accept long wave until I upgraded. 5gs been here.

RedditAsylumSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

My last line of defense I've mentally planned on is, so if this is the fda approved one does that mean the EUA no longer provides indemnity to the manufacturers or was the specific batch you intend to give me manufactured under the EUA or post approval.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

My dad asked me last night what a "finsta" was after hearing Blumenthal ask the Facebook lady to work towards "ending finsta" as if it's another company when it's just girls making slutty private instagrams.

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

So at the beginning of this whole shit show when the videos of Mullis came out I started digging into the aids/hiv world. My biggest take away was that fauci "wanted a cure" for decades but the ultimate solution was vaccines will never be the full solution it is better to learn how to treat diseases so they aren't death sentences.

I got to the "intentionally vague" definition of aids and it's all encompassing nature and started getting curious about the t cells and how fauci couldn't answer why the cells up and kill themselves until doctors decades later figure it out.

Ultimately I just don't really know anymore, there's to many ideas, are all viruses actually just parasites or are we dealing with an altered virus from a Chinese lab. Is it "just the flu" with added societal pressure on symptoms? Our side has been to okay in my mind with these conflicting points. If you bring up one to an outsider they will think you are bat shit.

RedditAsylumSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be the perfect evil cover for accidentally escaping from a lab due to negligence.

"We're not incompetent, just evil"

RedditAsylumSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Phase 3 study comes to a close in a couple years or whenever and the data is just in the billions in control and test groups...

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