Restore 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is ridiculous. What you are doing with the numbers to get to drop 14 is baseless. It’s called Making Stuff Up at this point toads.

Restore 5 points ago +5 / -0

That’s what was going around on Twitter but I couldn’t find an original source for it. I also looked at Klaus’s own Twitter account and unlike Soros his account made no mention of an absence. (Though his last tweet is several months old.) then I saw a video of his opening remarks on Telegram midday or so today.

Restore 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which do you think it is? And if the latter, what ulterior motive may be in play for publishing the stories?

Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, Vintage Cerf’s last name is a nod to surfing the web. You misunderstood how the world of innovation and control works.

Restore 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wow. What world are you living in where you visit GAW, apparently in your sleep, and learn / remember nothing? Don’t even know what to say.

Restore 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump will Truth it. Then will be Twitter Trending. Personal prediction.

Restore 3 points ago +3 / -0


  1. Governor DeSantis filed a petition with the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a Grand Jury to investigate wrongdoing connected with the covid-19 vaccines.

  2. Florida has created a new “Public Health Integrity Committee” including expert researchers that can critically review the public health guidance coming from federal agencies like the CDC and the NIH, and provide independent, evidence-based guidance to Floridians. The Governor said other states would join Florida.

  3. The Legislature will introduce a new bill to protect physicians’ independent judgment, their First Amendment rights, and their right to dissent from the Orthodox narrative.

  4. Since the CDC won’t do it, Florida’s Surgeon General is initiating a scientific surveillance study of the incidence of death from myocarditis within a few weeks of covid-19. They’ll be working with scientists from the University of Florida.

Credit to Jeff Childers - Coffee and Covid


Restore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ye talked about how he loves Jews and loves Nazis. Seemed to be equating the two.

People objected to him not loving Jews.

People object to him loving Nazis.

Now he has married the two in his love for both.

Restore -2 points ago +1 / -3

You’ve hit your ceiling. Don’t worry. When the hot air cools you’ll sink.

Restore 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m convinced FSD, while legit technology, is also used for comms. I’ve been hoping it’s a positive comm and removing psychic MK drivers, but it could be accelerating driving as a comm - or centralizing further.


Restore -2 points ago +1 / -3

You can explain. Thank you. When you start of with “what’s hard for you to understand?” And then your second sentence includes details not in your graphic (Taiwan connection), you immediate clarify the benefit of speaking to explain and collaborating with others “who don’t understand” what you depicted - and other connections now in your explanation not depicted.

So don’t be a jerk and communicate. You don’t have mastery of all information and “anon colab” is credited in the post you displayed when first refusing to explain and communicate other than to call people dumb.

And you’re not right with all your assertions either. So explaining helps YOU think and make other connections and also that others can contribute to in more meaningful ways than saying “wow.”

Your choice how to be. If you want to be a jerk then don’t be surprised by the reactions from others.

Restore -2 points ago +1 / -3

If you understand it, you could use your words to explain it.

Your refusal to explain tells everyone all we need to know.

But I will still give you the benefit of the doubt a last time. In the same way we were taught in grade school to read, comprehend and then Restate and Summarize - please restate and summarize the Main Point of your post.

Or if you can’t, then move on and probably delete it.

Restore -3 points ago +1 / -4

Sempra - 1) explain “your decode” so someone who can’t follow it can understand, (2) be quiet and move on, or (3) don’t be a jerk while still not explaining your post.

Otherwise you have either fallen for disinfo or you created disinfo.

This was a copy/pasta which is why you can’t : won’t explain it. Or reply below with the meaning and explanation in laymen’s terms. Or ignore and move on to save face while not making an arse of yourself while proving your ignorance with what you say or choose to not say as you lash out in response to an honest question (see above).

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