Anons have known this for years! I believe the most demonic will be fully exposed last, to put in the minds of the last awakened that they need to be careful of who they trust! People in positions of power can be corrupted to obscure our reality! Those we trust the most!
No prophets! Once the Patriots took control, they could predict future events cause they will make it happen! This is what the Secret Societies do, plan for the future and make sure it happens! White Hats used their plans to expose them! The plandemic was scheduled to take 10 years to get everyone to agree to their predetermined solution! Operation Warp Speed accelerated their plans and ended the plandemic in two years!
That bounty will lead back to the deep state! The DS has been funding all terrorist groups, this should be obvious by now! The American military is so technologically advanced that it has the power, regardless of where you are in the world; to self delete! All wars have been psyops! Funding both sides of wars is the deep State's MO for centuries! Ask the bankers!
Problem- Solution- Planned Outcome! These people are evil and have been using people as lab rats with no concern for their humanity; as they pleased! Their punishment needs to be psychologically reciprocated and exposed so that no one dares to ever take our humanity lightly!
Humanity was on on the brink of being destroyed forever, if not for patriots in the military, that could not see the world enter that 1000 years of darkness! The deep state were literally on their cusp of achieving world domination! World citizens final goodnight! Enter Mr. Sandman fully backed by Patriots in the military! Your plan plays out under our supervision! Don't believe or understand? D5! No name, coined as a hero in the DS big propaganda game was the biggest traitor!
The problem is worst than this! In 2001 Saudi Arabian citizens who had been denied Visas at the US consulate, were suddenly recalled and the go ahead for visas was given! America can never be defeated from without, traitors have allowed it to be undermined from within! People in general live in a matrix that keeps them docile, while they promote their agenda, everything is justified! Only real protectors can see the deception! Military is the only way!
As an outsider this is my opinion, American politicians have promoted the moral decay of your country; on purpose! They have sold out their country for short term gain! Selling out to China, Israel and to anyone who brings the cash, at the detriment of their own kids, grandkids and future generations well-being! America and the world came close to walking into eternal darkness, the White Hats actually have clutched victory from the jaws of defeat! This will be known as the greatest story ever told! I literally time travel and see our future generations studying about this time in history!
It means he effectively stops them from faking a health scare to undermine his plan to MAGA! Remember that their plandemic was allowed to proceed to a limited extent to awaken some! Not this time though! Space Force probably has all the evidence they need to arrest all saboteurs working at these agencies! This is basically a gag order to stop them from what they do best!
Use Operation Warp Speed on their asses, so that their 10 years plandemic suddenly only lasts 2 years! These mfs were going to shut down business, give you a little subsistence and frighten the world for 10 years! Agenda 2030 would be fully realized because by then people of the world would acquiesce to anything they promoted! People would be tired and hungry that they would accept any promised solution! Happens every 100 years! They reset the world with a health scare! Those that see what they are doing are eliminated using the health scare! Imagine they telling everyone we need all of you to stay home on Sunday to stem the transmission of the disease! Then suddenly Anon and family are wisked by their henchmen, using ambulances and police vehicles. One ventilator for the whole family and problem solved! Now, you see the whole story I just told you; White Hats arresting them pre-emptively without the people getting a taste of what they were planning, would hold no weight in the court of public opinion! You cannot tell the people the truth, you must show them!
In my country, during the plandemic, the Social Security Department was issuing a weekly $175 to those that had lost their jobs! Mickey Mouse showed up on their official lists of recipients!