…follow her to an all-you-can-eat buffet and you’ll witness the power
I hope that means they’ve fully fumigated, electronically de-bugged, thoroughly bleached, scoured and spiritually exorcised the White House 🤣😂🤣
They went back to being adequately labeled just plain ol’ mentally ill 🫠
bye-bye snowflakes!
Someone needs to do a welfare check on the poor kids he and his buttbuddy purchased.
It doesn’t say how/what/why, there’s just a little note tacked in next to the number 🤗
Worth noting: as a cancer survivor (Thanks to God and fenbendazole, NOT oncology) they have you take a blood test on the regular to measure for a protein in your blood that’s a marker for returning/growing cancer cells in the body. carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) test—and a normal healthy person’s numbers are between 0.0–5. Except for tobacco users. They have a regular number of 5+ default because of the tobacco use.
👉Kevin McKernan didn’t kill himself. 👈
BerlinWallCrosser can you please post us a link? This is exciting and I want to share.
No cameras? No guards? How bout satellite surveillance? Nothing?
How convenient 🤨
Oh Yeaaaaah—(and as I said in the James Wood house fire thread): I’m waiting for Commifornia to decide like FEMA to deny funds, assistance and support to anyone they label as “Conservative” 🤬 Evil bastards.
Makes perfect sense! Insurance companies are companies too. They are not your friend or ally. Profit is who they work for. Thanks for the link fren 🤗
Pure logic.
You don’t live and play in a tinderbox that has ANNUAL fires, and gouge out your disaster infrastructure and shut off your water as an act of incompetence. It’s sabotage. Plain and simple. I’d wager some insurance CEOs knew this was coming as well with the timely policy cancellations.
Seems appropriate.
They are FORMER.
We’re about to be unburdened by what has unfortunately BEEN TOO F-ing LONG. 🤣
Look at em all in morning at a massive funeral. You think they’re sad for Jimmy Carter-?
That’s wonderful—because I’m waiting for Commifornia to decide like FEMA to deny funds, assistance and support to anyone they label as “Conservative”
🤡 This. Is. The. State. Of. The. World. We. Live. In. 🤡 HONK
Yes. When my grandparents were in school they had rifle clubs you could join and bring your gun in with you for the events. Like public school driver’s training, no one thought it odd or out of place.
…perhaps they don’t have an actor with a build that can fill his tutu gorilla-suit.
And imma firm believer there were at least 3 versions of Fetterman documented out there. Ponder that SS logistical monstrosity 🤣
So THIS twerp is who we get for the Antichrist-?!
Cybertruck Ad: strong enough to contain a blast—inside or out!
Is Rent-A-Patsy on the menu now too?
I feel like they’re literally. L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y. Phoning it in now.
“Hello, customer service? Yes—We’d like to order one Super-Soldier-Suicide-N-Slide Terror package for the—
what’s that…!?—A TWO-For-ONE Holiday deal??
Awe, Hell YES we’ll take it! Charge our account. And throw in the remote detonators…we don’t want to bother getting out of the van for this one—“
Bu…Their bird flu vaccine identifies as safe and effective, you vaccine bigot! 🤣
Somewhere smugly Fauchi: “Fmmph those are rookie numbers—“
But…but…big Mike “identifies” as a woman 🤣
Turns out we think your polls are full of shit too.
Digest that.
A) eggs are traditionally a great cheap source of protein for poorer folks.
B) turns out eggs contain nutrients that help fight covid.
C) poor people aren’t going to starve themselves or avoid covid cures, or vote retarded unless someone traps them into it.
D) something something always Trump’s fault