I wonder why they don't just explain to their child that they've risked it all to take some experimental drug that causes blood clots, heart attack, strokes inflamed heart, and even death because they are afraid of a relatively tame virus that has a huge survival rate, and that as soon as its legal they will pass him over the fire too? Then he would understand, as any sensible 3 year old would, why they could go maskless and he couldnt.
It's when a few sprigs, or thin branches with foliage are hung upside down so the leaves hang, then bunched together and wound with some string into a bundle. They are dried like that and then the end is lit to where it smolders it's called a smudge stick it is used ceremonially ort can be used as incense. Some times they contain a variety of leaves,. White sage is the most common herb, but sagebrush, cedar, tobacco and other herbs can be mixed in with it.
I smoke california mugwort (A.douglasiana) every night which is an artemesia sp. Found near water here in the west. It contains the same Sesquiterpene lactones that wormwood (also an artemisia) does which artemesinin is derived from.
I smoke it because it enhances dreams, it's known as the dream herb.
Apparently california sagebrush which is not a true sage because it is artemisia, not salvia, also contains the same chems.
Tbh I happen to like social distancing. I really have no problem with people in the store standing the F?ck back 6 feet.
That whole cramming up next to a person in line is so 3rd world style, I've been enjoying the space.
But again, per your response I don't see how investigating the audit results for violation of voting laws is interfering with the audit itself. That's like saying the audit is interfering with the election which its not.
And again per your response I doubt sheriff Penzone is going to be hot to arrest any federal agents over this, remember who owns him.
Sorry for not blindly believing every tweet that's posted here. Were all rooting for the same team, but I've been noticing there are alot of naeive beliefs here that don't hold water or come to fruition. All they do is let people's guards down. It's by way of questioning things that we gain a firm grip on what's really going on
The Rothschild's may have a patent on a coronavirus vaccine from 2017 but not on a sarscov2 vaccine, and definitely not Modernas, Pfizer's, J&Is, or AZs.
Not disagreeing that all of this was planned but. HCQ has been in production by several companies non stop and like the meme says, these pharma execs who were murdered were one of many companies (still) producing GENERIC versions of the drug.
That would be like killing the head of walmart to stop the production of a product that walmarts Great value generic brand produces Knock offs of.
Not only would walmart still produce the knockoffs but so would other companies and there would still be the original brand name versions too.
Why wouldn't the DOJ have the authority to investigate audits of federal elections?
Seems to me that they could infact legally subpoena everything and If arizona fails to hand it over they could be arrested like arizona should have done when the routers and passwords were not handed over.
I remember right after the election the DOJ supposedly did investigate the elections and reported all is well. How did they mange to investigate the elections if they had no authority over state elections?
Pledging allegiance doesn't create patriots.
All the antifa members grew up pledging allegiance. How many home schooled kids who never uttered those words grew up to be anything like antifa?
If your a christian who doesn't just go along with the masses but is a christian who thinks for themselves and thus has a personal relationship with God, not a generic one you have to realize that pledging of allegiance to a flag is blasphemy and idolatry. It is merely part of the programming of the socialist state indoctrination program that you shouldn't be sending your kids to in the the first place.
People who blindly pledge allegiance, or who are programmed to do so aren't independent thinkers, they are easily swayed , members of the masses no thinkers. What we need are patriots who arrived at patriotism organically and independently.
Teach your kids to become patriots by teaching them what the constitution means and what the bill of rights is and what those documents have done for them, not by brainwashing them or making them memorize something and repetition of that thing at age 5 when they don't even understand what it means to commit to something.