Women on the pill also are attracted to more feminized men, instead of being attracted to the most biologically appropriate mate that they would be if they were ovulating. I think this has also caused degradation of the gene pools because people are having children with sub-standard genetic mates. I've heard of so many women that have come off the pill in order to have children to suddenly discover they are no longer attracted to their husband.
I've suspected this for a long time...look at how sick society has become. They mess with our food supply and bombard us with EMF radiation...both these things affects our immune systems and leaves us susceptible to parasites. Parasites also eat up your iron stores and secrete ammonia which can lead to sleeplessness and mental health issues. Look up Dr Charlie on instagram, he has great protocols.
These people have never had a purpose in life, and a lot of them are quite nasty individuals. When covid came along, this was their time to shine-to see who could virtue signal the hardest! It gave meaning to their empty lives and became like a religion. They aren't willing to let it go and it's why they cannot move on. Also, I find the people who never caught covid are the most afraid of it, and will still test and mask and make a big deal of it while the rest of us are just getting on with life. Fear is a hell of a drug.
We live amongst the dumbest pricks known to man here in Victoria, but also this was rigged as hell. I don't know a single person that likes Andrews but too many Aussies are uninterested in politics, and they rely on the uninformed voters because its compulsory to vote here. If they removed the fines for not voting I think you'd see a more balanced result (fraud not withstanding ofc).
Unvaxxed, had it at the start of the year. 12 hrs of fever/muscle aches and that was it, but the fatigue was like pregnancy level tiredness for about 2 weeks. I never get sick (like haven't for years) but I did get a head cold for abut 3 days a few weeks back. Just about every person I know has been ill the past month, but we're in the last weeks of winter here.
People were also making more money being paid by the gov to sit on their arses instead of work so a lot of them just cbf having a job anymore. It's by design, they want the Aus pop replaced with 3rd world immigrants while they control the rest by having them sucking on the teat of the govt...then they flip the switch by introducing a China style social credit system. They've already started this by replacing the current jobseeker scheme with a "pionts based" system.
Bye cunt, fucked our state for far too long