Hillary Clinton enters, "Y'all need some hot sauce, my ninjas?"
Of course they are not legit. It's in the name. They are a FRONT for something else.
Josh Tolley interview with whistleblower from 2017:
Diseased Refugees Obtaining SSN and Passport Upon Arrival
...under UN Refugee Resettlement.
Millstones now. They are overdue.
Well, this is something happening on the 8th....
"If you want to see an example of failed socialism, go to an Indian reservation."
Totalitarian government goons are the problem irrespective of what the individual labels themselves. Terrible people will do despicable things for power and identify as whatever is necessary to get that power. The left is obsessed with labels and identity. Some will never get it or don't care. I just want them to leave me alone as they call me a white supremacist conservative.
Is pregnancy and reproduction like a box of chocolates now?
So, where does 30 million doses get thrown away to? Is the disposal process traceable?
If people realize "the Russians" and Putin defending Christians, who/what are they going to cheer for?
Difficult truths on the horizon?
It's a mystery.
March 27, 2018, from The Hill: Congress bans arms to Ukraine militia linked to neo-Nazis | Congressman Ro Khanna (archive.org)
Ro Khanna April 23, 2018 letter to Secretary of State: “We urge you to join us and human rights organizations in standing against Anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and all forms of intolerance by calling for the Polish and Ukrainian governments to unequivocally reject Holocaust distortion and the honoring of Nazi collaborators and fully prosecute anti-Semitic crimes.”
Ro Khanna and other Democrats signed Max Rose letter in 2019: For example, the Azov Battalion is a well-known ultranationalist militia organization in Ukraine that openly welcomes neo Nazis into its ranks. The group is so well-known, in fact, that the 115th Congress of the United States stated in its 2018 omnibus spending bill that "none of the funds available by this act may be used to provide arms, training or other assistance to the Azov Battalion." The United Nations has chronicled human rights abuses and incidents of torture in this group's relatively short history. Despite these facts, Azov has been recruiting, radicalizing, and training American citizens for years, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
More on Max Rose letter: Rose Leads Dozens of House Dems in Asking State Dept: Why Aren’t White Supremacist Groups Listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations?
Ro Khanna on his vote to impeach President Donald Trump: “The President has abused his office by withholding congressionally-approved security aid to Ukraine while attempting to extort a politically beneficial investigation by Ukrainian officials. This is a clear case of President Trump placing his political interests ahead of the national interests”
Is the Azov Battalion a terrorist organization as 40 US House Democrats claim? ·Euromaidan Press | (archive.org) Explaining why the Azov Battalion should be included in the FTO list, the Congress members call the detachment “a well-known ultranationalist militia organization in Ukraine…” …. In reality, the Azov Battalion is a regular regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine. To name it a white supremacist militia de-facto means applying such a label on the entire National Guard of Ukraine, and, subsequently, the whole Ukrainian state.
Better call Saul (of Tarsus)
Heard on the radio that the local traffic report was "brought to you by Pfizer".
"You're Fired" works for me.
I've taken the flu shot a couple of times after coming down with "the flu". I had never taken a shot before but was motivated by fear of getting sick with the flu again. Still am honestly, it sucked. Anyway, it bothers me that people need to get a shot every year because of variants. So, big brother pharma has to plan ahead for the next possible variant.
No explanation satisfied me until I seriously considered that it's all deliberate. All of it. I am not convinced that the tax dollar fueled big brained experts are able to develop and promote new injections but unable to develop a low cost medication that will kill the virus instead of allowing replication in perpetuity or until replaced with something scarier. Worst humanitarians ever. The cure really is worst than the disease because the ride never ends with these people.
I'll consider trusting them when they begin a public service campaign across all platforms to encourage physical and mental wellbeing of the individual instead of selling herd depedancy on pharma. Oh what a wonderful world this could be.
Antique malls and flea markets. Day trip out of town if you are into that sort of thing. It is more effort than browsing the internet or library and it might be a fruitless venture. There is a lot of junk out there and you can spend hours browsing. I've only been a few times but I also like finding old arithmetic books even if I was weak on "math" in school. Disappointingly, I haven't found any old history schoolbooks but I will keep an eye out. Although I have come across Encyclopedia sets, the seller is typically far too proud of them.
Weird that Merck introduced Ivermectin to the world. ACS.org PDF
So that's what "waning influence" looks like.
Here: King and Spalding
“The name is coined from Covid-19 immunity, and then embeds the mRNA in the middle, which is the platform technology, and as a whole the name is meant to evoke the word community,” Scott Piergrossi, Brand Institute president of operations and communications, said.
ERMAHGERD! HERE: https://archive.is
I wonder if and how many may fall ill with the newest vaccine resistant 'rona variant within the next couple of weeks. Tears of idols will be shed and fear will spread, again. Rinse and repeat. They don't want anyone to pay attention to anything else you dirty lepers.
No more cartel avocados. Darn.