Shanjaq 6 points ago +6 / -0

I just want something done about it. it's not my choice that fixing H-1B would be my #1 issue; You wouldn't know the 10th of it if you hadn't been through a layoff in the past 3 years, living in a completely different world apart from those who had.

Shanjaq 13 points ago +13 / -0

tell that to someone who had a layoff in 2022 and couldn't even get interviews for 2 years, and upon finally getting hired he finds his entire team is Indian with half "offshore", with semiweekly "learn & share" meetings when IST/PST overlap becoming the SOP so your replacement is quick/painless and nothing would skip a beat. this issue won't go away until it's solved, we reached critical mass when the mass layoff numbers were surpassed by the visa grant numbers in the past 2-3 years.

Shanjaq 3 points ago +3 / -0

the job market for citizens, and recruiting in general, has abruptly gotten far worse since 2021 too, but unless you went through a layoff you wouldn't notice. after getting away with replacement for so long, they appear to have pulled out all the stops for some reason.

Shanjaq 6 points ago +6 / -0

laid off in 2022. up until 2021, my phone rang 3-5 times per day with recruiters clamoring for my 16 years of industry experience, and it never took longer than 3 months to find my next contract (SWE/SQA.) After layoff, I'd get maybe 1-3 calls on a good week, I couldn't find ANY contract for TWO YEARS. My story is not unique either, just look at r/recruitinghell (due to the topic, it's one of the less brainrot-infested subs, actual useful info..) American workers have been screwed by H1B scabs for a while, but the whole issue reached critical mass in the past 3 years, Agony does not begin to describe the job search process now.

Shanjaq 4 points ago +4 / -0

just my anecdote: SWE since 2008, didn't take more than 3 months to find a contract all those years until something dramatically changed in 2021. laid off in 2022 and couldn't find a job to save my life (literally) for 2 SOLID YEARS, despite over 2000 applications sent out on record. Before 2021, my phone would ring 3-5 times a day, recruiters wanted my diverse skillset. After 2021, I'd get maybe 1-3 calls on a good week, I had 3 interviews in 2022 and 5 interviews in 2024, abysmal contrast to all the years prior. After 2 years being unemployed, my savings ran out and I needed help from family as I madly scoured job boards, LinkedIn "connections" and sprayed customized resume's out in all directions. Thank The Most High that I found a contract.. Something is obviously wrong with hiring in America and, of course I see the H-1B abuse firsthand getting worse every year. My #1 issue this election was/is: FIX THE JOB MARKET.

Shanjaq 8 points ago +8 / -0

that and carrying "extra kit" + time required to keep a wound FROM closing, also the lost sleep from neighboring bunks due to the stench.

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

any updated links? even the pet/farm supply places are requesting a phone# for "your Veterinarian", pet names, weight/size metrics and diagnosis codes :(

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

do they use Applicant Tracking Systems? HR / "Talent Acquisition" has completely forgotten how to find qualified candidates, they rely on ATS automation so poorly configured that it eats 999 out of 1000 resume's. it's this and several other issues that would ruin my day to recall and write about.

Shanjaq 6 points ago +6 / -0

worse job market than 2008, it's maddening how it gets no attention. those who dodged layoffs only notice the extra workload of team consolidation, while those who didn't are seeing 1-2 year gaps.

Shanjaq 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tom MacDonald and Samson would be an epic collab

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

talking about the interview he had with Bloomberg, he was saying "To me the must beautiful word in the dictionary - it's not Love, it's not Respect, -muted-" 12:00 through 30:40, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrz3-t_duTg

Shanjaq 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's happening again right now in Detroit, MI 10/18. multiple mics tried, some kind of ECM? he mentioned they "had a problem with energy coming into the building" too :\ do you have link to the one you saw?

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

all we need is field-effect propulsion, and no fuel required. (had it for nearly a century, from the inception of the same C-SAP's Hildabeast was selling out.)

Shanjaq 1 point ago +1 / -0

my generation is too mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually destroyed for any semblance of intimacy. it's wrecking my drive to accomplish anything, who would I share the journey & results with? before midlife I was too weird for relationships, now I can't trust anyone after the zombie/NPC apocalypse - anyone can turn, even ppl I've known my whole life...

Shanjaq 1 point ago +1 / -0

does anything of value survive 1 minute on Reddit?

Shanjaq 3 points ago +3 / -0

the news misreports a Vitamin E contamination injury and some ppl latch onto it for years like it's all flesh-eating bacteria, things that make you go "hmm..."

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

probably something to do with impulse-control & reward circuits

Shanjaq 9 points ago +9 / -0

There's a familiar face in the background, fedora, glasses & navy-blue jacket? Thank the Most High for protecting DJT and everyone present at the rally today. No weapon formed against His messenger shall prosper.

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

The job market is a horrendous mess, if you've had a layoff in the past 3 years you would have noticed conditions worse than 2008. it's impossible to explain how bad it's gotten to anyone not actively searching right now. from inflation and other factors, nobody's hiring but they're still posting "ghost jobs" to collect incentives or to fudge the numbers. this should at least be tracked in the news but it wouldn't reflect well on Bidenomics so it probably isn't reported...

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man ...

been unable to even get interviews for the past 2 years, despite 16 YoE. Job market is in a legitimate crisis and fake "ghost jobs" appear to outnumber real openings (add that to the "job numbers"...) if you haven't been laid off since Biden took office, you might be blissfully unaware of just how bad it's gotten. Recruiting has gone to sh*t as well, I should know as my industry relies heavily upon it.

Shanjaq 1 point ago +1 / -0

Robert Sepehr, Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project, Ashton Forbes, Thomas Sheridan, Dark Journalist, The Medical Rebel, Max Igan, EyesIsWatchin, Henya The Genius, Archaix, Walter Bosley, Salty Cracker.

there's more, but I have too many tabs open already. Safe travels!

Shanjaq 2 points ago +2 / -0

recommend a "(TM)" postfix to every argument, indictment or insult deployed against Theftists. invoke IP governance every time they bastardize our sick burns & spicy memes. The Left Can't Meme, and Plagiarism is Not An Argument.

Shanjaq 3 points ago +3 / -0

Timing seems a bit odd. nearly on-the-dot midnight NYE 2023 for West Continental U.S., around 4pm Jan. 1 JP time? What treaties/trade-policies did they sign or rebuff recently?

Shanjaq 3 points ago +3 / -0

looks like it does frequency sweep from 10Hz to 999kHz, 16v peak-to-peak (likely square wave?) sounds like something you could program a Raspberry-Pi to do, just be sure it's powered only with battery (no Mains converter!)

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