I just got my Twitter account back today. I started going after groomers when Elon was initially going to buy it. This is when people stopped being banned. It was suspended the day after Elon initially pulled out, no explanation.
I believe the Twitter groomers were behind the bans.
Wake up to the fact that it is Team DeSantis that is trying to divide MAGA. He is for one, Ken Griffen's puppet taking $10 million dollars. Team DeSantis is attacking PDJT and MAGA supporters. They're in it for the grift.
I was just in the hospital in Chicago for nine days (discovery of cancer.) EVERY SINGLE PROCEDURE done on me including medicine given, blood draws, vitals run required them to scan my bracelet. It is impossible for them to have "lost" the unvaccinated blood. There is a record for everything.
More detailed tracking of the money laundering of FTX and how it funded the Uniparty in stealing the 2022 elections. When was FTX founded? Any links to 2020 or at least in a different form?
Is this why Biden wants to investigate him and the real reason why the left has been freaking out about him buying Twitter? He now has access to all sorts of info regarding FTX and the back channels to the Dems, likely RINOs as well.
The black pill whispers in my ear to just let it all burn to the ground. The country has become too ungrateful and stupid. Maybe the only way for people to learn is to fully suffer the pain of high diesel prices which drives everything else.
Let people go without heat this winter, empty store shelves because trucks aren't delivering to to high costs. Let it all burn instead of trying to save the stupid and ungrateful.
A link to the website:
Mine bled through no matter how careful I was. It didn't affect the other side's ballot circle but who knows, it is Chicago.
Apparently the crime in Chicago isn't bad enough for this shithole. I saw several libs mocking farmer Bailey. Enjoy the crime assholes!
Imagine where the entire planet would be without the anti-Trump hate poisoning people's minds.