He seems to be posting on Twitter, but not much on jewtube lately.
Apparently he won’t sit on the board after all so none of it seems to matter after all.
Isn’t Mariupol part of the DPR though? And haven’t they been at war with the rest of the Ukraine for something like 8 years now?
That’s not how birds attack. They usually swoop in at high speed, attack, fly away, rinse repeat.
It looks like they want the loose wires/ cables dangling there for nest building eh. Can see them pull on it and all.
Well the face changes as the brain stops functioning properly for one reason or another. Look at people that became brain damaged due to accidents etc., they often look nothing like what they used to.
Good, I hope he keeps it off for good. And I say that as someone who was born and raised in Germany and still has family there but what a shit hole it’s become.
Just the other day my mother was going on and on about how everything is getting more expensive, they’re running out of some food and how it’s all the war’s fault.
So I told her to give her head a shake, look at her own government and turn the TV off. No reply yet unsurprisingly.
Some of you folks need to get out more and spend some time around said normies.
The answer to your question is somewhere around 0. Willy boy smith and now Bruce Willis are more interesting. Besides the MSM idiot box will spin it as inclusivity and tolerance and how times have changed now and how we all want and should get along and the sheep will nod and agree.
These threads are getting a bit tiresome… seriously, go out and if you can stomach it, spend time with some real brainwashed sheep. It won’t be pretty though.
It looked like he missed his face by a mile. You know like those cheap ass movies where you can see the fighting is staged.
He also went from laughing his ass off to being violent in about 5 seconds… did his cray cray swinger wife twist his balls or something?
Or is it all BS for ratings?
Looks pretty fake to me. Looks like he missed his face by half a mile. Mind you I watched without sounds but still.
I call BS for ratings especially since Willy boy there went from laughing his behind off to being super duper angry and violent in 5 seconds flat. Sure his cray cray swinger wife looked pissy but still.
Can someone confirm that subtitles are accurate?
Well they’re obviously not gonna show you the production plants that fail or barely scrape by haccp and other procedures and inspections to prevent this kind of stuff from happening.
Nevermind that a lot of those plant inspection agencies will pass you if they like you and fail you if they don’t regardless of the state of the plant.
Also management makes a huge difference in quality.
Source, I work in food production and some of the stories I’ve heard or just looking at the state of some areas of the plant I work at would make you never set foot into a grocery store ever again. Lol.
It does mention some things in the article….
“It has been reported that Gates is buying shares in sectors related to basic human needs, such as those in agriculture (Sanderson Farms) or water (Canadian Pacific). He is also purchasing stocks in domestic transport, which some are taking to mean he foresees another international crisis.”
It’s effective immediately but still needs to go through parliament for confirmation.
Ontario freezes funds from GiveSendGo trucker convoy fundraiser
Well they’re coming for our guns now. First it was grandfather or buy back, now it’s mandatory buy back.
Hidden away in the latest budget. Digital currency is also hiding in it.