StanceDancing 14 points ago +14 / -0

Trump doesnt literally control every aspect of society, you know that, right?

The trains are run by blackrock, and other deep state cabal actors. Big pharms is also funded by them, and has a system so deeply intrenched in profits, you would need to destroy the entire medical system, and start over.

There is a reason, long before this, that people talked about how if you want change, you need to vote out the senate and other government positions, to see true change, because a president can only do so much.

Like the other comment says, we are literally in the midst of a war. The people who have hidden, consolidated the world's wealth, are not going down without a fight.

They would rather nuke the world, than lose their power and money.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, I've been looking at batch numbers from people in blue states, vs red states, and comparing it to the howbadismybatch numbers, and it seems like the red states(and red counties), got the vast majority of the bad batches.

Even with that though, it didn't stop blue states from getting batches that caused things like headaches, and brain fog though. They just didn't get the deadliest ones.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

But many normies were saying we were being invaded??

It was front page of reddit, and talked about by quite a few big youtubers, with a few of them thinking this really might be aliens.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

They literally added new scenes to the show, that explain fungus and parasites, in extreme detail.

Yes it's been around for awhile, and you can argue the concept they are talking about, has been around for even longer (invasion of the body snatchers), but it doesn't stop the fact that the show added new scenes, that not only happen to correspond to fungal parasites, but also scenes that push their side of the culture war.

The tv show is another tool for them to push their politics and plans.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, even places where employees bust their ass, they will barely make anything.

Almost a decade ago was my first job, and I was amazing at it. They wanted to make me a manager, and I was doing work way above my level.

When promotion time came, they said I wasn't with the company long enough to get any real promotions or pay raise, but they could give me an extra .13 cents an hour, and if I continued to work hard until next year, they were sure I could get a management position.

I left almost immediately after. Why work an entire year at the rate I was going, only for a chance at moving up, with barely any pay increase?

Situations like that have only gotten much much worse.

StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, it's getting to the point that it's very hard for some people to deny what's going on.

I have several people I know, with severe case of soy brain, who argued with me ruthlessly, that the Hunter Biden laptop was fake.

There are many people who bet their massive egos on this story (and covid) and it is crumbling all around them.

Sometimes I wonder why so many are dying, but then I realize that for many average people, something like this would absolutely crush them, and perhaps never experiencing that, is the true mercy.

StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, Imagine how much power they still held, when Trump was president. He worked really hard to disarm and defund foreign countries, that our deep state was using as "threats" against the USA.

Why do you think Trump focused so hard on North Korea? There were a lot of reports, that the deepstate was using them as a nuclear bomb research ground, and that's how they were able to get radioactive materials at all.

Even now, Trump said he had a big announcement, and they showed how easily they can lay the plans for WW3.

Just because someone is "In charge", doesn't mean they control the entire world's geopolitics.

It's still a game of chess, and they still have many dead man switches they can release.

Why rule the world if they think you are kiddy diddlers? Might as well use the finale plan, and nuke the world and hide in your underground bunker.

StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apparently chewing and swallowing a baby aspirin (low dose aspirin), also will stop a heart attack.

Its been recommended by several EMTs here, to have a pill of it ready, just incase.

StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been seeing many ads, for portable heart monitoring devices, that connect to your phone and sends daily EKGs to you and your Dr. It's disgusting how many services and devices relating to cardiac care, are popping up and salivating at their profits.

StanceDancing 8 points ago +8 / -0

Also from the comments, is people saying there is no way those old ladies are using zelle, and I have to agree, half these people dont look like cash app users

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

People have woken up from "true" brain death before, yet if youre a donor, you arent even given a chance.

StanceDancing 0 points ago +1 / -1

If people stay asleep to the vaccines dangers, those people will never get help.

There have been many posts here, and many resources you can find, just by using a search engine, for remedies that will help with the spike protein, and other facets of the jab.

These people need help, they need to wake up, or they will die.

People have begged and pleaded, and many people ignored them.

Honestly? I think we should call attention more, and make them feel ashamed to get the shot, maybe that will actually cause them to seek help.

If people have egos and think they are the smartest and right all the time, and ignore the pleas of their loved ones, then I see no reason why we shouldn't do everything we can to wake them up, even if it's seen as "mean", even if that means shoving all the "sudden deaths" in their face, and telling them they will end up the same, if they don't start helping themselves.

StanceDancing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep yep.

All these procedures are meant to sterilize and corrupt. To break apart any dependence on family, and make them dependent on the gov.

Anyone who gives their baby formula is destroying them for life. It's mainly soy and it's equivalent to 7? I believe, birth control pills a day, while they are drinking it.

One person I knew, never formed an opinion on their own, if I showed them direct evidence(like the pfizer side effect list), they literally said "I need to see what the news says about this." and wouldn't talk to me about it.

It was later I found out they were raised on formula, and I think that corrupts people's brains.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's worse, because there was a very clear monetary incentive for these Drs. They knew how horrible it was, but they wanted all that sweet sweet vaccine money, that they only get, if they vaxx the majority of their patients.

That alone, (not even mentioning the hospitals killing people for money) is disgusting, and they deserve everything they get because of it.

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol, asking medical info is a disgusting way to treat someone? Bruh, she went off on him, for simply saying the vax caused it.

It's not horrible, you know why?? Because if people realize the vax is dangerous, maybe they might fucking do something about it in their body.

There are many people who have posted different regimes for helping with the spike proteins in your body, and more.

If we don't talk about it, this woman will die from a heart attack, or blood clots, or something else.

But she was the one who acted like a cunt, over someone bringing up, what could be the very real reason for her issues.

What should we do??? Stay quiet and watch all the vaxxed people die?? That's kind of disgusting on your part bruh

StanceDancing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm sorry, but there are many people who closed their ears and eyes, and willingly went with the propaganda.

There were people who literally did everything they could to warn people. When the vaccines first started, many of the pharmacies gave out papers, that literally said "This is untested, and isn't meant to do literally anything, but maybe prevent death and severe hospitalization, nothing else."

It said right there, that it literally might not do anything, and they kept lining up anyway.

I worked at a pharmacy where several people collapsed after the shots, but people stayed in line to get it

So yes, if people "fell" for the propaganda, there is a good chance they simply closed their eyes and ears to other views and people warning them. Lord knows many people I knew, did.

StanceDancing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, people are more pissed off that someone else, was smarter than them, and made a better decision for them.

They "trusted the science", and now even that is coming out, and saying you can get heart attacks from it.

It's the same reason Clot Adams keeps freaking out at people.

StanceDancing 13 points ago +13 / -0

Exactly, he can't stand the fact that someone might've been "smarter" than him and thought with better logic. He's lashing out because if he's wrong about one thing, who knows how many others he's been wrong about

StanceDancing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bruh, sometimes you have to make the choice between weed, or rent..

StanceDancing 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, "she" even has a wife. That's a dude.

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