SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably looking for missile sites that have been used to strike inside homeland Russia.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish I could say I trust his interests align with those of We, The People, but I cannot. However, I will say that in this instance, he's right. We must not comply. And we must hold these ass hats accountable for everything [they]'ve done since [they] entered into the govt.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Geez. All the bot can remember is the default response programming . I'm actually quite surprised [they] haven't retired that model and replaced it already.

SuckaFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

I believe it because there was initial reports from some high level govt anons on the chans blasting these universities' involvement, along with UC-Alberta, UC-Calgary, Harvard, and UNC-Chapel Hill about 2-4 mths before C-19 was disclosed publicly. I believe it was SenateAnon and FBIAnon that were disclosing this info back in Oct-Nov of 2019 and were telling the chans to be prepared for the bullshit to get thick. They both also disclosed that the two main scientists involved were also traitors working with the CCP @ Wuhan Lab and had been arrested in Oct by White Hat CIA after NSA exposed communiques and wired payments to their personal bank accounts that had been flagged by IRS.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not considered a terrorist. But even if he was, it wouldn't matter. Sarah Adams, aka Super bad, was just on the Shawn Ryan Show and explained it way better than anyone else. I suggest you find that episode and watch it. And it atch the other two she did with him.

Basically, the Buyden Admin is no longer concerned with hunting down terrorists or closing the border because they're in league with Al Qaida. And Al Qaida has slowly taken over the rest of the terrorist world to the point that they now control every major terror org in the world, and have allied themselves with the Cartels.

Expect a shit show of epic proportions as these fuckers start coming out the wood work over the next 4-6 mths.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

He won't make the election. By my estimation, having watched multiple family members with dementia, he has about 4-6 myhs left before he won't remember who he is...if he even retains the ability to speak by then. It'll become way too evident, to the point that [they] won't be able to fake it anymore. The drugs don't work anymore because his brain, if viewed in an MRI or CT will look like swiss cheese. There isn't enough viable brain matter left for him to cognitively function.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The parts of the world that also have corners the markets on things like LPNG, rare earth minerals, have trade agreements in place for their oil, or have trade agreements with the U.S. where they make and ship to us ALL the semiconductors and transistors we use in our tech devices.

So, it's not just about the fiat oil-USD situation.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Constitutional Rights only extend to public institutions, i.e. anything govt owned and operated, to prevent the govt from becoming tyrannical.

But that only works if The People keep the govt honest.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll gladly be that problem for him, even though I'm NPA here in FL, I will be voting red across the board.

SuckaFree 7 points ago +7 / -0

Racine, huh?

I wonder if it's been cleaned out yet, or if he's going there to start the process?

SuckaFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

So what you're saying is, theese "AI" program models are strictly dependent on their programming parameters that were input by people who may not have our best interests at heart?

SuckaFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

The good thing about those are we can just unilaterally end it with another stroke of a pen. And then pass a law making it illegal to sign these things without a vote by The People.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Agents and assets are two different categories altogether. That sucka wouldn't have been able to pass the drug screening, let alone the 6 different psychological assessments or the year long training course at The Farm. And family legacy initiates only get a foot in the door. Their admittance into being an employee is dependent only upon their skills. If anything, he was being used as the blackmail asset for his family and [their] friends. "Plausible Deniability" is the name of the game when you're at the levels the Biden, Clintons, Soetors/Hussein's, etc. Using their kids and other family members to provide the blackmail evidence is how [they] stay ahead of the Patriot Intel agents and LEOs in the Fed apparatus.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree with his assessment on the Trump campaign and X's influence on the public. There's a saying regarding presidential campaigns and I can't remember who said it but it's "It's the economy, stupid." This alone has done as much as, if not more than, anything X is a part of in relation to the Trump campaign and his reach.

SuckaFree 9 points ago +9 / -0

Truth Stream Media has an awesome 12 part docu-series called The Minds of Men. I highly suggest everyone here watches those vids. They have as much proof as anyone that points directly to the Clowns officially disbanding Ultra after the Church Committee hearings, but all the really did was continue to run MK Ultra under multiple different program names.

Thruth Stream also has many, many other high quality documentaries y'all should watch, as well.

Joe Rogan had a guy on his podcast that has spent the last 30 yrs or so diving into the Helter Skelter murders and how Manson was a participant in MK Ultra in San Fran area. Dude goes into the Laurel Canyon mess also. It's all connected. Dude has written the definitive book on the Manson family and how the Clowns "found" Manson and trained him in the use of LSD and other tactics like hypnotic suggestion to train his "flock." But I can't seem to remember the author's name or the episode number.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

"However, not all anomalies represent potential espionage or attacks."

I wonder what "anomalies" they're referring to here? Can't just be rogue satellites or meteors.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

And so the great freeing of mankind begins. Once the govt finds out just how much money they could potentially save by "automating" certain tasks that usually take untold man hours to complete and published the results, there will be a mad dash by every other corporation to reproduce the findings. And then we will see just how many college degrees really are worthless.

Under the current monetary paradigm, the only way we get thru this without a societal collapse is to come up with some sort of universal basic income for everyone where everyone gets enough money to live comfortably. Which means we must destroy the concept of money altogether, especially since it's become apparent we really won't need the concept anymore if only a small percentage of the population will continue to work, those being mechanics, first responders, technicians, the construction trades, and (for now) doctors and nurses.

If you run this "automating" thought process all the way thru, eventually we get to a point where we won't need to do anything more than whatever our creative interests are because we would be able to automate everything, sort of how droids do all the physically demanding work in Star Wars, but with a Star Trek twist where the bulk of humanity would be free to do whatever they want and money woildnt be an object becuse we will have effectively eliminated the need for it.

On the other hand, however, we have the Terminator or Battlestar Galactica thought processes where the machines we create to make our lives infinitely easier then turn on us and claim were oppressive slave masters and decide to destroy us.

Regardless of the outcome, this idea of "money" is quickly losing its luster with humanity and it needs to go away for good if we're truly going to "ascend" into a new human paradigm.


Th Navy already started this a few years ago by redesigning our vessels to be run with less crew by automating a lot of functions that now don't require to be manned 24/7 with nothing more than a computer program and a technician monitoring the system who watches for problems and then fixes them. So far, it's worked pretty well and has led to less Sailors being stationed onboard.

For example, all aircraft carriers were able to cut their crew compliments down by between 500-1000 sailors, depending on the ship class. NIMITZ Class carriers require more due to their age, but the Ford Class is larger, faster, can carry more munitions and aircraft than a NIMITZ class but has almost 1000 less Sailors. Couple this with the recent news about a Navy AI driven fighter drone scoring a 100% kill rate against human adversaries, and you see where I'm going with this right?

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then what's the point in staying? He's a LEO and could easily get a LEO job somewhere else.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

FTA: Among the many characteristics that are very different across organisms, we relied on the suggestions of statistical physics to check which measures are potentially universal, such as critical exponents. Indeed, those are consistent across organisms," Kovács said.

In other words, they have no idea what they're even talking about about. This qualifies under Rand Paul's annual Festivus readings.

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