SuckaFree 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm skeptical, but I also value Yon's work and efforts to bring to light the plans these sucka assed asshats have been carrying out. However, I doubt the US will use "illegals" to control this population if it does indeed drop from 330+M to less than 100M. It's a fact that most of them have a weaker immune system than people raised in the "First World," so I can't see that population surviving in large enough numbers.

SuckaFree 9 points ago +10 / -1

If we know the market must crash BIGLY in order for us to end the Fed, why continue propping it up by holding on GME?

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

U.S. Constitutional Rights ONLY pertain to U.S. citizens and inhabitants on U.S. land. Once you're outside the country and get nabbed by a foreign govt, you're on your own. The military used to drill that into our heads in the lead up to an overseas deployment. I know plenty of people who I served with that got caught doing something illegal in a foreign land and there was absolutely nothing the govt could do to stop the host nation from prosecuting and convicting and then sentencing them to prison.

What Assange is being targeted for goes beyond U.S. law, too. If it didn't, Britain would've already handed him over instead of letting him languish at Belmarsh Prison.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Steroids and bad plastic surgery will do that to a woman. And it doesn't take long, either. Only about a year of steroid use and it'll be somewhat permanent. Still could be a dude, though.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well no shit. That's how tyrants operate. And it's clear to me that's already happened long before Buyden took office.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +2 / -1

Of course not! Why would [they]? Congress and the Senate have been proven to be an ineffective governing body since FDR. The last major thing with of those two Chambers did that had any real effect on The People was the Civil Rights Act. The last one before that was voting the Fed and IRS into life. 51 yrs between the two, and nothing since, except grift, politician led wars, and $34T debt bill. Everythi g else was never voted in, just signed into "law" by a seemingly never ending series of corrupt tyrants. This includes JFK, Reagan, Nixon, etc.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wait till they find out how Al' Qaeda has penetrated every western govt thru the bureaucracy and paying off of representatives, and in some countries, even been able to infiltrate the political sphere.

SuckaFree 17 points ago +17 / -0

My jury's still out deliberating when it comes to any "former" govt employee. I don't trust any of them. I only trust DJT to a point. And even then I wonder if we're not being mind captured when it comes to him. Only time will tell if we get this right over the next few years.

As far as I'm concerned, we MUST keep a solid watch on ALL THINGS and demand our say gets a vote in ALL THINGS. I believe the time for "representative governing" must come to an end if we're going to survive past the next 2-3 generations. We, The People must have an activ vote in ALL THINGS, regardless of who runs or "controls" the govts. Leaving it up to "representatives" is what led us to this moment, and continuing to do things just because they've been done them way since 1776 is akin to continually walking into a wall when the exit door is right next to you.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

You want honest interviews from the SRS? Watch the three vids with Sarah Adams, "aka Superbad," and the interview with Michael Yon. If they don't blow your mind, then you aren't paying attention.

Also, Tucker is good for initially waking up Normies and Sheeple, but he's really just what I call a "surface dweller." He tries to speak some truths, but he shows away from actually naming names or even diving too deeply into the issues plaguing us. However, he does challenge people to do their own research, which is good.

To me, though, he seems more like a possibly controlled opposition limited hangout. And that, my friends, isn't what we're here for, is it?

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

The word "Republic" and the fact that this is more like a prayer of affirmation is why this isn't recited daily in grade school classrooms any more.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

It'll only work within it's programming, remember that. AI is pre pro programmed to always include the gay shit.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

People ask me who I think will replace Buyden in the elections, as it's "clear" to them he won't make it. I tell all of them "No one. There isn't anyone either party has that can win, even 'if' [they] cheat."

This poll here perfectly illustrates that, even though I don't believe in political polling like this.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably looking for missile sites that have been used to strike inside homeland Russia.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish I could say I trust his interests align with those of We, The People, but I cannot. However, I will say that in this instance, he's right. We must not comply. And we must hold these ass hats accountable for everything [they]'ve done since [they] entered into the govt.

SuckaFree 6 points ago +6 / -0

Geez. All the bot can remember is the default response programming . I'm actually quite surprised [they] haven't retired that model and replaced it already.

SuckaFree 12 points ago +12 / -0

I believe it because there was initial reports from some high level govt anons on the chans blasting these universities' involvement, along with UC-Alberta, UC-Calgary, Harvard, and UNC-Chapel Hill about 2-4 mths before C-19 was disclosed publicly. I believe it was SenateAnon and FBIAnon that were disclosing this info back in Oct-Nov of 2019 and were telling the chans to be prepared for the bullshit to get thick. They both also disclosed that the two main scientists involved were also traitors working with the CCP @ Wuhan Lab and had been arrested in Oct by White Hat CIA after NSA exposed communiques and wired payments to their personal bank accounts that had been flagged by IRS.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not considered a terrorist. But even if he was, it wouldn't matter. Sarah Adams, aka Super bad, was just on the Shawn Ryan Show and explained it way better than anyone else. I suggest you find that episode and watch it. And it atch the other two she did with him.

Basically, the Buyden Admin is no longer concerned with hunting down terrorists or closing the border because they're in league with Al Qaida. And Al Qaida has slowly taken over the rest of the terrorist world to the point that they now control every major terror org in the world, and have allied themselves with the Cartels.

Expect a shit show of epic proportions as these fuckers start coming out the wood work over the next 4-6 mths.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

He won't make the election. By my estimation, having watched multiple family members with dementia, he has about 4-6 myhs left before he won't remember who he is...if he even retains the ability to speak by then. It'll become way too evident, to the point that [they] won't be able to fake it anymore. The drugs don't work anymore because his brain, if viewed in an MRI or CT will look like swiss cheese. There isn't enough viable brain matter left for him to cognitively function.

SuckaFree 2 points ago +2 / -0

The parts of the world that also have corners the markets on things like LPNG, rare earth minerals, have trade agreements in place for their oil, or have trade agreements with the U.S. where they make and ship to us ALL the semiconductors and transistors we use in our tech devices.

So, it's not just about the fiat oil-USD situation.

SuckaFree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Constitutional Rights only extend to public institutions, i.e. anything govt owned and operated, to prevent the govt from becoming tyrannical.

But that only works if The People keep the govt honest.

SuckaFree 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll gladly be that problem for him, even though I'm NPA here in FL, I will be voting red across the board.

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