This is what I came here to say!
As a woman, long hair is annoying when it’s under control. I can’t imagine having it swinging around my head all day, like that.
It looks ridiculous and completely negates any reason for ornamental hair display.
Why are there no safety standards regarding hair on the ISS? Hair gets into everything and tangles up moving parts. She must consider this Medusa halo in every move that she makes. It seems like an unnecessary liability.
Did I mention that it looks silly?
Here is a good article about dosages.
Cancer survivor here. I belong to many metabolic cancer self-treatment groups. I know quite a few who tried everything (including Fenbendazole and Ivermectin) and still succumbed to the disease.
There are indications that Ivermectin may inhibit the body’s long-term ability to fight off cancer. Fenbendazole can cause harm to the liver. And this is coming from someone who has taken both and promoted them enthusiastically.
I know of not one person who used these dewormers exclusively, and when it becomes clear that nothing is working for some people Rife and Beck are brought up as the last resort.
25 mg of Ivermectin is NOT low dose. Standard dose is 200 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.
It seems as though someone is trying to muddy the waters on this important drug so that people will get hurt.
It isn’t harmless and should only be taken by people who completely understand dosage conversion.
These narcissists mocked us until their palaces burned down. They will revolt against their scapegoats and prop up a new class of elite to further the globalist agenda.
LA was about to implode with exposure of the satanic pedophilia. Now, they have wiped the slate clean and are painting these demons as victims.
They had every chance to speak up all these years. They are irrelevant in my eyes.
Wow! She is ruthless! Love this!