TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not gonna lie, I'm sure there are 100's of thousands of Patriots hoping for the the Milita path. It also be a lie if I said I wasn't one of them. I'd be all for the military way but I think what's been done to we the people, we deserve a chance at restoring the Republic. Not all of us are meme/information sleuths, some of us are just hammers and waiting for our number to be called to come on the bench.

TewaPatriot 15 points ago +15 / -0

I showed my son when he was 10 a controlled demolition of a build, then footage of the towers falling. I asked him what's the difference, he told me it was the same thing. Later as he's gotten older I explained what's going on in the world and the truth behind the Twin Towers. Today at school they will be learning about 9/11, I fully expect a call from the school on his "behavior" on the subject today. I will be disappointed if I don't get the call.

TewaPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Still get the same feelings watching this as the day a 15 year old me watched it live on TV getting ready for school, but it hits even harder now knowing the truth. If the day comes when we are hunting the DS/Cabal/Elites around the world to bring them to justice I hope there are signs ups.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

How about the one with the chick yelling BAM! Facebook games on your PC. BAM on your phone. BAM BAM BAM. That crap drives me nuts.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

It worked. I'm almost positive 80-90% of the Navajo Nation an Hopi are fully vaxxed. You see people with masks, young, adult, and senior ages it's Natives in my area.

TewaPatriot 9 points ago +11 / -2

Probably was the plan all along. Remember they think we are stupid and sadly most are. Just don't drink period, all it does is destroys your body and makes you stupid.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is gonna chap some asses but it's my opinion. If your kids are so easily manipulated by the school system and your kids see teachers as an authority figure/parent YOU failed your kids as their parent. Both of my kids know me and my wife are the authority figures in their lives, they know we have the best interests for them, mom is a little more sympathetic but me as a dad I have a more fuck around and find out policy. My kids are not down the lbtqrstwww9 garbage, or homosexuals/trannies they know it's wrong. They know about God and Jesus it's openly talked about, we allow them to be children. If they understand what is right and wrong in life we don't need to monitor what they do. Neither of them have social media, or any of that crap. The only thing I have corrected my kids on was the Rainbow, they associated it with the fags but I told them it was Gods first. We started at a young age with both of them.

The school system is another topic. You can't treat the whole system as a one there are outliers, it's like saying black folks statistically commit most crimes, so all black folks are criminals, that's just not true. Yes there should be no department of education, government shouldn't have a say on anything in this nation. Secondly me and the Mrs both work for our local school district and I'll tell you most teachers would never tell you as a parent but they are not down with the Lgbtqww3 agenda. Employees tend to talk amongst themselves. Where I live there's a lot that the government would consider antivax and a terrorist.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's the back up, because meatball blew it.

TewaPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

What for the possibility of getting a savant out of 20 retarded freaks they make.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where I live in the month of March we get really bad wind, sand storms you name it. We get gusts up to 50-70 miles an hour sometimes, you go outside and get sand blasted. So with that never have I seen a pole holding power lines blow over, yes we lose power sometimes but they don't blow over.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Reminds me of the great fire of san francisco 1849, 1893 Worlds Fair in Chicago, and on and on and on. This is the Cabals game plan when they cant control the masses, destroy the world and start again. The Great Reset.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not talking about those scam sites. I'm talking about a literal account in your name at a one of many federal reserve banks around the country. Accounts the government said don't exist. I'm not trying to show people like hey there's free money! Look right here! I did what I did to see if it was true and if I had an account that I never signed off on or opened myself in the Fed, and I did.


That site will show you how to do it and how it works. I got pictures of the account with my name on it, for Amazon and to pay a bill, charging this Fed account. Fact is the government is doing shady government things and have things in your name doing who knows what.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +5 / -2

I once found my account. It was at the Atlanta GA fed bank. Your account number is your SSN. I tried to order something random on Amazon and pay a bill online. It recognized it as an account and went through. But 3 days later the Amazon was cancelled and my bill changed back to unpaid. I was blown away, this shit is real. You have a strawman account in your name with the fed, possibly 100000$ dollars and they trade stocks with your name. That's why your name is in all caps on SSN card, fake strawman with your name. This all happened in before all this mess today and Trump. I worked with inmates in the past and I heard it from them they had these books written by a man, very crude looking definitely not published I don't think.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Clowns. I'll be jubilant and glowing while I bask in the Republic as it is born anew and a new human renaissance begins to sweep the globe. Jokes on them.

TewaPatriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

Ya Elon messed up with this can't see the comments anymore and I don't care to sign up either.

by BQnita
TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Once Trump Wins 2024 this shit is gonna pop off! The deep state is scared to death.

TewaPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought it was a joke when he decided to run. I only knew of Trump from The Apprentice TV show. I watched two of his rallies and I thought the message is good and I can get behind this, he Americans first and cared about the vets, my grandfather was a WWII vet. So I was glad he won and was curious to see if he would keep his word. The man didn't let me down.

TewaPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

This. Along with other patriot voices in the movement, they give you all the problems but no solutions or ways to get involved etc. They just want you coming back to listen and buy shit. I find it comical that a lot patriot voices out there including AJ, tell you for example, the dollar is collapsing yet plug their sponsors and beg you for money and peddle their bs coffee or whatever. I understand things cost money but if money is an issue why not down size? Do you really need a huge studio to get the truth out, does it really cost 1000$+ to run a damn podcast. It's hard for me to trust a person/people who are so damn greedy, money is what has gotten us in this mess as a nation, well definitely a cog in the machine, corruption, sex trafficking, and all the evils in this world all have 2 common things, lack of God and money.

TewaPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wasn't there a time when the US government offered the freed slaves an all paid expenses trip back to the mother land? Yes there was. Monrovia in Liberia, named after president James Monroe, but none of them wanted to go "home". After the slaves were emancipated some even stayed on the plantations they were enslaved on to work but this time they earned a wage. Weird.

TewaPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

This great can't wait for Hollywood to be comprised of nothing but pillars of salt and sulfur.

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