TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

When is everyone going to wake up? You see it in Hollywood, News Media, High Tech and Government at all levels... Your ticket up the ladder is based on how corrupt you want to be. Nobody, arrives at the top unless they are picked, placed, pickled and cooked... in pure swamp water. Drenched to the bone. From a place where even the word "whistle" is akin to a death sentence.

Mitch just mastered the system that was in place... that allows this and 100s of other nefarious businesses. That financial support system hits people (in it) hard when it is dismantled. Good by to the gravy train. This reason alone, is enough to fight to the death to keep Trump out.

I think we are living in some dangerous times friends.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

My X account was locked last week. They said I had too many failed attempts to my account and they weren't sure it was me. Note: I keep X open in a tab for weeks and never have to login. My computer froze so I had to reboot which forced me to re-login... that is when I discovered I was locked out. Although I gave them my email and phone number they said they couldn't verifiy and closed the incident report and suggested I sign up with a new account.

This means: If there is anyone you don't like, just try to login to their account a few times and X will lock their account. Insane.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

It isn't the arrest they want to hide. Moreso, it is the penalty! Usually none, case dismissed, plead down to a misdemeanor ro a slap on the wrist.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

In today's world it is hard to trust anybody. At a minimum, Tucker is giving air to voices that would otherwise never be heard, Applause for that.

TheHumanPrimer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Just listen to the whole thing. He makes so much sense. I so wish that everyone, particularly the democrat voters, would at least hear the man tell us what he is for, what he will do, and the logic and reasons for doing so! He doesn't dance. He doesn't lie... although he is accused of doing so daily. He tells the truth as he understands it. Okay, sometimes he may offend people. But a person only gets offended when the truth is revealed about them.

He is a very sane, straight-forward, logical, rational man with a great business/economic acumen. Leaders around the world always respect someone like this. I truly believe the majority of people in America are smart, sane, and logical. I say this because I don't think the democratic platform they are running on will be supported here and if the democratic ticket wins the election then it will have to be a rigged election. No way people in my country are that stupid. I pray, someone, some org (space force?) is monitoring this election and not allow any rigging to occur.

I look forward to the day when the American public (including all demographics), stop hating each other and get along. United, we can build something here the likes of which would be the envy of the entire universe. Allow the best of us to come out instead of provoking the worst of us. All human beings have both demeanors. It is time our focus is on uniting... not dividing, peace... not conflict, rational thought... not politics.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea, but the poll was conducted only in a demographic of wolves and coyotes... and they are attracted to the "hackle" which is a mating call to them. So, they just can't stop themselves. Let's see a poll of human beings and we'll see how that works.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

...and nobody saw this "Freight Train" coming huh? Known & planned... thus it was intentional. Sorry, we're done with that. H.R. and D.A's are gonna be busy! Time to step aside boys... we'll take it from here.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was just inferring that I am a sort-of neighbor. South Park is about 45 minutes away.

TheHumanPrimer 5 points ago +6 / -1

If they follow through and put Trump in prison during an election year then it will be akin to a prison term for jay-walking. Talk about a strong response! That will never fly. Is that their plan? That is, to cause us to become street protesting terrorists?

If so, they are dead wrong. There aren't 100s of thousands of sealed indictments sitting there for no reason! They are a counter move awaiting a reason to un-seal.

TheHumanPrimer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well as desperation sets in and counter moves are completely exhausted... the only option left will be to postpone the election... if so, without doubt, that would be the time for "military is the only way" to enter the picture. Can you say Commander in Chief?

TheHumanPrimer 6 points ago +6 / -0

So expensive! My understanding is that outsource charges by the hour!

TheHumanPrimer 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I had to guess... it starts with heavy tattoos sling-shotted back to their geographic tattoo origins. It ends with honoring reservations made at GITMO storage units. That's a lot of exporting.

TheHumanPrimer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I see. Well, I live in a town with a population of 178... we don't even have a gas station or grocery store. Everyone knows everyone...except for the new immigrants that are buying up all the available old houses (no MS13 types thank God) . We take care of our own here.

I was out of the country for a great deal of the past 25 years... upon my return, I renewed old relations. My old high school (and some college) buddies have already developed a skills and asset list amongst the community with an action plan for how we communicate and congregate. Almost everyone here had an old CB radio with dust on it. All we had to do is get solar chargers. I stocked up on a year's worth of MREs for 10 people. I restocked 4 ponds 2 years ago... so lots of fish to eat. Most of us tapped old wells we had from the past, with manual pump handles. Everyone has a garden, knows how to can the food and store it. Most of us have tractors. One of my neighbors farms 28,000 acres and has well over 5000 cows. Lots of goats here too. We definitely won't be hungry. Also my kids, all city-raised and living in large metro areas will come home. I cleared one rental house and made it available to house them. I remodeled an old family farm house (took 4 years) but I saved the outside toilet in the back yard and it still works.

Most of this was done informally and under radar. And btw, nobody, I mean no body had to stock up on arms and ammo... we already had it.

Lastly, we all agreed to NOT panic regardless of what happens.

One more point and I think this is really important. In rural areas, if you start eliminating friends based on a bias or because they have some annoying flaws then you will wind up with no friends at all. So we are very tolerant and respect each other. Religious sways, race, political affiliation etc does not get in our way of being friends. We have millionaires and the town drunk sitting at the same tables.

TheHumanPrimer 12 points ago +12 / -0


I agree with Tucker Carlson... death is guaranteed for every human being at birth. No exceptions. So... death is nothing to fear. If you don't fear death then what on earth is there left to fear? Answer: Nothing.

No fear is the way we win. No matter what fear porn or real attacks launched against us... no fear! It really is that simple.

TheHumanPrimer 10 points ago +10 / -0

One thing I think we can all agree on...

Something, not sure what (lots of options), is going to happen, needs to happen, to galvanize the world into a united, focused attention. Catastrophe, disaster, unavoidable pressure (something huge) will be required to shift this corrupted global paradigm. When? Dunno. How? Still dunno. But MONEY is generally the best attention-getter. Nuclear explosions will also work. As I said, lots of options here.

In my opinion, the real inflection point buried in this, is what happens afterwords. Do we shift to a paradigm of compassion? Love? Cooperation? Or do we become vicious, hateful, angry with hate and violent? Remember, what ever homeostasis we choose will be the fertile ground from which we re-build our future societies.

So does 80% of the nefarious characters shift and become compassionate souls whereby we forgive them? I mean, how do you lock up hundreds of millions of bad actors? Kill them? That's a lot of death my friends. Or in contrast, does 80% of the peace-loving people shift to anger and revenge and attack and destroy these ancient structures? Which is better? Which is more likely? What in the hell will either of these options look like?

Some suggest divine intervention. Others suggest highly intelligent off-planet alien civilizations induce their structures or ways of doing things (tech, etc). I dunno.

One thing I am sure of is the human race is about to enter an inflection point where we will each be forced to define ourselves. Who are we? What do we really stand for or against? Any shift will start and end within the very souls of every single individual that amasses into a mass consciousness shift... one way or another. It is up to us for sure.

Imagine if you will, all laws, all law enforcement, all leaders, all leadership structures, all governments and all it tentacles, all supply chains... in a day, dissolve and no longer function or exist. Stop, imagine this for just minute. I know it is hard... for sake of experiment, just try. If you can imagine this, then assess what are you left with? The human race is then distilled down to humans... being, something. But being what? Free will takes center stage. That, my friends, is a true inflection point on the planet. In essence, it is the Great Awakening. Or, the end of our planet? Our choice. Defined by us and reconstructed by us.

This is not a doomsday post. It is the nature of a global paradigm shift in human consciousness. Anons, perhaps as a result of "Q" prompting us think, have been and will be the first ones to ponder this point by already having defined who we are, what we stand for and what we are against. Which leads me to my favorite quote and self-chosen path. "The wise man, though all laws are abolished, would lead the same life!"

Get a copy of "The Human Primer!"

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, what did Weimar Germany do?

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a tad spooky don't you think?

TheHumanPrimer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Back to common sense. WE CAN PRINT OUR OWN MONEY! WE DON"T HAVE TO BORROW... EVER! Why can't these idiots in D.C. figure this out.

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sold the semen, never thought to eat it. Such a sheltered life I led. But you can eat its offspring for sure.

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