ThePatriotsParty 6 points ago +8 / -2

Leaving Ireland early to go back and appear at the trial.

Thanks for the posting, fren.

We can always use a dose of “double-meaning hopium” once in a while, though. 🐸

ThePatriotsParty 8 points ago +8 / -0

Brian Kilmeade, Faux News Kiss Ass Company Man.

Another controlled opposition RINO newscaster.

Kind of like a Sean Hannity Junior if you need a comparison and reference point.

ThePatriotsParty 1 point ago +2 / -1

Minnesota State Rep “Leigh Finke”

Another Kazarian Man Demon

Every. Single. Time.

Finke is the first openly transgender person to serve in the Minnesota Legislature. She (it) lives in St. Paul, Minnesota and has two children.

ThePatriotsParty 0 points ago +1 / -1

My point is OP is misleading saying Michael Moore joined Team Trump, when he in fact did not and this is a recycled clip.

Whether Michael knew he joined Team Trump in 2016 or he accidentally joined, it doesn’t really make a difference.

If Michael was controlled, or controlled opposition, he wouldn’t have been allowed to release this documentary.

The fact that Trump is now reposting this today is a “Hey, Michael, thanks for the endorsement and thanks for joining the team by speaking truth so many years ago.”

Just my humble opinion of how Trump even makes his enemies work for him, fren. 🐸

ThePatriotsParty 3 points ago +4 / -1

A Rumble link to Michael Moore’s audio from “TrumpLand”:


Even though Michael released this just prior to the 2016 election, it holds even more true today.

Trump knows it, Michael still knows it, and now the fully pissed of masses know it’s all true.

(Warning, heavy adult language)

ThePatriotsParty 17 points ago +17 / -0

And why is Trump talking about Alec Baldwin again lately? 🤔

Check Trump’s Truth Social post “Letters To Trump” from just two days ago:

Jan 21, 1998

Dear Donald, For a tough guy in a tough business, you are a sweet and generous man. I could never thank you sufficiently for the use of the incredible penthouse you “comped” us. You’re a gentleman. Best, Alec


ThePatriotsParty 76 points ago +76 / -0

Trump may have not paid for the blue check mark at all.

Elon could’ve turned it on as a courtesy and to have more Libtards go into meltdown mode. 😭

ThePatriotsParty 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is biblical.

Always has been. Always will be.

The ultimate red pill for every man, woman, and child will be experienced soon in this life... or the next.

Some will see it in this lifetime.

Some will not.

ThePatriotsParty 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don’t doubt the validity of what was stated about the Judge concealing a video as evidence for the defense, but I’m sorry, Laura Loomer is a whack job, attention whore.

She reminds me of Geraldo Rivera back in the 70’s on his quest for Al Capone’s hidden vault.

P.S. And sometimes I doubt “she” is even a woman.

ThePatriotsParty 6 points ago +6 / -0

As a white pill, the best people I know, even among the young, have like 4 or 5 kids. And not just a few, there are many couples in my personal circle of friends with close to a half dozen kids and they are the most conservative people I know. Hopefully that’s the case all over.

Think about it.

The Left’s use of abortion on demand is preventing a whole generation of future Leftists.

All we conservatives have to do is to keep procreating and passing our values down to our next generation.

While the Left’s numbers will dwindle our numbers will increase.

ThePatriotsParty 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you ever wish you weren’t awake?


God placed me here in this exact time and place for a reason and He took off the blinders.

The more evil I see, the more faith I have in God’s plan to work this all out to His chosen outcome.

This, I am seeing, and knowing, is the defeat of evil forever.


It’s Going To Be Biblical

ThePatriotsParty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you tell me if that is Kid Rock with Trump?

Yes, it’s Kid Rock, Iron Mike Tyson, and Dana White sitting ringside with POTUS.

ThePatriotsParty 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apologies! I don't do social media. Can you post the pic here? If not, that is okay.

Sorry, GAW doesn’t allow postings of pictures in the threads.

Hope you can join us on the Social Media frontlines soon though, fren! o7

ThePatriotsParty 11 points ago +11 / -0

What will be this summer's reason for rage to kickstart it though?

A Georgina Floyd incident.

ThePatriotsParty 2 points ago +2 / -0

it’s that lgbtgay shit that is hard to take and hurting us

The LGBT... lmnop shit being stirred up in our society is purposely being pushed at us. It is, and will be, the Left’s new BLM movement.

We are now witnessing preplanned Anarcho-Terrorism.

Don’t fall for their trap... don’t let them “kick the dog until it bites.”

That’s what “they” want so that “they” can “put us down.”

Or to put it more clearly, to justifiably cage (jail) us or euthanize (kill) us.


ThePatriotsParty 1 point ago +1 / -0

NPR's Climate & Energy Correspondent Jeff Brady responded to the outlet's new designation by writing on Twitter, "Uh, no..."


Can you say, “Ratioed?”

“Uh, yes!” 🤣 🐸 🤣

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