The_Knight_of_sunset 41 points ago +41 / -0

They say that the jury in NY did not have to be unanimous in their decisions to convict Trump via illegal instructions from the judge.

Maybe this will cause the trial to be thrown out.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why do some of you keep thinking that'd he'd ever go into a regular prison instead of Club Fed or house arrest like any other politician who ever got convicted.

Because they are doomers.

I'm serious, there seems to be a pervasive Debbie downer doomers vibe that has infected this board ever since the kangaroo Court. Always dragging the high energy down around here.

Have more faith, everyone. If you do think Trump's a goner and Q is a liar when they say Trump's safe, then march yourself back to Patriots(for)win and wallow in despair there, and let us GAW men work in peace.

The_Knight_of_sunset 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am confused:

I thought I have heard that the Supreme Court have shut down these removal of Trump from the ballots months ago. If there something new that I was not aware of?

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who's that in the back?

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

Campaigning in the Demonic Rats' turf and showing the whole world that the Demonic Rats are unliked even in districts they rule with an iron fist.

Quite a spit in their eye!

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

Too bad that they are plenty of groomers and pedophiles within the Muslim ranks, since their false prophet is a pedo. Therefore, pedophilia is endorsed and encouraged in that foul "religion".

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

This needs to be top comment. The headlines are a bit misleading.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, to everyone whining about the GOP congress not doing anything, what the hell you all are expecting? Congressmen have no constitutional power to go out and haul people to jail (that's the executive branch, and it's in the hands of the deep state, so good luck getting them to do our bidding), and thank God for that, else Q and GAW would be rooting away in prison at the Demonic Rats insistence.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do we feel about our chances against Big Mike and NewScum?

We are focusing all of our campaigning energy against Joepedo that might get wasted of Joepedo gets out of the way...

The_Knight_of_sunset 13 points ago +14 / -1

I don't get GAW sometimes.

Some days, we don't like MTG for doing nothing but issue strongly worded letters and shacking up with McCarthy.

Other days, like today, we praise MTG for making social media posts and making tons of noise, regardless of the noise's utility.

I worry our inconsistency will drag underwater GAW...

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +5 / -0

Keep in mind that this leftist is not from the area she is running for office in. She's a transplant from NYC who moved in recently.

The_Knight_of_sunset 6 points ago +6 / -0

A NYC commie who is trying to take over Elise Stefanik's turf.

Probably won't succeed, but we need to be vigilant everywhere and be prepared to counter-punch everywhere.


The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0


Anybody who is content with just sitting around and complain all day long without even doing the barest of minimums to help should just step aside and allow the workers to get things done without distractions.

The_Knight_of_sunset 7 points ago +7 / -0

To be fair, what can congress do that is in their constitutionally granted powers. They can't go out and grab someone and haul them off to jail, that is in the purview of the executive branch, which is corrupt as Hell.

The_Knight_of_sunset 21 points ago +21 / -0

Something tells me that a lot more is required to solve this problem than a simple smartphone app.

Maybe an improved economy and a near-complete overhaul on the work / business culture of Japan would be required...

The_Knight_of_sunset 4 points ago +4 / -0

so why give them the time of day?

For the sake of any normies that might be listening?

I agree that for the most part, we shall not feed trolls other than to block, but sometimes I feel that we can do more damage to the trolls' cause by using them as a punching bag by verbally schooling them why our points are right and why the trolls are wrong. Maybe it will wake up a normie or two.

Also, then we could clip the response into an image that we can throw at others.

The_Knight_of_sunset 3 points ago +3 / -0

A request:

Is there an informational graphic/ any information I can cite to disprove the trollish notion that the campaign funds are being used as Trump's piggy bank to pay off all legal fees and fines?

The trolls and shills are using that point a lot, and gut feeling that it is not true.

The_Knight_of_sunset 5 points ago +6 / -1

I want to ask, as a devil's advocate:

What EXACTLY do people want GOP Congressmen and Senators to do that they are legally empowered to do?

People are understandably sick and tired of non-stop social media messaging and the apparent lack of doing anything other than write stern letters, try to pass laws (unsuccessfully) and subpoenas, but honestly, do people expect them to march up to Biden and the crooked Demonic Rats and punch them all in the face and handcuff them? That is not their job. Separation of powers means that this is the job of the executive branch, which is crooked beyond belief.

The_Knight_of_sunset 1 point ago +1 / -0

New York is a critical piece of the Demonic Rats' game. They lose that, it is auto Game Over and they lose.

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