And who, other than Evil, could ever conceive of such a crime.
Growing up, I believed that pee was stored in the balls and that girls had cooties.
Explain to me how the ideas in the wicked individuals' heads wasn't put there by Satan. How this misuse of our created bodies wasn't the design of a rotten mind?
yet it seems like most of the people around me just treat the years 2019-2021 as "That Weird Time Where There Was COVID Hysteria and Other Adventures in Government Overreach" or TWTWTWCHOAGO
Ever since I reread my employer's vaccine mandates, masking, and social distancing protocols, I've been reeling. There's no way things where that crazy. Did I really live through that?!
From what I've heard, people are more upset that insurance isn't covering the cost.
A $100+ for a COVID jab? When it's a struggle to put groceries on the table and gas in the car, virtue signalling points fall by the wayside.
Exactly! The cluster of measles that erupted in Southern California had nothing to do those migrant caravans. It was because a former Playboy bunny was spreading medical misinformation!
The fact that this site has two, logically opposed stickies is why I enjoy this site so much.
The future is unknown, and there is circumspect evidence to either hypothesis. Let's mentally prepare ourselves for both conclusions, and wait.
EDIT: Changed "incompatible" to "opposed."
I don't know about Pierre. This was my first time seeing and hearing the man. Unfortunately, my attention has been rudely shifted back towards my work and the slave mindset of earning money. I've also had little focus for political realities, since my attention has been focused on more immediate problems and my walk with Jesus.
I don't have any skin in the Canadian political game, either. Not being a Canadian subject of the Crown, I have no rights in the area.
We're undergoing a zeitgeist shift. I think it's important for us to remain skeptical and critical thinkers, especially in the times ahead.
I actually made it to about 2:05 into the video, before I stopped the playback. He first says "common sense" at about 1:34.
While he had good statements about the budget, he also had repeated the phrase "common sense" about four times. The repetition of it set me off, I suppose.
Most successful politicians know that the economy is what's on most voter's minds. Bill Clinton is remembered for his quote on the economy. This was why I remained skeptical of his words.
I don't disagree that the usage of "common sense" is shrewd and calculating, and I think even Thomas Payne recognized its efficacy.
However, we ought to be seeking statesmen and thinkers. I want to caution the readers of my posts against seeking out demagogue that capitalize on our frustrations. Just because one man says the words and phrases with which you might sympathize, doesn't mean that he deserves your support.
"... those men who have overturned the liberties of republics the greatest number have begun their carreer, by paying an obsequious court to the people, commencing Demagogues and ending Tyrants." - Hamilton, Federalist 1
Sadly, down-voting the real-life equivalent to giving another speaker a head-shake, as you walk by.
Pay attention to the ratio: four upvotes to ten downvotes. Stating a contrary opinion, even if it is unpopular, is always beneficial. This forum is meant for honest dialogue, and that should always be at the forefront of our minds and the purpose of our posts.
Yes, it was a new rule surrounding mortgage lending. I actually found a fact-check on it, lol. I love their reasoning: "High credit score borrowers will have to pay more, but the amount that the high-scoring borrowers pay will still not be more than the low-scoring borrowers!!"
Interesting! I suppose cut people whom the managers don't know their tasks and liquidate the laid-offs' portfolios.
TWO MORE WEEKS?!? Is someone reading this board?
Looks like strange things are afoot, again. The banking sector layoffs begin with PNC. PNC had survived the 2008 financial crisis by laying off employees, before the rest of the banks.
Now it looks like the tightening credit is reaching a critical level, and cMBS are preparing to roll over their debt. The video explains more, but things are looking rough for our economy.
This is a process of continual division. Remember, the end isn't for everyone.
We've seen the division with LBGT, Hong Kong, COVID, masks, vaxx, boosters, guns, following Jesus, free speech, climate, Ukraine, and so forth. Where will the divisions end? When God has set apart His remnant. We have more to go. Possibly much more.
I had a debate with a coworker today. We were discussing Ted Kaczynski. I hold the position that TK was correct in his diagnosis that society was sick and deeply broken BUT that he was fundamentally wrong in building bombs to fix it. Therefore, it is worth examining TK's ideas.
My coworker couldn't distance himself from his emotions, and claimed: "Kaczynski's ideas were wrong because he killed people. You support a murderer!!!"
Fred McDowell (Mississippi Delta Blues singer) had some choice words about them, despite not being from the Mississippi delta, himself.
Correct. They are the "erev rav," or "mixed multitude" that beheld the awesome power of God. But these same people, Egyptians and Cannanites, lacked the love of God that was in the Israelites' hearts.
And a mixed multitude went up also with them; and flocks, and herds, even very much cattle. - Exodus 12:38
Now the mixed multitude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: “Who will give us meat to eat? - Numbers 11:4
These rebels, even today, identify with the Erev Rav and claim that being among their numbers is a blessing. That their ancestors, who were the erev rav, were standing up for God's people and, therefore, deserve immense praise.
Who funded the migrant "caravans" that were arriving from South America. There were trucks, food, and pharmaceuticals. More wealth than was there in the village that was left.
The only true measure of Earthly wealth.
Great, another reason to look forward to the day after my birthday ;)
But, seriously, it's the autumnal equinox. Some pagan nonsense is sure to be associated with that day. Something about balancing Virgo's groundedness with Libra's scales.
Space is potentially a "dark matter superfluid" that enables wave-form transmission.
God divided the "waters above the firmament from the waters below," as you know.
It is why there are three heavens. 1) The firmament 2) the darkened veil (space) that separates us from 3) the spirit heaven, where God's throne resides.
What was the title of the French book? Is there an English translation, or is it only available in French?
Robert Heinlein investigated this idea with his novel "Starship Troopers." After the first chapter he says, to the best of my recollection, "humans are of nature, and need physical consequences for their actions."
It was after watching a court-marshalling of soldiers. The soldiers were whipped and dismissed from service.
Now, the novel investigates a society that's structured around an MI complex. Despite the continuous need for war, it shows that citizenship should not just be given; that there should be a real cost (military service) for those who wish to be voting members of society.
Two more weeks?