Trump1234KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree: there are too many moving pieces to pinpoint just one problem. But this post was not intended to be a deep dive into the multitude of stock market issues. Attempting to explore all the issues with the market would take multiple 15k word posts.

Trump's mention of traunches brought only one thing to mind, and I wanted to share that thought.

And I had to date-fag. The eclipse has a number of curiosities.

Edit: Added additional sentences to the first paragraph.

Trump1234KAG 11 points ago +11 / -0

It was in 2012, when Ron Paul won the Iowa straw poll.

The MSM counted 7/12 counties and declared Mitt Romney (EDIT: I messed up the name.) won. Then, hours later, the MSM counted the final five counties and declared that RP won. I then knew that the whole system was corrupt and that it was going to fail.

My response? To pursue my career, because I saw no way out. Society was going to collapse, and it didn't matter a whit who was in charge.

Seeing Trump walk out of his 60 Minutes interview in 2020 gave me hope that Trump was able and capable of beginning change. I found this board in 2021.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

And there was plenty of discussion of his son.

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly how things are done. I think Alexander Solzhenitsyn had a good explanation of how the USSR economy was booming, while none of the gulags managed to have any production.

  1. The gulags didn't harvest much lumber, because their prisoners kept dying. So the bookkeepers inflated the production numbers.
  2. The actual lumber was sent to canal/river shipping, which only had the manpower to ship the limited cargo.
  3. The shipping company (which never received the imaginary lumber) said that they shipped it, but it got lost in natural disasters. So it was declared "destroyed in transit."
  4. This solution allowed the camps to claim high production, without ever needing to deliver the physical goods.
Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

My brother in Christ, sometimes it is best just to stop preaching where no fruit will ripen. Heed these words of our savior:

"And if anyone will not welcome you or heed your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town." - Matt 10:14-15

"...nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces." - Matthew 7:6

Trump1234KAG 7 points ago +7 / -0

Honestly, fren, finding a Church that led me to my savior, Yeshua, dragged me to forming new friendships and out of the re-entry troubles.

I don't know where you are on the life-trajectory, or if you are already saved, but it's never a bad time to find a body of spiritually-saved Christians.

Trump1234KAG 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes! My employer announced that they were partnering with the Publicis Group (comes across as a WEF shill company) and partnered with the sub-company Publicis Sapient to work on developing their AI.

The name associated with this effort (and who was presenting during this global meeting) was Tony Maile.




Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, there's been a continuous trend to automate the medicine dispensation machine. The liability that pharmacists have is immense, and mistakes still happen.

Amazon and CVS (IIRC, or another pharmacy) have been partnering to use algorithmic pharmacists. With Artificial Intelligence, I have no doubt that this trend is accelerating. I take great pity on people in pharmacy school, who sought it as a "last refuge" career in the modern economy.

Trump1234KAG 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like we're going to find out!

I think this is the part where the second Angel goes out and warns everyone.

Trump1234KAG 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hot damn, it's so tiring to live in the future. I'm so frustrated by these institutions that filter reality for us. Why can't we just live?


Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

I recommend watching the WARN databases. Major corporations have to report layoffs of a certain size (dependent on state laws).

Often this layoff information must be legally reported several months in advance, and isn't a reactive database like VAERS is.

Trump1234KAG 4 points ago +4 / -0

I can't even listen to that drivel for much longer than a minute!

"Only 50% voted for RuMp, and that's because 33% will vote for him just because they think he'll be the nominee!"

What codswallop.

Trump1234KAG 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's also important to recognize the impact of other minor gods and goddesses in the development of medical symbols. Hygieia is another such one, whose symbols are expressed in the compounding and medical aspect of our "Health System"



It seems even the NIH must publish such information. It seems as if they are bragging:


Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the names are mostly inverted.

Society of historical preservation?

Trump1234KAG 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've been disconnected from the MSM for a long time. If it weren't for websites like this one, then I'd never hear any of this.

Trump1234KAG 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh, 100%. Consolidation of regional banks into JPM and other state-banks.

When I read about the Knickerbocker crisis and others is when I realized, circa 2020, that the system was designed for failure.

We've been lied to for generations. End the Fed.

Trump1234KAG 9 points ago +9 / -0

Until 2021, I didn't didn't know Yeshua (Jesus).

In 2019, I didn't know who Podesta, Epstein, or Abramovic were.

Edit: In 2016, I didn't know how Pharma stole our money by keeping us sick.

In 2015, I never realized how board members defrauded investors.

In 2014, I thought "Wow, all these British MPs were arrested for pedophilia. That's a [deviously] smart way to keep politicians in check."

In 2012, I didn't know how banking worked and how all wars were caused by bankers betting on both sides.

In 2011, I didn't know what the Federal Reserve was.

In 2009, I didn't know that scientific research was suppressed.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol, yep! I believe this is why Newton lost his logical abilities, when he undertook the study of alchemy. The "hidden" knowledge is illogical and ambiguous.

Trump1234KAG 1 point ago +1 / -0

G is really B, for Francis Bacon

B is the second letter of the English Alphabet. Inverted, the B becomes a Y, which is the 25th letter of the English alphabet. The sum of those digits gives 7 = 2 + 5. The 7th letter of the English alphabet is G.

Francis Bacon was also likely William Shakespeare, a nom de plume and idol for the Minerva Cult worshipers (who called themselves Spear-shakers).

Edit: Forgot link https://sirbacon.org/

Trump1234KAG 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is exactly the argument that was used, except "it appears anomalous, but we'd have to dig into each state's laws around the allocation of late-votes."

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