TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 11 points ago +11 / -0

Stop blaming a real estate developer for mistakes made in the vaccine space. He obviously needed to rely on experts and his experts consistently lied to him and to the America people.

This has always seemed so obvious to me, yet surprisingly, apparently not to others!

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +7 / -2

Tippy Top? Without being asked, prior to the Easter bunny thing?I doubt it highly.

He did use it a few times at rallies in the 2016 season, but it was uncommon enough for him to say that no one seemed to remember him saying it until someone asked him to say it again and then that very same day he did, so.... just trying to keep us honest here, but to the credit of whichever anon asked him to say "tippy top", well, he did.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 13 points ago +13 / -0

It means you can't use these terms in official business of running the government, not that the words are banned from being spoken by people under penalty of law.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's drifting to whichever crowd of people will give his content views, donate to him, and make him money?


A man of this distinguishment and you project your boring ordinary life onto him?

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 4 points ago +5 / -1

5 year delta of what? The war started on 10/7 so 5 years would be 10/9. Have we gotten lax on deltas or something? Does 5 years "and a few days" count? Just trying to understand, not trying to be argumentative.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 7 points ago +7 / -0

So Candice says the gays are wrong for their beliefs and they just go and kill themselves because of Candice's beliefs. They kill themselves because of someone's viewpoint? To me that sounds like someone not grounded in their own beliefs, else they wouldn't want to kill themselves.

1000%. Establishing this, the only sensible conclusion to draw next is that it's actually really only about emotional manipulation and trying to shame you into giving them their way.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also,10-2 = 8

I always find it amusing when someone points out interesting "coincidences" (maybe they're not!) with numbers, and just as I'm reading it I spot another, almost giving extra validation to the original idea.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Everyone's far right when you're off the left edge of the universe.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

7.Trump became president in the Hebrew Years of 5777.

Also, he told Hillary she'd be in jail on 7/7/5777 (Sun, 9 October 2016)

Which if you want some perspective of how rare it is to get a 7/7/x777, the last one (4777 obv) was September 18, 1016 A.D. Yes, that's right, 1016.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this a joke? Seriously, this reads like a parody. Who would even for one second buy this?

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not his account but the content is still true

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 9 points ago +9 / -0

one of my fellow workers knows someone who claims they know someone in the military

Think I'm gonna take a whole shaker of salt with this one, sorry.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 15 points ago +15 / -0

Given "Hunter becomes the Hunted," I'd have to imagine he's got a starring role in this movie. Double meanings exist.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 4 points ago +4 / -0

This. Word games are how we ended up in this situation to begin with. What seems trivial in the short-term (aww who cares which word ya use dude) causes people to forget why we chose those specific words in the first place.

Undocumented immigrant for example makes it sound like they moved here and just sort of forgot to do their paperwork (come on man we're humans, it's just paper!) What happens if the "undocumented immigrant" is just someone who walked over the border to pick up a dead drop of drugs before heading back over the border again? They aren't an immigrant, they didn't move here, but because of some sensitive feelings (just the cover story for weakening America intentionally, hence woke leftists being useful idiots) we confuse reality.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 1 point ago +1 / -0

If PJMedia is saying it, then it's at least a lot more credible. Never heard of "BNN". Thanks

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone else reporting this? I'm not gonna fall for another RealRawNews. This website, and specifically this story, seems a little too.. on the nose. 😎

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 11 points ago +11 / -0

Sometimes the communists are so over the top that this kind of news doesn't initially register as totalitarian as it does "cartoon bad guys" and I burst out laughing. Then again, while it's so over the top that I can't help but laugh, I have to remember that yes, the commies are deadly serious when they go this far over the top. Their idea that they can get away with the absurdity is in itself a show of power.

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 43 points ago +43 / -0

Who'd have thought that the Scooby Doo styled unmasking of bad guys would one day be a real life thing?

TrustyTrumpenTrumpet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can tell you meant this as a well-intentioned joke, but you should put something like (joke) in the image itself, because it can be taken both ways. The "Research Wanted" tag doesn't help. Still, I thought it was funny!

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