Trump attacks ! Wooooofucking hoooooo !
Silver is the best
Colloidal silver kills all viruses and bacteria
Out here in SF They get surgery
Trans sexual. Vestitie is just clothes
Gender is all bullcrap
I say there’s only 3
Male Females Confused
Fuck masks Fuck social distancing Fuck forced business closures. And covid crisis actors
That gets. TOP KEK !!!
-1. All time !!!!!
Ongoing uninstall ..........
YES !!
The BIBLE has a lot to say about the deceivers being exposed !
( there needs to be an audience for the play; It’s a long play )
918 to 1920.
Many would have us believe that all those American soldiers who died from non-combatant causes died from Spanish flu. However, U.S. Army records show that seven men died after being vaccinated.
A report from U.S. Secretary of War Henry L Stimson, the deaths were not only verified but also there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis reported as a direct result of yellow fever vaccination during only six months of the war. Plus, the yellow fever vaccination was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given to recruits.
1911 vaccinations became a requirement in the U.S. Army. Cases of typhoid and vaccinial diseases increased rapidly, according to Army records.
1917 The death rate from typhoid reached the highest point in the history of the U.S. Army after America entered the war.
In 1917, 19,608 men were admitted into army hospitals due to anti typhoid inoculation and vaccinia, according to a report of the Surgeon-General of the U.S. Army; and this doesn’t take into account others whose symptoms were attributed to other causes. The army doctors knew all these cases of disease and death were due to vaccination and were honest enough to admit it in their medical reports. Army doctors tried to suppress the symptoms of typhoid with a stronger vaccine, however it caused a worse form of typhoid, paratyphoid. They then concocted an even stronger vaccine to suppress the previous one and created an even worse disease–Spanish flu.
After the war, this was one of the vaccines used to protect a panic-stricken world from the soldiers returning from WWI battle fronts infected with dangerous diseases.
The rest is history.
1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines that killed up to 100 million people.
The great divide is baby killing
Democrats socialists liberals are 100% for murdering babies at any time even after birth
Decent conservative Christians by tearing people of the earth by murdering babies the most important of practices and oppose it with every fiber of our being
It has always been and will always be the greatest divide in politics
Nobody’s gonna buy this lockdown crap anymore
Executive order. 10838. Or whatever
The white hats
Have all
Planned all this
Are orchestrating all this
Lindell let the cat out of the bag - he’s coming back in mid August
That’s two months from now which is an eternity especially when the Arizona results come out
When we find out , and it is set in stone Voter by voter
that Arizona was about 500,000 votes off Katie bar the door!!!
Read the history of the vaxx cartel. Pure evil
Here’s the history of the evil vaxx cartel
Here’s two websites that are excellent on the subject and very thorough and documented
The vaccine industry is pure evil total fraud
the immunization theory is complete and utter nonsense
I’ve been waging this battle and taking bullets like Senator Kennedy has , against this horrible industry for 30 years now
I’m not nice about it at all I don’t hold back
For decades I’ve done my best to save every child that I could from this horrible industry
Now, along with my master Jesus Christ, I’m trying to save humanity
If the evil satanic vaccine industry steals your body from this world ? Jesus Christ cannot save your soul!
That’s fucking stupid
Kids should be sheltered from sex and politics. Looong perfect childhood
Lib parents are perverts
The vaccine industry is pure evil and fraudulent
Colloidal silver kills all viruses and bacteria
Two of the biggest medical truths
1- vaxx industry is pure evil
2- Collidal silver is free you can make it yourself the government can’t stop you and it kills all viruses and bacteria
Google “ collidal silver and E. coli white papers “. Etc. NOT just CS › articles › P... Web results Antibacterial Activity of Colloidal Silver against Gram-Negative and ... by AV Domínguez · 2020 · Cited by 19 — Keywords: multidrug-resistant bacteria, colloidal silver, Gram-negative bacteria, Gram-positive bacteria. › SREPDF Antibacterial efficacy of colloidal silver alone and in combination ... by JO Orji · 2007 · Cited by 13 — Full Length Research Paper ... Key words: Antibacterial, colloidal silver, clinical bacteria isolates, antibiotic discs, killing ...
The government although it is approved 25,000 medical products using silver still tries to deny that it works internally even though it has worked for thousands and thousands and thousands of years
they are liars liars liars liars liars
Wooooooo. Fucking. Hookooooooo!!!
The vaccine industry is pure evil and fraud
The “ immunization “ theory is complete lies
Resources for waking people up
History of the cartel
1955 Boston Herald newspaper reports on April 18, 1955, features an article entitled ‘Drug Companies Expecting Big Profit on Salk Vaccine’, which stated. ‘A spokesman for Parke-Davis, which made 50% of the Salk vaccine, said ‘now that it has been declared safe, we can get back the millions we invested in the development of the Salk vaccine and make a profit out of it. Our company will made over $10 million on Salk vaccine in 1955.’
1955 Rhodes and Company, Wall Street brokers specializing in drug securities, estimate that the gross revenue of the six vaccine houses licensed to produce and sell Salk vaccine would be about $60 million, with profits of $20 million.
1955 The CIA conducts a biological warfare experiment in the Tampa Bay area in Florida with agents withdrawn from an Army CBW center. A sharp rise in whooping cough (Pertussis) cases occurs, including 12 deaths, following the test.
1955 Washington Bureau of the Detroit Free Press reports, on June 3, 1955, that ‘The USPHS reported that more children who received Salk shots made by the Wyeth Labs suffered polio more than could normally be expected;’
1955 AMA Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Article by James C. Spaulding who covered the conference was published in the AMA Journal, June 19,
1955, ‘A policy of secrecy and deception has been followed by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the US Public Health Service in the polio vaccine programs. The nation’s physicians were prevented from learning vital information about the trouble with Salk vaccine. The US Public Health Service had an advisory group made up almost entirely of scientists who were receiving money from the National Foundation of Infantile Paralysis, which was exerting pressure to go ahead with the program even after Salk vaccine was found to be dangerous.’ Spaulding further said, ‘the Infantile Paralysis Foundation kept secret the fact that live virus was detected in four out of six supposedly ‘finished and safe’ lots of vaccine.’
1955 Salk Polio Vaccine again used in the US. Cases of polio skyrocket again in the United States.
1955 Reported that doctors on the staff of the National Institutes for Health are avoiding vaccination of their children with the Salk vaccine, and that after experimenting with 1200 monkeys, they declared the Salk vaccine worthless as a preventative and a danger to take.
1955 First vaccinated generation become adolescents.
1955 Massachusetts reports 642% increase in polio since vaccinations began in 1954 with vaccination of 130,000 children. In response, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis states that the increase in cases was due to the fact that ‘no children were vaccinated there.’
1955 Massachusetts bans the sale of Salk vaccine.’
1955 Dr. Graham W. Wilson, director of Britain’s Public Health Laboratory Service, who knew about the NIH Salk vaccine trials, says ‘I do not see how any vaccine prepared by Salk’s method can be guaranteed safe.’
1955 US Surgeon General Scheele admits in a closed session of the AMA that ‘Salk polio vaccine is hard to make and no batch can be proven safe before given to children’. Despite this fact, the public is told that the vaccine is safe. The government announces that it has the intention to vaccinate 57 million people before August 1955.
1955 Surgeon General Scheele (who never practiced medicine a day in his life!) goes on public radio saying ‘I have complete confidence in the Salk vaccine. I urge doctors to continue vaccinations.’
1956 Seventeen states in the United States reject their government-supplied Salk polio vaccine.
1956 US government appropriates $53.6 million to ‘aid states in providing free vaccine to people under 20 years of age’.
1956 Idaho health director Peterson states that polio only struck vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio since the preceding autumn. In 90% of the cases, the paralysis occurred in the arm in which the vaccine had been injected.
1956 American Public Health Service announces 168 cases of polio and 6 deaths among those vaccinated. Censorship is then imposed on the reporting of reactions to Salk vaccine.
1956 Oral polio vaccine developed further by Sabin.
1956 The US Public Health Service and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (Rockefeller) put on a drive to ‘sell’ Salk polio vaccine to the public.
1957 Governor Knight of California asks the legislature for $3 million in order to insure vaccination for all those under 40 years old with Salk polio vaccine. The newspapers report that corporate profits from the Salk vaccine will be in excess of $5 billion. (Feb 6, 1957). Governor Knight notes there are 4 million Californians under 40 and signs the bill.
1957 Pertussis vaccination programs exist in all industrialized nations, with the US leading the way. The vaccine is promoted as ‘risk free’.
1957 Scientists isolate a series of Simian (monkey) viruses and discover that these same viruses contaminate polio vaccines. SV-40 found in both Sabin and Salk polio vaccines. (made since early ’50s), Information not made public. The same vaccines continued to be used until the early 1960’s.
1958 World literature now contains 107 cases of severe reaction to Pertussis vaccine (93 of those cases were in the US). At the Fountain Hospital in London, Dr. J.M. Berg analyzed the 107 cases and found that 31 of them showed signs of permanent brain damage. Berg calls attention to the danger of mental retardation as an effect of the Pertussis vaccine and emphasizes that ‘any suggestion of a neurological reaction to a Pertussis vaccination should be an absolute contraindication to further inoculation.’ The United States medical establishment ignores and suppresses the data. American physicians maintain that the damage caused is small compared to ‘lack of ‘serious’ reactions in children vaccinated.’ No data has ever been found to justify a basis for this conclusion.
1958 Verdict of $147,000 rendered against Cutter Laboratories in California for the crippling of two children with the Salk polio vaccine. Cutter Labs was the only vaccine manufacturer not part of the Rockefeller Trust.
1959 The United States never conducts its own clinical trials on Pertussis vaccine, but instead relies (as it still does today) on data collected by Britain’s Medical Research Council in clinical trials in England in the 1950’s for ‘proof of vaccine safety and effectiveness in newborns and children.’ Interestingly, Britain’s trials on 50,000 British children were performed on children more than 14 months old. None of the children were newborns.
1959 National Institutes of Health (NIH) approves licensing of Quadrigen vaccine for children, containing Pertussis, Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio vaccines. The new combination vaccine was found to be highly reactive and was withdrawn from the market in 1968 after parents started filing lawsuits against Parke- Davis for vaccine damaged children.
1959 Pertussis vaccine found to have allergenic effect on animals.
1960 British Medical Journal publishes an article by Swedish vaccine researcher Justus Strom, who stated that the neurological complications from the disease Pertussis are less than that in the Pertussis vaccine. Strom also pointed out that ‘whooping cough (Pertussis) had changed and had become a milder disease, making it questionable whether universal vaccination against it is justified.’
1960 General vaccination program for measles begins in the United States.
1960 It is estimated in 1960 that over 1,000,000 children have vaccine-caused disabilities, including learning difficulties and school behavioral problems, behavioral disturbances, allergies, speech difficulties, visual problems, and problems in adjustment and coping.
1961 A senior school medical officer in Northern England, J.M. Hooper, finds that parents are beginning to refuse to bring children for a Pertussis booster shot, based on earlier violent reaction to the ‘vaccination.’ Children were suffering from collapse, vomiting, and uncontrollable screaming. No one paid attention to these warnings.
1961 Sabin polio vaccine immunization campaign.
1963 American researcher John F. Enders creates a measles vaccine. Mass inoculations begin.
1963 Children vaccinated with killed measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967 develop Atypical Measles Syndrome (AMS). Studies suggest the children’s response to the ‘wild’ measles virus is ‘altered’ and that the severity and persistence of symptoms suggests encephalopathy (brain damage.) See 1967.
1964 Reward of $30,000 offered to prove polio vaccine was not fraud. No takers.
1965 US Government’s leading Pertussis vaccine specialist, Margaret Pittman, (until 1971) states, ‘Bordetella Pertussis is unique among infectious bacteria in its marked ability to modify biological processes.’
1965 Congress passes the Immunization Assistance Act. More states made their vaccination programs mandatory/obligatory.
1967 The FDA stops the use of an experimental cancer vaccine which was producing significant results. Developed by James Rand and Eernest Ayre, a recognized cancer specialist. The Rand vaccine produced significant improvement in terminal patients in over 30% of patients. It cured tumors and breast cancer in four to six months, without radiation, surgery or chemotherapy. The FDA Commissioner was James L. Goddard, the same man who persecuted the use of DMSO. Goddard used the DMSO issue in 1966 in an attempt to foster a medical dictatorship in the US in collusion with the medical and pharmaceutical industries, and remove viable treatments from public access.
I love Subway
If you’re a real work in person and you got to get lunch you’re looking for a sandwich shop
There’s three primary good ones
subway Togo’s Quiznos
Subway is by far the most ubiquitous
Subway bakes their own bread and I’m a vegetarian and they have a veggie patty sandwich
I don’t have television I don’t really give a shit about commercials and I don’t really give a shit about corporate politics
Theyre. Ok. Silver is far better Any treatment taken orally is fine Through digestive system. No Shots. NEVER
Canada is waaaay lost
The Canadians I know agree. ( patriot types )
They’re not going back
At least here you can Own guns
Silver kills ALL (600plus ) viruses and ? bacterium ?
My title.
The vaccine industry is pure evil
and cares nothing except for power and profit making
and will trample over the dead bodies of little children from time until kingdom come to do so
They are every bit as evil as the abortion industry; probably more
Vaccine theory is invalid
they do not make you immune from anything
and generally cause. you to have the condition that they supposedly are immunizing you against.
This is been the case for over 100 years
What do you know a bigger live in the vaccine industry?
Colloidal silver is free you can make it your self in your kitchen and the government can’t stop it
The silver Ion effectively kills all single celled organisms including all bacteria and all viruses
It doesn’t care whether it’s COVID-19 E. coli tuberculosis or even the aids virus
it’ll kill them all
The NIH and the official government line is it only works externally
This is just simply not true
I make a glass every morning and my wife and children drink it on an every day basis as a prophylactic and nobody has ever been sick or missed a day of school or work
All you need to make colloidal silver is three things
1- Distilled water
2- Pure silver electrodes
3- Minimum 21 V direct current.
Three 9 volt batteries ? in series. Turns out to be perfect. Of course !
Try this on for size
Search “colloidal silver” under different engines
google DuckDuckGo VPN other
See what comes up
The federal government used to actively try to pursue the colloidal silver people but then they lost in court so many times that they stopped
They put the poor dude out of business. that sold me my little generator it broke after a week and I had to fix back in the 1980s
I have a white paper after white paper that will show you a 99% plus reduction of any bacteria in solution of even as little as 10 ppm
Have you noticed that during this entire pandemic hasn’t even really been a discussion about colloidal silver ?
they’ve only trotted. out hydroxychloroquine an intervectin.
Both of which of course I’d highly recommend
So then do your research kids
let me know what you find out
But I’m just telling you for a simple fact
you can CURE. yourself
from all parasites and bugs and diseases
for free and you don’t need the doctor OR the government
In fact I’d say avoid them like the plague - the real one that is!!!
Woooooo hoooooooo. Eat my shorts FBI / NSA fuckers !
I’m just gonna sit right here and right now the abuse of children by the vaccination industry is 100 times worse than the pedophile problem
Vaccines murder children and turn them into retards
The Gestapo tries to force them on the kids
They love to force them on You TOO right now
BUT all they can do RIGHT NOW. is bribe. FRIGHTEN. HOAX. LIE. THREATEN
The Democrats are pure evil but the vaccine industry is their primary weapon and is actually bigger and more evil than they are
They totally CORRUPT vaccine industry HAS co-opted
almost the entire media and the entire political system
If you speak out against the vaccine industry -, they attack you
Here is three websites.
This is WAR.
The use of the word IMMUNITY by them. Is PREPOSTEROUS
Do you wanna get laid or not ? That’s the question to ask
Trollin trollin trollin. Raw hide !!!