I heard him say it. Watch the video.
I'm buying a cybertruck and putting an ar-15 sticker on it to remind anyone that FAFO. If you attack us you will lose and I also feel they are baiting us into a civil war again...
I thought he said 2:30? It's 4 now? What's going on? Waiting until 17 o'clock again?
This is the 100th time he said they were out to get Trump or him and he needs to do an emergency broadcast. Remember when Trump got COVID and Alex said the hospital was going to kill him?
That's why I have liberty health share. It's Not health insurance. It's a Christian organization that's non profit and all the money goes to paying each other's medication bills without middle men taking cuts.
That biofeedback machine is a scam. Can't diagnose. Look at the website bro.
Better advice is to eat healthy, exercise, sleep well and ask Grok for health advice not a scam artist. I love natural health but half of natural doctors are selling placebos and scams. Be your own doctor, grok's health advice is more accurate and free, then you won't have to depend on people trying to profit from your health problems!
Haha well said fren!
Thank you Elon! Appreciate it patriot!
He says Trump likes vaccines? I don't like this guy. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
I 100% agree. The fact that we have been paying ss to thieves is crazy, and I hope Kash gets all that money back. If you took thousands in ss money that wasn't yours, you should have your assets seized and go to jail. Societies leeches need to learn a lesson.
And that's fair. Who does zelensky think he is saying no to Trump? Russia and US have him backed in a corner. I hope we can get our money back and zelensky gets jailed and tried for treason, that guy has to have a legal death sentence somewhere in his future right? Or because he's a president maybe he is immune...
The cabal has sexualized children in entertainment. Just look at what little girls wear these days, bikinis, tight short clothes. High heels for girls in entertainment. There is so much acceptance of inappropriate children's clothing and inappropriate adult movies or shows with kids saying sexual things.
If Hollywood goes down, the pedo-brainwashing machine goes down too.
You aren't born a pedo, programming in your environment causes that infliction. The cabal has put out massive amount of programming, just watch the trailer for "Kickass". Absolute filth.
He could be confirmed on the 17th.....
I think he is controlled opposition that jumped ship after it was clear who was winning.
Defunded? That's it? How bout these terrorists are sent to Guantanamo bay.
Kash Patel could be confirmed by the full Senate on.... February 17th!!! No coincidence, our q anon fbi director confirmed on the 17th, completing the last important part of the puzzle, now we can go on offense!
Game over if he's confirmed!!!
I've made this recipe and can confirm it's fantastic! This is the best way to make ice cream without an ice cream maker.
So in case people didn't know. I've heavy researched "bio resonance" scanning and it's a scam.
Anytime someone claims they can scan your body with sounds or frequencies or bio resonance, it's all bullshit. Those devices are not proven to work and scanner device companies prey on sick people to sell these scam services.
Pray for guidance from God 🙏
And the world trade center. Attack after attack of false flags. We are at war!
I'm a little confused by how perfectly smooth everything is going. When are the deep state going to attack hard? After Jan 20th?
Panama isn't included there. Whoever did this doesn't know geography.
I lived in Panama for a couple decades. The canal was run amazingly under Americans but it went to shit after Panamanians took control. They cut a ton of the rainforest near the canal to build, but that reduced the rainfall needed to run the canal and so now they have a water shortage and it's affecting our exports because the canal can't run properly anymore.
Take it back Trump!
Remember when this was a banned topic on great awakening because a mod thought it wasn't real?
I remember. Glad it's stopping.