They both look like clamps dippers to me so I doubt anyone got fired. Maybe, and only a slight maybe, the fire chief got a slap on the wrist, reduction in pay of $50/pay period, and do a week of DEI refresher training courses. Oh, and in a year the chief will be receiving a distinguished Fire Fighter award for her outstanding contributions during this chaotic time.
I will get slammed for my remark but I'll toss it out there....."If a woman wants to do the same job as a man and get paid the same, then she ought to be able to perform the same as that man. If the job is to shoulder carry a 180 pound man out of a burning building then the woman had better be fit enough to do that task". That bull dyke looks big enough to carry two fully grown men out of the fire at the same time. It's high time she got serious about her diet and strength training. Heck, can she even walk into a fire with all the fire protection gear on and with an oxygen tank, and a fire hose???? Or is she just a commander who doesn't need to be a front line firefighter?
I've been delving into the gut-brain relationship. If you put good food into your gut, the bugs will break it down and send the good nutrients to the brain where the brain will tell the rest of the body to do good things. If you put bad food into your body, it kills the bugs, thus your brain is starved for nutrients to heal the body. Read what this guy have happen to him after eating good bugs for a year. Then think about the Garden of Eden. Did God supply his creation with McDonalds? Nope, he gave Adam and Eve wonderful, healthy food. Fruit, nuts, seeds, animals, all pure and not toxicated by modern man. Adam and Eve lived a very long time because they did not pollute their bodies with man made trash. Please contemplate how eating good foods will immensely help your body and brain. It will wash out all toxins and you will begin to feel like a new person. Eat a Carnivore or Keto diet and within a week the brain will function differently, you will be more motivated to do things, and your body will feel better. Plus if you have cancer or diabetes it will begin to be reversed. Look up Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Eric Berg on YT. Then delve on the interwebs of the great benefits of Ivermectin in treating cancers. IDK if the Ten Days and Darkness should be taken together. They are not in the post end to end, just one on top of the the other. We shall see if Trump goes dark or if the MSM goes dark. Will be interesting times for the next ten days.
I only have one problem with this. Imagine two good citizens, but on the opposite side of the political spectrum, go to a representatives office and express their views on an issue, how then is the politician suppose to vote? He wants to help both parties, yet he cannot. How do you square this paradox?
Yep, don't know how many Deep State plants in that group of career Washington lackeys, so I think this would the be the best practice in every government agency. There are plenty of patriots out in the hinterlands who are competent within these fields who would be willing to serve again. We need every single deep state plant out of Washington DC, immediately.
Cut the budget to the bone so your department cannot adequately fight any kind of fire, then when the fires come, ask, demand, plead for funding from the Federal Government. Instead of "losing" $66.6 million dollars due to budget cuts, they actually get a $150 million dollar boost in their budget. Pretty easy to figure out when you see what is actually happening and the time line involved. If you look back at previous disasters, I bet you will find department budget cut just before the disaster happened. Plus, the amount of cash the Federal Government threw at the problem was way more than the budget cuts.
A wild animal backed into a corner will fight until it's last breath for survival. I don't think the DS will just lay down and say "OK, you guys win" and then slink off into anonymity. They will collect all the resources available to them and come back fighting. How will the WHs get rid of every single one of those cockroaches? They won't, but once the truth comes out the cockroaches won't like the light.
Big Mike likes 'em small, reminds him of the boys of his youth.