UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

1,540…very nice sir and well done. We made it to the other side

UncontrollableQueef 19 points ago +19 / -0

Ties in nicely with “I need one more indictment to ensure my election”. Choosing election vs re-election makes even more sense with this revelation

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow Lagunitas too? Que lastima.

Texas pedes and anyone who can get a hold of it: Manhattan Project Brewing Co out of Dallas is my go to. Rahr & Sons out of ft worth has something for everybody: ambers, ales, lagers, ipa, etc. Panther Island also out of ft worth kicks ass.

UncontrollableQueef 8 points ago +8 / -0

Interesting line to me is “Long live the King” vs. Biden’s “God save the Queen, man” line the other day


UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

POTUS has authority to declassify. VP does not. Completely staged, a non-issue. That’s argument #1. We should not lose sight of this. He could literally have TS nuclear weapons blue prints and it doesn’t matter if he declassed. For better or worse, potus has that authority.

UncontrollableQueef 3 points ago +3 / -0

I share this thought as well. These other circuses are a lead up to treason charges for muh insurrection. To what end I’m not sure, but your thoughts make sense.

They’re definitely paralleling trump and Joey bribes:

  1. Sexual assault. Biden / Tara Reade / tons of children on camera = crickets. Trump / batshit crazy lady = liable.

  2. Docuhoax. Biden = swept under rug. Trump = indicted.

  3. Treason. Biden = took bribes, outcome TBD. Trump = TBD.

ETA: I’m betting March of ‘24 leading up to the election we’ll see the treason movie play out. It’s the same script they used in ‘20 with the rona.

UncontrollableQueef 8 points ago +8 / -0

Their narrative is DJT, a 40s something billionaire living in NYC ever-rising in popularity, had a quickie with The Riddler? Nope, not buying it.

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

Last week while indisposed I heard a door handle jiggling. I swore an unwelcome guest was paying a visit, but it was just the cat (he can open doors). Going gun shopping tomorrow for a “crap shooter”. You never know 🤷🏿‍♂️

UncontrollableQueef 4 points ago +4 / -0

Still more accurate than the turd polls they plop down

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Electric utility infrastructure containing transformers that step transmission voltages down to useable voltages for commercial and residential purposes. It’s where we get power from at the local level.

UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +1 / -0

Irrelevant sack of shit. Disregard. Literally no one cares.

UncontrollableQueef 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ok come on now this is as overt as it gets. Question is, which side is he trolling?

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never watched Patchy speak. His effeminate mannerisms and mild lisp are pinging my gaydar. If he doesn’t like eye patch McCain he can always have Butt pirate

UncontrollableQueef 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, I disagree. That kind of pussy attitude is why we’re here where we are. Yeah mil is supposed to be neutral under normal circumstances, but they’re not supposed to ignore blatant tyranny, like we had/have with Obamabiden. You neutralize commie assholes like that.

UncontrollableQueef 5 points ago +5 / -0

No way this gigafaggot wins. He’ll move to another state and run for office like mittens did. He’s done in TX

UncontrollableQueef 7 points ago +7 / -0

At the rally today Trump said “That’s not the real Biden, I don’t think it’s him”. Idk if he does that every time but it definitely stood out today. I don’t have a time stamp but it was a little before he brought Rubio on stage.

UncontrollableQueef 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those are awful. I’m noticing more going up in developing neighborhoods, definitely don’t think it’s a malfunction. No idea what they’re for bc you damn sure can’t see better with them.

UncontrollableQueef 6 points ago +6 / -0

Excellent write up. The concept of social security becomes more infuriating the older I get. Leave it to the government to take your money and get a negative rate of return.

Say you hit the max contribution every year, which increases every year, but for simplicity say the govt takes $8,000 of your money every year. Now negate the fact I’m already getting notices the fund will only be good for 80% of its current value by 2032. So say at age 30 you make around the max taxable income for SS $140k/yr and are taxed the max SS amount of $8k. Your benefit will be $3k or slightly less per month if you work until 67. Take that same amount and invest it in something conservative, averaging 6% annual return (historically the market averages around 11%). At 65 you’ll have $1M. You could pull $5k per month in interest alone. And you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Pull it all out and blow it or pass it down as an inheritance.

All that to say, SS is theft and discretionary in my view but I get your point about suddenly yanking the rug from those that are already dependent on it. The government will never be able to provide better than the individual.

UncontrollableQueef 12 points ago +13 / -1

This dude is a dick fart personified. Too dainty to work a real job, far too retarded to critically think. So xir became a “journalist” hoping to be there to comfort some poor unsuspecting lady receptionist having boyfriend problems (most certainly as a cover story for his closet homosexuality) - while she was undoubtedly drunk - so xir could at least have some chance of mating, to feel what it might feel like to be a maga alpha male.

Alas, goofybeard spent that night like so many others - scratching his patchy “beard” and masturbating to the Don Lemon poster scotch taped above his bed. “Next time”, thinks goofybeard, “I’ll get the girl. Next time I’ll be loved and respected for sure.”. Sadly, Goofybeard died unexpectedly soon thereafter. The medical examiner said it was the largest rectally inserted pineapple he’s ever seen. Cause of death was Covid, of course, and definitely not death by rectal pineapple. The gay bar goofybeard frequented nightly decided to commemorate xirs memory with a pineapple/captain Morgan cocktail aptly named the Hawaiian Breeze, after their beloved goofybeard and his record setting pineapple.

RIP Goofybeard, yours is a story far too common amongst the “main stream” “journalist” field. Maybe you should’ve just learned to code, faggot.

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