WTFChuck 6 points ago +6 / -0

So what's the takeaway on this? This prosecutor grew a conscience and got taken out by Bezos/Amazon? OR She took herself out when the walls were closing in on her?

WTFChuck 35 points ago +35 / -0

I had a feeling that John Roberts's number was up. Kim Clement said there would be two judges that would step down and shock everybody. Let's make it Roberts and Brown because of this very thing.

WTFChuck 5 points ago +6 / -1

I totally agree with you about Stargate SG-1 being full of things that look very different to me now knowing what I know since Q.

Another series my mind keeps going back to because of the biological tech is "Dark Matter". Also a lot of MK-Ultra type stuff going on in that short-lived show. I think it was from the same folks who did SG1. Been quite a long while since I watched it but have been meaning to watch it again in light of what we all now know about the good and evil that has been going on around us that we didn't know to pay attention to.

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Okay, is it just me? This article presupposes that UK and the US are allies in what is going on. I think that's the first erroneous assumption, imo. Though I should clarify. The guy worked as a contractor for MI6. Yes, CIA and MI6 are allies. But that does not mean the USA and the UK are allies. These are deep state guys, imo, and the Trump ICE people have honed in on this guy. Of course there's a reason though we don't know what it is. But I think premise two in this guy's article is the most plausible: "2) He was never pro-Palestinian but was infiltrating the protest movement for the British government"

The guys argument that it's #3 seems like straight up trying to sell us a BS narrative: "3) He was not very political but was moved recently to activism by the genocide in Gaza

Of these, option 3) seems to me the most plausible, though all are certainly possible."

I'm not buying that. At all. Seems to me the best interests of America are served by rounding up and dealing with ALL of the deep state assets in all of their various cubby holes: academia, USAID, military, SES, etc, etc.

If this is a chess move to start the reveal that the UK is NOT our friend, that would not surprise me at all. Just as Zelenskyy going running to his UK puppetmasters when he pisses off President Trump shows that the UK is not our friend. (Not the British people, of course. I'm talking about the people controlling the UK and torturing their own people.)

WTFChuck 7 points ago +7 / -0

Very well-written article. Absolutely right about keeping our eyes on the real target, not the scapegoats.

WTFChuck 4 points ago +5 / -1

Iran with nukes = Israel with nukes + plausible deniability

WTFChuck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Narcissists projecting their own sins on President Trump. We have been a nation subjected to continual narcissistic abuse for decades. And now President Trump and team are working to make everybody understand that none of that shit was normal or how it was supposed to be. We weren't crazy to think that the government was FUBAR. It was! MSM gaslighted us right in step with the narcissistic abuse agenda. But now we see it. There aren't that many left who are locked in their co-dependent mindset. President Trump is patient because he's trying not to leave any of them behind, God bless him. But we all know that one friend or family member who is in a crazy relationship that no amount of rational discussion or reasoning can make them see the truth of it. They're stuck for their own reasons. I'm guessing those are Q's 4-6%. Edit to add: At some point, we'll all be ready to move on without them.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like your theory. It aligns with a comment I made on a different post.

"I have been pondering this topic for a little while but putting it in different terms.

I have been thinking that the war we're seeing that the normies don't see has always been about one thing: control of consensus reality. The dark forces have had control of consensus reality for quite some time. Decades, for sure. Hundreds of years maybe. Millennia possibly. But how have they done it? They did it by the narrative control they've managed so long and so carefully, which kept all of US making their manipulated reality the consensus reality.

Then Q came along. Why? To harness all of us. To make us the tip of the spear that shifts us to a consensus reality that is REAL not manipulated. And President Trump and team have been wielding us with a skill that is a marvel to watch now. And the closer we get to having the consensus reality driven again by REALITY instead of narrative shapers, the more amazing stuff we're seeing.

Look what's happening that would have been nearly inconceivable only a decade ago: a bill introduced to abolish the income tax, cancer cures flying at us from multiple sources, vaccines being debunked from multiple sources around the world, big corporations being Bud Lighted into submission, former presidents at the inauguration listening to the new president tell the world what incompetent morons those guys were. It is glorious!!!!

Keep up your work, anons! We are the weapon Trump and team are using to FREE THE WORLD! What a time to be alive and awake! God bless you all, frens!"

Here's the post: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKOubiTd/we-are-winning-the-narrative-war/

WTFChuck 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh, no! Not Davanni's! I rarely get up to the Twin Cities anymore, but when I do I try to make a stop at Davanni's. Dammit! I always go to the one in working class East St. Paul. Those guys wouldn't do that shit. Dogoneit. Et tu, Davanni's? Et tu?

WTFChuck 11 points ago +11 / -0

Poso, Loomer, Cernovich: I haven't trusted those three almost from the start. I was following Kappy throughout his time dropping info, so I was happy to see him confirm my intuition on those three. If we've learned anything since 2016 it's that you can't take anything or anybody at face value.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

https:// www.amazon.com/Great-Income-Tax-Hoax/dp/B001H4EAFO

See the works of Irwin Schiff ; connect the above broken link for one of them

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really good article. FOX took a payment from China for a billion dollars and then paid almost 800 million to Dominion?! Of course they did. I hope Paul Ryan is tried for treason over this.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of Wisconsin votes red. But we have a Paul Ryan RINO lapdog who is controlling the Assembly and he keeps protecting the people running the election fraud machine. And guess where the RINO lapdog is from--Racine. It's like Chicago--the graft is so thick, the good guys are outnumbered 100 to 1. It's so frustrating. But people like Peter Bernegger are fighting hard, God bless him! We'll get our state back.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

I LOVE THIS! This is why we hired President Trump 3 times with our votes and why the clowns stole 2020. And, in retrospect, it's a good thing they did in the end because now we are all in the state of mind that we need to be in: no mercy for the monsters or their puppets who keep doing their bidding. President Trump is merciful when it's deserved and ruthless when it's not. God Bless him!

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

You and I are in agreement, fren. I'm right with you vis a vis controlled opposition. But I don't think Candace is that. At least not at this point. But I thought Jordan Sather was okay when I was one of the first couple hundred following him on YouTube before I dumped him in short order when I figured out he was a sower of discord. We all have our internal God-given discernment. Normies ignore that little voice. But most of us here have been honing it for quite some time. Candace passes the muster for the moment for me. I'm not subscribed to her channel because I have limited time and, frankly, limited interest in most of what she focuses on. But I appreciate her work digging into the pasts of people like Kamala Harris and Brigitte Macron. She's the perfect one to expose Kamala. And I hope that Big Mike is next on her expose hit list. Who's going to scream "racist!", "misogynist!" when Kamala is the one opening fire on "Michelle"? I really think Big Mike is going to be what wakes a LOT of normies up. And I hope they're as pissed at the betrayal as they should be. We shall see. What a time to be alive!

And on the entertainment, I agree. I'm a literature lover who watches with astonishment as the Faulkners and Tolkiens and Brontes and Twains and Jane Austens seem to be extinct in our world. Right now the average college graduate can't read any of those books let alone write them. It's tragic. But I hope it's not permanent. We shall see.

WTFChuck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you think there's no cost to what she does? Do you think she should work hard, employ people, pay them, make content (LOTS of which is available freely on YouTube), but she shouldn't make a living from what she does? Or maybe you think she or her husband should work full time to support their family and then do this truth telling on the side for free? (As if that would even be possible in terms of time.) And then we wonder why journalism, music, literature, television, etc, are in the state they are--because people can't make a living doing those things even if they love them without selling their souls to some machine to make them viable.

If you want to do all of that, great! Create a website, curate it, fill it with compelling content, and send me the link. I'll be happy to watch it.

WTFChuck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some people are drawing that conclusion for sure. I've not been able to get the full video to play on my computer. But my Mom watched it today and said that she does NOT explicitly say that Brigitte is the father. This is one of those mysteries easily solved with a DNA test, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

WTFChuck 13 points ago +13 / -0

Yes, and she put it up for all to see. It's NOT behind a paywall. God bless her!

How is it not blowing up on X that Emmanuel Macron is married to HIS FATHER?!!!

WTFChuck 6 points ago +6 / -0

This board has helped when I've asked for prayers. These are some powerful prayer warriors here. I've offered up a prayer for your grandmother and you and your family and all in the hospital who interact with your grandmother that they be their most competent, compassionate, creative, and caring in their work with your grandmother. May our Father in Heaven bless you both and protect and provision you.

WTFChuck 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used to follow Timothy Charles Holmseth. But then he ended up with a woman who appears to be his handler and they ended up (allegedly) trying to steal the home of Field McConnell.

For those who don't know Field McConnell, he's was a military pilot who went on to be a commercial pilot who ended up becoming a target when he became a whistleblower about the Boeing uninterruptible autopilot.


Lots of other great things Field was doing too that landed him in a J6-type situation before J6 ever happened.

"Paula Loves Children" on Bitchute and Rumble and X has a lot of the information on this and has called him out as has Field McConnell.

Just a bit of context about Timothy Charles Holmselth in case it's helpful.

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