WTP_1776 7 points ago +8 / -1

Youre painting with just as broad of strokes in the opposite direction without any evidence. I point to the Talmud, you point to “no you don’t understand” with no information to contradict what I’m saying.

I appreciate the last 2 sentences of your post but I will not stop talking about this or asking questions. I would love for you to show me how I’m not understanding. Show me how the Talmud does not guide the leaders of all of this group. Myself and plenty of other people on this board can see clearly how it does guide them.

WTP_1776 13 points ago +15 / -2

you would think.. it’s incredible and disappointing how many people who claim to be on trumps side are legitimately retarded when it comes to stuff like this. It’s like they are lefties at heart, their first reaction is “Qtard! sticks head in sand

I’m sure some of them are bots but wow there’s a staggering amount of stupidity on this side too.

WTP_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some wildy ignorant assumptions. But I’m sure you have some justification for your poor manners.

WTP_1776 5 points ago +6 / -1

It’s antisemitism to speak any truth about Jews. Hordes of people claiming you’re wrong or you’re misunderstanding but not once will they give you any information on why you’re wrong or misunderstanding.

Go back in my comment history and look at the people responding in the last thread. Even going as far as trying to shame me using Jesus’s name. Really vile people come out of the woodworks on this topic.

WTP_1776 0 points ago +2 / -2

Literally every last one of you that claims I don’t understand or am wrong can never cite anything to the contrary. How dare you invoke Jesus’s name instead of exercising even the most basic debate skills. What a vile thing to do. Disgusting

WTP_1776 5 points ago +9 / -4

Even the “good jews” follow teachings of the Talmud. They would never call out a fellow Jew because they all agree that non Jews are sub human. It’s right there in their holiest of texts. Judaism is fundamentally non compatible with western Christianity.

WTP_1776 7 points ago +13 / -6

Why? This post is an utterly dishonest perspective as it conveniently ignores how the talmud tells Jews everywhere to treat non Jews. This has nothing to do with blaming anything on Jews or claiming there’s a vast conspiracy. Judaism on a fundamental level is incompatible with Christian morals and society. This board continuously misses this fact.

WTP_1776 7 points ago +7 / -0

What! Do you have a source for the Australia reporting the death early bit? Stuff like that is so great to use to red pill people. Please share! Thank you.

WTP_1776 3 points ago +3 / -0

Props to you all of you people continuously parsing this information. I think a lot of people here are so burnt out on knowing what all has been going on for years and years that they see a headline and just say.”Yep, makes sense. Can we get them yet? “ and don’t bother condensing this into more easily digestible reading.

WTP_1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jussie reminds me of the type of people on patriots.win just with a different filter on him.

WTP_1776 1 point ago +1 / -0

They’re still fucking around even harder. I hope the finding out part increases rapidly.

WTP_1776 4 points ago +4 / -0

Then cops would have to admit that they kill so many innocent people that calling them amounts to attempted murder lmao.

WTP_1776 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems kinda silly. Don’t waste time or money on a trial just kick them out.

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