WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, you're saying tyranny isn't always bad.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes? Science goes crazy and we just can't guarantee that transitioning will always be medically unsafe (to say nothing of how not every trans wants to medically transition) - it's a sandy place to build an argument.

Don't use facts all but guaranteed to change. Use facts that have already been cemented. There were cultures with more than two genders, all over this continent, and our culture with two genders all but wiped them out and proved the stability, superiority, and efficiency of the two gender way.

Plus, we need to make sure that we aren't throwing intersex people out with the bathwater, for they are children made in God's image as well.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

...aren't you all claiming to be victims of illegal migration?

I'm NOT talking about victim stuff. I'm talking about following the US Constitution. Why did y'all make it so I had to learn it in high school if you didn't want me to bring it up? Why can't we have a substantive discussion about the fact that we are violating our own Constitution by breaking treaties? Why does Article VI just... not apply?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, you are saying all the Americans who are currently residing on Native land in violation of Article VI of the American constitution should be forced from their land and sent back to England or Africa or wherever? We're talking over 500 treaties' worth of land, including much of Oklahoma. Is that really how you want things to go?

Or are you in favor of us continuing to violate our own constitution? "TREATIES SHALL BE THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND"

WhaleWatcher 18 points ago +18 / -0

Most of this was true as a Millennial, just not quite as intense and across the board. I managed to finish high school before vlogging and social media (as oppossed to chats and bbs forums) became a real thing. Honestly dodged a lot of bullets going to school during the 56k days. But what social networks learned to exploit and apps doubled down on were exploits already in the human psyche that had been used before in history, just tech allowed for it to be decentralized in a major way.

Culture was already being atomized, community was already being obliterated, and while phones didn't help they are closer to another symptom than the cause itself.

Take advantage of what you do have. More information is available to your generation than any other in history. Hoard all you can, in just a couple years we will have rudimentary AI assistants in layperson hands to sift through it. ADHD is a superpower and a curse that was basically forced onto almost a whole generation - acknowledge your weaknesses, lean into your strengths.

Remember that "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" is impossible - the physics of it makes you fall forward onto your face. Republicans in the 00s using that phrase unironically honestly should have been a clue that this was all a show because no one is that dumb on accident, not even politicians. You gotta meet your peers where they are and pull them up. Then you will have more hands to pull up the next person.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

This argument is a poison-pill. Be careful about falling too heavily into evidence-based arguments, when the evidence can change. Plus, the article continues to erroneously conflate sex and gender. One word is for biology, which is why scientists sex animals and don't gender them. Another word is for sociology, which is why tables are female in Spain but masculine in Germany. Ignoring the medical needs and making fun of the medical difficulties of intersex folk isn't cool either.

People don't understand the point and power of "gender is a social construct". It literally is, and there's nothing wrong with that - social constructs like language are real and directly effect us. Turns out just because humans created it, doesn't mean we are immune from its effects!

"Transgenderism is bad because it's bad for your body" is an argument built on quicksand, because you have no guarantee it will always be true. Plus, when you attack hormone therapy and celebrate its weaknesses you are celebrating dangers in the lives of intersex children of God. Instead, turn "gender is a social construct" back around.

"So, you're saying gender is an expression of culture, then? Okay, well, I believe our culture works best with two genders. Cultures with more than two genders like the Muxi, Cree, or various Arctic-adjacent cultures were all put down by our culture and its strong two genders. Its superiority is proven by history. Our culture doesn't NEED to have two genders, but it SHOULD. And I and everyone who agrees with me has guns, so..."

Trying to make this a science thing is an L mindset. If you want to win the culture war you gotta fight on culture terms.

WhaleWatcher 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's more no one cares. The exact same thing happened with Obama and Iraq.

It's the "They're trying their best!" Fallacy crossed with the "Well they CAN'T go too far and do the things we elected them to do, because then the OTHER SIDE will do what THEY want to do even harder next time they're in power!" Fallacy.

Which is pretty hilarious when coupled with Obama increasing W's expansion of the Executive Office powers, allowing for that very scenario to happen, and increasingly turning politics into just a big tet a tet (idk french)

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sail is going to come back in a big bad way, as economically sustainable becomes more important than profits-per-hour. Fossil fuels are a finite resource and even synthetic stuff costs less than the wind. Eventually it will become markedly inefficient to move fossil fuels around the world on vessels powered by fossil fuels, just to speed up the global supply chain. Fossil fuels will be too expensive to spend on shipping themselves. And AI doesn't really help with that problem, whereas there are so many possible applications of AI to make sailing as efficient as possible.

We're talking real-time micro adjustments across the whole ship, fuelled by satellite data. The whole thing could be automated, or it could be as simple as an AI local radio channel that everyone on ship is patched into during shift. It will probably become a better use of money and oil to make space-age fabrics for sails than to just burn it in exchange for going faster.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem, from the environmentalist point of view is not land use - humans and animals have shared trails for millennia. That's a cool thin about living in America, especially the West - you'll get these weird diagonal streets that mess with the grid, and they are there because those streets are actually ancient game trails that predated the grid style of building cities.

The issue is not fellow travellers on the path, it is trash left behind during the route, but even moreso animals being unable to complete migratory routes.

Also, a wall will continue to be a stupid idea as long as the majority of illegals are people who overstayed their visas. Walls won't help with that. Makes sense Biden is continuing it.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, "made public" is a more precise way to say it, thank you! Precisely.

WhaleWatcher 6 points ago +6 / -0

I keep saying that Trump is going to win in 2024 without any election fraud being uncovered - he doesn't need it. I was scoffed at, but...

WhaleWatcher 0 points ago +1 / -1

I have literally said that here. Not that many comments ago, either. Are you denying God's gifts?

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

Patently false, but you do you.

WhaleWatcher 1 point ago +1 / -0

X is going to charge a monthly fee to use.


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