Someone must be cutting onions in my house. 😢
Hmmm. Interesting.
Over 400 military aircraft are active in the air right now. Seems extra busy. I even saw a Chinook fly by yesterday here in New England.
Usually it's closer to 300.
Thanks for sharing, there are several Q posts regarding the fires in Cali.
Thank you for documenting and sharing your experience. Your efforts will be important many years down the road.
Sorry for your struggle with the sister. I've been down the same road with family and friends.
I found that it helps when they hear of solutions and potential cures from other people en mass. If your sister is on Facebook, you could tell her to check out the Fenbendazole - Cancer Support Group.
There are over 115,000 members that share their story & successes, pray for each other and support those who are fighting cancer.
Alternatively, you could join the group yourself, and then invite her.
If we were converted to a "Corporation", maybe this is why President Trump is hinting that Canada and Greenland could become US territories.
We can confiscate the Rothschild's assets.
Hmmmm. Taking this a step further......
If past laws / loopholes were exploited by congress critters who were illegally installed via cheating, I see no reason why all the mayhem they inflicted upon us can't be reversed.
They were VERY crafty during the Nazi occupation.
If a 13 year old me could make a rudimentary rifle with a piece of pipe and fireworks in the 1980's, they certainly can make their own firearms nowadays.
Any time my Fren!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year!
Yes, that is EXACTLY one of the topics / parasite influences presented in the document. Cat feces spreads Toxoplasma Gondii which may contribute to Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, and homosexuality.
There are screen shots of gay guys (known as "Bug Chasers") actually craving the parasite strain of another gay guy (See page 51). 🤢🤮
Lately I've noticed my kids talking about "Brain Rot" and "Brain Worms" as part of the young generations' lexicon. Gotta wonder why that's gaining traction nowadays.
I assume that you've seen the Parasite Pill 2.0 document before.
Scary stuff, but it mostly aligns with what I've learned over many decades.
Reminds me of the Tesla he launched into space with the spaceman behind the wheel.
Username checks out. ✅
Maybe in the previous wiki revisions it was a reliable match, or the more likely scenario, google is just another propaganda tool.
I rely on Yandex for or DDG for better unbiased results.
Hmmm. All these plane events seem like a convenient way to get people to stop traveling.
Are we prepping for lockdown 2.0?
That's going to be REALLY hard for him and the kids. He has one boy in college, one in high school, and two others in grade school and preschool. All with the same girl.
He's a legal citizen with a drivers license, job, and social security number. His mom is still here legally also. I don't know if his dad was ever in the picture as he's described his own childhood as a being wild child and that his mom could barely control him and his brother.
Regarding his girl, I have a lot of doubts that she's legal.
I'm also a fan of Tom given that my hometown was overrun with illegals that have done A LOT of horrible things. We had to move away as the schools, downtown, and hospital have been overrun with Brazilians, Mexicans, Ecuadorians, and Venezuelans.
The standard of living there has dropped significantly since 25 years ago.
I wonder what Tim Osman is doing these days? 🤔
I'm good friends with a guy that I met through my son's soccer program. He was born in the US to Guatemalan parents. He was a bit of a bad boy growing up, but he has learned from his experiences to raise his kids with the upmost respect and high effort to get good grades, stay out of trouble and have faith in God.
Problem is, I'm pretty sure his woman / wife snuck across the border or maybe came here as a child. They don't wear wedding rings, she only has a minor understanding of English, doesn't have a drivers license and she lost her sister to leukemia when she was a teen. From what I understand, she works as a laborer doing some sort of simple factory assembly.
They are great people, anti-vax, hard working, cook all their old-country meals at home and are generally very wholesome. He doesn't like Trump which I assume is due to his illegal immigration policies. I wish I could think of a crafty way to hint that he should be properly married to lessen the risk of her being deported.
Financially, yes, things are really bad as we haven't taken our kids on a vacation for a couple years now. Our debt is cresting $60k and my wife shuffles the 0% loan offers like a magician.
The normies here in New England are still taking their vacations, talking about the latest Netflix program and still think President Trump is Hitler.
Yes, you and I see the Precipice approaching, but when it arrives, the normies are going to be blind-sided by the storm.
We haven't hit "The Precipice" yet. 99% of nation is normies, so I fully expect a delay / false flag to occur to prevent our Peaceful Transfer of Power to wake more folks up.
The market was partially closed for George HW Bush's ceremony, the same day the "special" envelopes were handed out to Laura, Killary, Big Mike, etc.
Strange that they are closing the whole thing down. 🧐
Saw this on twitter / X last week, and like you, I didn't see any obvious source to align with it.
It would be cool if Adam Schiff's aligned with:
Reminds me of how the media immediately ganged up on Randy Quaid when he said there were "Star Whackers" and the media said he was nuts.