WhattheWhat3 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m a lil lady and I tell anyone that comes in to look at it, “You don’t want that, let’s go look at a diesel”

I also know I will leave car sales entirely if they truly push to 100% EV.

I think the dam is going to break soon. Once insurance companies get involved you won’t be able to buy one because you won’t be able to insure it. You won’t be able to afford an at home charging station because your home insurance will raise with the risk.

WhattheWhat3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Friends daughter bought a Tesla last year, she spends on average $250 more a month than her sister who drives a 4WD suv

WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea, not where I live. I moved away from a 15 min city life and I’m never going back.

WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Combustible engines are more prone to fire but EV fires are a beast much harder to battle. They burn much hotter and are harder to put out. Meaning, they will always use a SHIT TON more water and more emergency resources (fire fighters) because they burn a lot hotter and a whole lot longer. They also risk reigniting.

Your house is on fire but the truck can’t get to you because it’s had a hose on a Tesla for 5 hrs.


WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Elon said within the last couple weeks we need to take a step back and hard pause on AI I’m not sure about EVs.

WhattheWhat3 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’ll only put you back $165,000. It took us 10 days to charge it in the dealership plugged into a regular outlet.

WhattheWhat3 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Hummer EV did not put a waterproof seal around the BATTERY CAGE! If you go into water more than 2 ft it enters the cage and they catch fire. Think about that, they designed an off road vehicle and didn’t think to water proof the compartment holding the batteries. Oh, and the whole “batteries made in USA at GM plants” lies, over 1,000 Chinese are working in these battery producing plants NOT Americans.

WhattheWhat3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! 🤣 I love when you drop the jokes, you have my kinda humor.

WhattheWhat3 3 points ago +3 / -0

I sell the product, GM, recently we’ve implemented something at my dealerships that made my hair stand up but no one else… basically, lo-jack. All vehicles are equipped with a real time gps tracker by a third party and the cost is rolled over to the customer wether they want it or not. Thefts have increased at lots already and with this strike they see it getting worse. Also, I live in a small farm town NOT a big city.

WhattheWhat3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right, but they didn’t tell the pilgrims to plant their crops over their own dead bodies. Fish and humans are different.

WhattheWhat3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I eat fish so they being integrated into my food isn’t a concern. I do NOT eat people so I don’t want this. I don’t see many garden/cemetery combos.

WhattheWhat3 8 points ago +8 / -0

“The majority of the evacuation zone so far appears to be mostly farm land, and has missed the rest of North Platte.” -mostly farm land, of course

“Union Pacific said that one of the containers contained a hazardous chemical called perchloric acid.

Perchloric is a hazardous material used in food, drugs and biocidal products, as well as explosives.” -hazardous used in FOOD DRUGS EXPLOSIVES, yummy!

WhattheWhat3 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think this is a psyop setup. I have a horrible feeling by the weekend Obama addresses the interview, it’s true! Michelle is big Mike, stunning and brave. You must accept and love it or you’re a racist-transphobe-bigot-rightwinged nazi. It will run and get MORE votes then Biden. The normies are dumb and they give zero fucks about cheating.

WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

10 Dinesh? 11 Charlie Kirk 20 Candace Owen 28 Tucker 29 Levin

17 definitely Tim Pool, nunyabz

by panamax
WhattheWhat3 3 points ago +3 / -0


by panamax
WhattheWhat3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same. The proximity of Oprah didn’t help

WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Things didn’t become this way overnight and change won’t happen overnight.” - the politician asking criminals to only crime, overnight.

WhattheWhat3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try telling Boston bitches they only get 3 articles of clothing a year 😂

WhattheWhat3 22 points ago +22 / -0

If you have kids/elderly or yourself cannot take the heat, your AC down low and run them leading up to the storm, wear sweatpants and sweatshirts if it’s too cold. You’ll want your home cool if the power kicks off. Important documents, phots, mementos use your dishwasher to store if not already in water proof storage tubs. 100% clear debris FIRST from around your home. You don’t want your own lawn chair breaking your window you could have put up. If you have a black & decker/ryobi/dewalt tool set with rechargeable batteries, they usually have a fan option. Extra batteries all charged up help.

WhattheWhat3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buying used means your battery is aged and their shelf life is only approx 10 years before they need replacement. You also lose around 2% range per year just because. I have no idea how they get away with saying this is greener and more sustainable. It’s bizzaro world.

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