WillowMinxy 3 points ago +3 / -0

He isn’t afraid of anything we are. He went to the Bronx. Racine isn’t as dangerous as Chicago and I bet he goes there before the election as well.

WillowMinxy 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ll be there! Not too far from home and a beautiful park on Lake Michigan! Of course Racine is evil and filled with corruption but there’s cities like that nearly everywhere. I expect to see the same love and respect that I’ve witnessed at every rally I’ve attended. Which is 3 so far.

WillowMinxy 5 points ago +5 / -0

My daughter has unvaxxed kids which could be described the same way. She believes fake colors are making her kids nuts and emotional. We purged it all and found popsicle brand uses no colors in their treats. I make my own lollipops and we read all the labels.

WillowMinxy 3 points ago +3 / -0

34 is the number above the highest degree in free masonry. If I were one of them I might see a message.

WillowMinxy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a member of the real food community. I do this by growing food. Mostly from seeds and canning it as it comes in from the garden. I made a farmer friend and this year we will try meat birds and I have some growing space at his farm. We have to help him in exchange.

I did this by calling a former CSA subscription farm and just chatting with him. I went from renting a plot at $150 to a farm in exchange for labor. If I can do this maybe others can. I’ll give the farmer veggies and he will teach me about his animals so he can go away and leave me in charge.

Real food tastes better.

WillowMinxy 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know what is sad and great about this headline. I expected to see a video of him saying it. I completely believed it! Babylon Bee is incredibly effective!

WillowMinxy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The clothes were very androgynous. I felt like I couldn’t tell men’s from women’s clothing. I love that most of it is their regular line but I also feel there’s a removal of difference between men’s and women’s clothing.

WillowMinxy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Who said, we won’t get fooled again.

WillowMinxy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been trying to kill it by not eating at any chains (except Culver’s) for a decade. I’m done with corporations. There are small independent eateries all around us. Didn’t COVID teach /confirm this to us?

WillowMinxy 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would love to hear about the artery cleanse.

WillowMinxy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I took the shot I am A neg husband A pos. My grandma lost her second 2 kids. When my kid was same as me they skipped the after shot and at that time they only gave after you had a positive baby. I can’t remember if I had one during pregnancy.

I don’t vaccinate the babies though.

WillowMinxy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have recently accepted this as truth. Pairs nicely with a side of Tartaria.

WillowMinxy 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most we ever got on a car was a Subaru but my husband has this Miata with 275!

WillowMinxy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I vouch for Peter. All he posts in Wisconsin election problems he is a tireless reporter who’s been arrested for his efforts.

WillowMinxy 5 points ago +5 / -0

My kids were at home with me until we could afford private school. Then I worked part time to have my own sanity and some money. Basically I raised kids, he earned most of the money. BUT, we never bought a bigger house and still have the same one. When it was paid off (we never borrowed against it) we were able to buy a small house behind us by getting a small mortgage. This allowed gardening in a big way! And our daughter rents that house and it’s like a compound.

I think we are able to save bc of these decisions. Also, we drive old cars. I’m very happy to say I’m happy with my choices and I’m married 40 years and we aren’t 60 yet.
I don’t know how families can do this now. Our home is 33 it cost 70 thousand and now it’s worth over 300 in a very modest village of 2800 people. It’s stupid. Only one of our kids owns and the in-laws sold them their house. We need a value reset. I know my house could be built today for about 175k. Maybe less.
What a terrible situation for families. Can’t afford to buy a started home.

WillowMinxy 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in a small town. Yesterday it was pouring rain as I was leaving the grocery store. A young handsome man probably a senior in HS asked me if he could walk me to my car with a big umbrella. I was so shocked and impressed I said yes. It was like I stepped back in time. He was clean cut and very handsome and nice.

He looks just like your illustration. 😁

WillowMinxy 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you cut your chives down after the first bloom they will do it again for you.

WillowMinxy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I garden on a city size lot and I found a local farmer with extra room who has me helping around the farm in exchange for extra land and water to use on it. Good deal I got by calling a defunct CSA in my area.

WillowMinxy 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bush beans, BUSH CUCUMBERS, (oops yelling) and kohlrabi.

This year we just assembled 6 new metal raised beds. We filled the bottom with old logs and some brush and now ready for soil! By the 15th they will be planted.

Plant a lettuce bed that you can cut and let regrow. Best salad greens are my own.

The apple tree from 2018 will have apples this year for its first crop!
The beds were only $69 ea on Amazon.

WillowMinxy 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m living in a sort of parallel existence to some around me and I stay aware of what is/maybe going on via here and a few other places. What else should I be doing? I don’t care to join the GOP I’d rather just keep growing my own food, preserving it and all the homestead stuff I’m into.

What should the slave do beside this?

WillowMinxy 2 points ago +3 / -1

I can’t find that video yet. His claims are wild but he seems quite sure he’s right. I saw a skriptkeeper video yesterday on X that had me pretty convinced there’s a movie playing in real life and nothing is as it seems.

I’ve held out against this concept for nearly 4 years waiting for solid proof I am considering believing it.

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