It's been said over and over again that they never isolated the actual Covid bug. so there is not an actual test for this, yet the hoax continues. Unbelievable and that worm of Dr Mengele I mean DR. Fauci is still out there bolder then ever. {Yet he is a double you can see the difference it's so obvious not some conspiracy theory obvious features profoundly different.} Touting that he is science, please and I am Spiderman. Stop the insanity NCSWIC
This is the real scourge, death and injury. That these evil bastards are pushing on folks. I pray that more wake up soon so this no longer continues. They are casualties of war. China plague is no longer a pandemic. They aren't counting on screens all over TV any more. Why don't they count all the death and harm the vax is causing now. What about all the other procedures that are being postponed because of this hoax .Before they scrubbed the web for truth I saw the figures for actual deaths in the country annually. They were the same for years, no spike at the height of the so called pandemic. That's counting every death that occurred even if it were a car accident. I can't wait for the plan to take over and turn this around, children are getting harmed Not for nothing but this mother allowed this to happen and it was for experimentation too what moron. Sorry have to blame her. NCSWIC
Blasey she made 650k she didn't know where she was what she was doing but she knew she was attacked. Okay, NO one remembered her not even her witnesses. She was completely lying. OH and supposedly her father was FBI. Yet another fabrication to attack a conservative. NCSWIC
How do we believe anything anyone prints any more. All propaganda now. Were anyone of you there and know exactly what he had or didn't have. What he was given or not given, really stop. I'm tired of this so called pandemic. NCSWIC Something definatly caused his death, but what and who.. Is it a coincidence that he is a big anti-vax. I think not.
If they never isolated Covid 19 how do they know how to test for variant, more lies. I can't wait for this country to make sense again. It's soon to happen. That's why a kiwi and a goat tested positive all BS. So why do we even talk about tests. NCSWIC Stop the insanity.
Devil incarnate are you kidding me. NCSWIC