WolfsDragoons 19 points ago +19 / -0

Its not odd, its intended. Rules for Radicals, blame your enemy for the crimes that you have committed.

To add, the Dumbocrats\Lefties are so unintelligent and uncreative that they don't posses the intellect to come up with any reasonable lies, so they just pull from what they have done themselves.

WolfsDragoons 3 points ago +3 / -0

renovatio1988 renovatio1988 5 minutes ago You repeatedly used your power to suppress freedoms of Canadians to please you globalist kin. Do me a favor for once, and instead of investing tax payer money into your ridiculous PR efforts, resign.


Maria Christina Maria Christina 13 minutes ago You opened a youtube channel 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess you wanted to know how many haters you actually have. 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Sugar Plum Sugar Plum 21 minutes ago This man is so tupid he actually thinks he's smart.



ut18729 ut18729 41 minutes ago (edited) WTF? Is this the house of idiots? ... or is to see that nobody loves you and you are gathering info to dox us for the CSIS/RCMP swat team? ... or if you are depressed and lonely you can call MAID.



RedPilled Trooper RedPilled Trooper 53 minutes ago I cant believe this doorknob wants to get roasted even more.

Alright Pierre, hold my beer. Im about to roast this guy!



matthew leblanc matthew leblanc 56 minutes ago what a goof



LiberateTheForks LiberateTheForks 1 hour ago This was a waste of my time, I want it back



Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy 1 hour ago Mr. Trudeau,

Your government’s refusal to stand up for Canada, to stand up for minority language and religious rights in the face of Quebec's racist, treasonous, discriminatory and intolerant Bill 21 and Bill 96 is shameful. Your dad would be really disappointed. I know I am. The Liberal Party of Canada is supposed to defend Canada's minorities, not cave in to a separatist's ridiculous demands. Quebec is not, has never been and will never be just French, and it's definitely not too English. If anything, it's not English enough. Do you realize that you’re turning your back on an English population in Quebec that is bigger than the population of Saskatchewan? Right now, as things stand, you've lost my vote, and I imagine the votes of a lot of other people. Pulling a Neville Chamberlain - i.e. appeasing intolerant politicians and reporters in the CAQ government and Peladeau media - is not a good thing. If reports are true about this week’s announcement on the federal government’s position on language in Quebec, you’re basically going to turn your back on bilingualism and on linguistic minorities by declaring that Quebec is only French. You can’t expect to promote bilingualism in the other provinces if you’re going to let Legault and his PQuistes gut it even more than it already is in Quebec. The province of Quebec is not, has never been and will never be just French, and it’s definitely not a nation. I don’t give a damn what Stephen Harper said for electoral reasons.Quebecers are not all French, and French Canadians don’t all live in Quebec. They are present in every single province. If you truly want to help the French language and bilingualism in Canada, Quebec is the last place that needs your attention with regards to French. Quebec didn’t need a Bill 21, and it definitely didn’t need another Bill 101 in the form of Bill 96. What Quebec needs is for the original Bill 101 to be ripped up, and for the OQLF harassment machine to be shut down.

As stated above, Bill 21 and Bill 96 are racist, intolerant, discriminatory and even treasonous. Where is your outrage? How can you stand there and let Legault get away with this? I guess defending minority language and religious rights – trademarks of the Liberal Party in the past -don't mean anything anymore, not compared to preserving an idiotic French quota in Quebec. And what about individual rights and freedom of choice?
Nobody is preventing anyone who wants to be French from being French, but nobody - not even in Quebec – should be forced to be French against their will, no more than anyone should be forced to be English against their will. Quebecers deserve the same freedom of choice that all other Canadians have, to use the language or languages of their choice, to send their kids to school in the language of their choice, to run their businesses, organizations and municipalities in the language or languages of their choice. The only stipulation that should exist is that services should be available in both languages everywhere. That should be Canada’s ultimate goal. You know, being a Quebecer and being French are two different things. I think a lot of people have lost sight of this fact. Stating that Quebec is French and only French tantamounts to saying that Mississippi and Alabama are only white. It's racist, it's intolerant, it's discriminatory. I don’t know what your party’s motives are, but with an election coming sooner rather than later, I can’t help feeling that you’re selling out Canada just to win a few nationalist votes in Quebec. Has it really come down to this? Are you really willing to compromise everything your dad stood for? You do know that Legault is not going to stop pushing the envelope. He is PQuiste to the core and he will never stop until there is nothing English left in Quebec. Mr. Trudeau, I’m really feeling depressed by the fact that few politicians seem to be out there promoting and protecting bilingualism, bilingual rights and services, individual rights, freedom of choice, cultural, linguistic and religious tolerance, a united Canada that puts country way ahead of province. The CAQ government in Quebec is racist, discriminatory, and linguistically, religiously and culturally intolerant, and it’s as nationalist as the PQ. The Legault government needs to be opposed, not appeased. Have the courage to stand up for Canada in the face of this Quebec separatist.Lots of Canadians, including many Quebecers, would support you if you did. Calling out the CAQ’s intolerant policies would not mean you’re against French – even if the Journal de Quebec would certainly say that. No, standing up to Legault, standing up for Canada, for bilingual rights and services, would do honor to everything your father fought for for so long.He believed that both English and French people have a place in this country along with First Nations people and with cultural, linguistic and religious minorities from all over the globe, and that this must be true in all provinces without exception. This is what the Liberal Party is supposed to stand for. It’s not what Mr. Legault and the CAQ stand for, however, not even close! We have TWO official languages in this country for the whole country. No province should be allowed to place restrictions on either one of our two official languages, not Mr Ford, and certainly not Mr. Legault. If there is one Canadian principle that should be defended above all others, it’s this one.



Ilya K Ilya K 1 hour ago You answer questions? Who are you kidding. Just resign please stop embarrassing yourself.



Jacob Wood Jacob Wood 1 hour ago I wonder which country you'll be welcome in after all this? Failed dictators haven't fared too well according to history so far. I voted for you (I am still ashamed) and I cannot wait to see you serve the sentence that you deserve. I emigrated to this country over a decade ago and I could never have fathomed such a bad leader being in power. Stopping people from protesting? Freezing bank accounts? The words that accurately describe you would get me censored from Youtube. Shame on you, you piece of scum.


crush537 crush537 1 hour ago The next step for this halfwit traitor will be to turn off comments. Suck it, goofball.



LUMIERE DE L' ÂME LUMIERE DE L' ÂME 1 hour ago do us as favor justin resign and get the fuck of this contry for you are as traitor you know what whe use to do whit traitor whe use to hang them up you fuking brainless playboy



Cory Cory 1 hour ago Resign



JiveTurkeyUSA JiveTurkeyUSA 2 hours ago Watch out he will freeze everyones bank account that doesn't like him.



steve hansen steve hansen 2 hours ago I never know how simple minded you where till I seen this.



I M I M 2 hours ago Are you sure you want to keep that banner pic? There you are, in the woods with a gaggle of young girls. Man oh man, you sure are stupid.






Dick Knubbler Dick Knubbler 2 hours ago Worst pm



Random Guy Random Guy 2 hours ago Nobody likes you. This is why you made a second channel.

You are the worst Canadian prime minister of all time, without any question or competition.

Vote no confidence!



Tommy47 Tommy47 2 hours ago (edited) Lol what a joke "a lot of work gets done l" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙄🤡🤡🤡🤡 This is what you do, no wonder things are the way it is... Just resign already you corrupt good for nothing liar, the country is ruined... you and your party members alike. 🖕🏻 Han Dong should have totally resigned not just go independent.



Marilyn McCall Marilyn McCall 2 hours ago You have never answered a question during question period. Yet another lie. No one in the Liberal Party has ever answered a question. You need to resign. NOW!!!



Kevin Landry Kevin Landry 2 hours ago Why dont you go away? Just go.



Daddyg Daddyg 2 hours ago Resign you Commie Bastard of Castro. We got your number you psychopath...We hope one day you find yourself lying beside Michel.



Katherine Katherine 3 hours ago I mean… I guess copying someone is the oldest form of flattery.



Deaner Deaner 3 hours ago (edited) GOOOOF COMMIE POS!!!!!! WE ALL HATE YOUR GUTS. It's a good thing YT doesn't show the thumbs down numbers anymore. You'd delete this video and your channel in a matter of days if that were the case commie prick



Katherine Katherine 3 hours ago Seriously! This is how you spend your time, what a waste of my tax dollars






Brick City Block Brick City Block 3 hours ago I didn't recognize you, you weren't in blackface.



Tyler Mann Tyler Mann 3 hours ago Resign you lying, treasonous coward



STORY TIME WITH UNCLE KUMARAN STORY TIME WITH UNCLE KUMARAN 3 hours ago (edited) hey goof ..Hows it going ?? Going to seize my bank account now ?? Wonder what happened to your brother Michel ?? Than you date your wife after dating your d3ad bro ?? What a sick family.. now erase my comment lacky of Turdeau.



Next Leader Next Leader 3 hours ago Sophie is sleeping around with Iris Elba again. She's sick of this low testosterone cuckold.



C C 3 hours ago #stringupjustin #commieloversdi3



Anna Lee Anna Lee 3 hours ago Awesome Channel. Guaranteed to rocket to NUMBER ONE, TOP OF THE CHARTS.
One call to the CRTC to enforce C-11, and viola.



2 replies Lestat Schraven Lestat Schraven 3 hours ago 166 subs, and 907 views as of this time. How many likes? A whole 26! China must be looking at him as a sinking ship to not flood it with more. Is Jagmeet one of the likes? Ha were all going to get our bank accounts taken for these comments, but heck, it MUST be done till they take em down!



Randy O Randy O 3 hours ago 🌚



Vancouver ViKinG Vancouver ViKinG 3 hours ago Resign Criminal !!🖕



R Cook R Cook 3 hours ago Crimeminister Blackface



Derek Derek 3 hours ago Most disingenuous, unethical and criminal PM Canada has ever had. Glad he came on Youtube so the people can demonstrate on yet another forum how dramatically unlikable this man is and how much he has personally driven our once likeable and livable country into confusion, chaos and uncertainty.



VanIsleChef VanIsleChef 4 hours ago Gross 🤮 gross 🤢 treasonous snake



CrownedRaven CrownedRaven 4 hours ago Justin is a threat to our democracy, the liberal party is highly corrupt.



Dankus Memicus Dankus Memicus 4 hours ago Worthless traitor

WolfsDragoons 6 points ago +7 / -1

Same here, was why i was compelled to share. We are dealing with monsters out there, in the realest sense.

WolfsDragoons 29 points ago +29 / -0

"Doctors" killed her father with Remdesivir and blamed her and her mother for not being vaxxed. I don't think i would have been as reserved as she is.

WolfsDragoons 14 points ago +14 / -0

The UN has 0, zero, zilch, nada, power over US citizens. Even if the diaper filler in chief signs an order to follow the UN, it's not constitutional. This silliness just needs to end. It's so tedious.

WolfsDragoons 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you've got a hot poker up your a$$ i'd imagine you'd say just about anything. I think that sums it up for Cohen.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

• Lindsay Lohan

• Jake Paul

• DeAndre Cortez Way (Soulja Boy)

• Austin Mahone

• Michele Mason (Kendra Lust)

• Miles Parks McCollum (Lil Yachty)

• Shaffer Smith (Ne-Yo)

• Aliaune Thiam (Akon)

i have no idea who most of these people are. I guess "celebrities" is a relative term these days.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice basketball reference, totally unrelated to his talk (wink) at the end. Looking forward to his "Slam Dunking" skills in the NBA.

Basically he's saying the study he went over is a slam dunk.

The percentage of population vaccinated is directly proportional to the increased number of people dying.

Which of course any of us non Bill Mitchell's on this site already know.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

i downloaded the mov, i see something abnormal, almost like a missile at the leading edge of the clouds, is that what you're talking about?

WolfsDragoons 1 point ago +1 / -0

i'm in the santa cruz mountains. We got hit pretty hard with this wind in the afternoon, many BIG trees down roads into and also in and out of town blocked by trees and mudslides, powers out, will be for a couple of days. A couple of houses were split in half from what i've heard This will be the fourth or fifth time this year we've gotten battered by storms. The wind was quite swirly, very "tornadoesque", just glad i've got about 20 gallons of electricity for the generator, satellite backup and firewood recently harvested from the woods behind the house and luckily no trees fell my way.

WolfsDragoons 5 points ago +5 / -0

The question should be, what are they trying to distract us from next week?

WolfsDragoons 4 points ago +4 / -0

Will this set a precedent that you can arrest candidates running for President. Boomerang incoming? In two more weeks, of course. 😉

WolfsDragoons 5 points ago +5 / -0

When i read it first, i thought it said non-dairy. Would have made a better story. ;)

WolfsDragoons 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a summer cabin in the Sierras. This is a normal event, based on the moss rings on the trees above it, 50-80 feet of snow is pretty standard. Every 5-10 years we see this.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deep thoughts with Jack Handy's got nothing on Deep Throats with Cackling Kamala.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

My take is, that every anti trump statement he makes, he's putting the nails in his own coffin.

WolfsDragoons 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hear Yakov Smirnoff when I read this.

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