As long as we can produce LRASM's and Mk48 torpedoes faster than they can make ships we're good. 3 million for a missile that can destroy a 3 billion dollar ship and take it down with all hands seems like a good trade. Even if it takes 10 missiles to do the job the cost/ benefit is good.
Maybe we could use deep fakes of our opponents to telegraph our moves. That way when they get knocked off the board, you can pick up their loyalists by exposing the dirt and those responsible for doing the wet work.
This will not be a popular opinion. I like the message, the frustration we all feel and we all know that something is wrong with the world today. But I can't help feeling this has a wag the dog type element to it. I hope I'm wrong but I could see this guy getting co-opted for political means. The spark that motivates a few to act, or maybe that's what we need. The fatigue is getting to me.
I wouldn't immediately attack her like she's a Karen unless she persisted after I proved it was my kids. If they are indeed my children , I'm happy and proud to show you more pictures. Of course my kids aren't posing bent over for pictures either. Don't punish the vigilant, making pedos uncomfortable is the way.
I'm not trying to rub your nose in it but South Africa is a good example. They watched Rhodesia sink into the mire. SA tried to help and they saw the hand writing on the wall. The West sees it too but the commie hooks and liberal guilt have already played their hand and we're fighting the woke but if the gloves don't come off soon it will be too late.
I concur, but convicting a relatively small sweetener product rather than focusing on the real culprit sounds just like something the PTB (powers that be) would do in a moment of desperation to create a false explanation and muddy the waters.
This study of artificial sweetener Sucralose indicates a possibility that it causes DNA damage. Could this be the attempt to explain away the consequences of the MRNA vaccines by using the sweetener study as a patsy for the uptick in illnesses caused by the vaccines?
This reminds me of when Trump and Clinton had their first debate. At on point H stated, "I am the only thing between you and the Apocalypse.". Now in that moment her message was clear but she made a slip. You see, the term she intended was Armageddon, not Apocalypse. I can easily understand how she could screw up anything regarding the Bible, being the pious Biblical scholar she is. The term Apocalypse literally means to pull the lid off of something, or to reveal. Now I ask, what have we learned since then?
Agreed. While heated discourse may be uncomfortable, it is a damn cozy chair beside a warm fire, the best novel discovered page by page, and man's best friend at your feet compared to the alternative. The book now kindling for the fire fueled by the now destroyed chair warming the emaciated carcass of the friend who's last act of love was the sacrifice of filling your belly instead of your heart.
Very interestingly. . .