Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This whole operation is a repeat of the opium/ tea wars from the mid 19th century. China is attacking us using the worst substance they could plausibly deny. The paper dragon will be exposed the moment things kick off and Taiwan and South Korea turn on Aegis. Even if they are able to do some miracles, the second it looks like they might land troops on CONUS, we'll have the biggest Chinese cookoff in history. Three hundred million casualties in the first 35 minutes of that engagement will set a new standard for FAFO. Trident missiles are a real mother. Lets rattle sabres, we got the battle rattle to make your ching chong ding dong. Now that's some spicy mustard.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Time to send some more sheets. White ones with long poles. Those might be important when you are outmatched and beaten.

Woodinleg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. Z came in with a huge chip on his shoulder. The impression that world leaders have about Americans seems to be that our leaders are all accommodating and smiles and yuck yuck naivety just got set straight.

Woodinleg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I learned real quick not to go to the police for help. You're much better off handling the situation yourself. I work with LEO's daily, my family is LEO's. Even knowing that, one killed my son in front of me and it was unjustified and wrong.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The damages are too high for money to indemnify everyone injured. It was clearly criminal and the Hague is really the only court with experience in prosecuting those responsible. The only way to exact justice from the wrongdoers is a firing squad. Accounting for total deaths, lifelong injuries, not to mention economic damages and additional unknown legacy injuries not yet discovered, there has never been something of this magnitude. The Holocaust was a fraction of what the damages are, the genetic changes will never go away.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

For gold to go to $30, the money supply would have to be cut substantially. Like move the decimal left 5 spaces type of money destruction. If the dollar was directly linked, Au would likely be 144k/ozt. There has been historical precedence of this in the past where they issued new bills and kept the coins in circulation, but I think the more possible solution would be crypto and cashless. They're gearing us up for cashless so they can pull the big trick.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why don't you have a seat? Like from "to catch a predator" the show where they catch kiddie diddlers.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So let's get this straight. In order to punish men for voting, they are withholding what I can only summize is their understanding of currency? Is that all the worth they see for themselves?

Woodinleg 18 points ago +18 / -0

Oh, I got too political, my bad. It's the only concept I can latch on to that gives my life meaning and I can barge into into political conversations because I'm too insufferable under any other circumstances.

Woodinleg 5 points ago +5 / -0

What will the candlestick makers do if you invent the lightbulb? Anthem

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe that's why they've turned this country into a dumpster fire. Where they burn "garbage," they will ultimately also burn people?

Woodinleg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let's be a little pedanticifery.

Total US population: 346,043,244 - 72,832,861 (those under 18 years of age) - minus 4,400,000 (those ineligible due to felon status) = 268,810,383 (total adult age citizens eligible to vote).

That's 93%! Come back and vote, then you can leave! Don't forget your coat!

I just wonder how many people will question voter turn out well in excess of 100% registered voters. I mean once the illegal immigrants and the Civil War veterans vote, we should hit some record numbers. I'm talking US Fruit Company numbers; so high it's bananas.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are they really registering ammunition at the federal level? Perhaps this is a work around for the prohibition on the creation of a federal firearms registry. It is illegal for BATFE to create or keep a registry of firearms owners under the law. This is why they made specific language addressing the keeping of a list of NICS applicants, the legislation requires the destruction of NICS applicant's list within 24 hours of said application. In other words, when you do a background check when purchasing a firearm, the record of that application must be destroyed within 24 hours.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

He dropped an 8 ball down there earlier.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, the average American doesn't understand the implications of a full scale nuclear exchange. I don't know, but I think the only thing able to shake the sleepers out of their slumber, is facing the reality of the world that death is a very likely and probable outcome in the event of a full on toe to toe with a Ruskie missile strike. Privation is a more likely wakeup call in today's zeitgeist, that one would shake the vapid burgen bag wannabes to the core. I think an invasion of Taiwan is a more logical scenario. A successful defense of Taiwan would make lots of flag draped coffins a reality, and an unsuccessful defense would cause the dollar's hegemony to drop off globaly.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reqruiter stations are equipped with a mirror for basic eligibility.

Woodinleg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I generally avoid them as I fear they will have no insurance.

Woodinleg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is to reinforce the consequences of action. They are saying that they will go to extreme measures against any that oppose the tyranny.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now is a good time to invest in a radio. Amateur handsets are relatively inexpensive and licensing isn5too big of a problem if you can find an Elmer.

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