Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bird coof? For some reason a yuppie grocery store in my town just put new social distancing stickers on the floor this week. I haven't heard anything about outbreaks and no other stores have stickers on the floor. The marching orders must be coming down from above.

Zef_Wookie 0 points ago +1 / -1

It sounds like you'd make a good pastor or something, but in order to help others you need to take care of yourself first. Giving what you have in excess is fine, energetically or monetarily but don't let anyone take advantage of you. You'll be able to help more people if you set up a non profit or get trained as a pastor than you would by just giving away money that you don't have.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

The illuminati worship lucifer to gain person power in this life time. The zionists worship Moloch because they've sold their soul and will do anything for him.

Zef_Wookie 10 points ago +10 / -0

Don't forget your boosters. There's tons of unvaccinated people who died with myocarditis and cancer because they only lived long enough to get four doses instead of the recommended twelve. If only they were fully vaccinated.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

My dad has used RSO on non malignant skin cancer spots with success, but it's not a cure all.

Zef_Wookie 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was just a lab for a class I took. They said it doesn't matter because it was a mild strain of e coli and we made it resistant to penicillin, which is useless now anyways. But they can do all sorts of crazy stuff with crispr, including breeeding animals that have human organs. I'm sure they're using it for atrocious things.

Zef_Wookie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I used CRISPR in college to make antibiotic resisant e. Coli. Probably what they're doing in those Chinese covid test labs they busted.

Zef_Wookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear you're struggling. Women really are crazy. She got some idea in her head that you are causing her problems, but it's probably our current society or her hormones.

Just keep doing you for your kid. Be a good example. Save any amount of money no matter how small and leave if you're not happy. Get out of debt.

Cognitive behavioral therapy may help if look up biases that you may have keeping you down. Things will turn around if you keep planning and trying. You will have enough money, you'll find a good job, a better living situation, a new soul mate.

Zef_Wookie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's probably what everyone got this winter, people are still getting it at my work. Somesort of flu going around, but they say the death rate is much higher because most people don't go to the doctor for a flu. Exactly like coof. We were all immune in 2019 if you lived in city. But they mutated the coof too, so most people got it again a little worse the 2nd time if it wasn't bad the first time.

Zef_Wookie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Flash frozen veggies are healthier and taste better. Or just eat what's in season locally grown.