Good for them. I understand how hard this would be even for good parents knowing the system is designed to take small time criminals and turn them into career criminals. Hopefully if some Soros DA doesn't just let him go, they can stay in his life and provide guidance. Situations like this are why one of the few charities I donate to is a prison ministry.
I don't know if I'd put too much weight behind what this guy says. I don't doubt he's genuine but most people in general are still buying into some part or another of the old narrative. People who left Russia around that time or earlier have good reason not to trust the Russian govt. Seems like Putin has slowly earned his level of support from a justifiably wary public.
I think you sort of answered your own question. A few of them will come around before the big reveals but most of them will have to go along that roller coaster.
Their identity is based around being a victim, the only thing that sets them apart from lefties is that the people oppressing them are real. The Cabal is their wypipo. The fact that the cabal actually exists unfortunately only makes them that much more confident than lefties in their stance.
One thing to remember is that Trump and his team played into that narrative rather than trying to let it fizzle out. For whatever reason they decided to run with it which means we were playing our role by supporting him early on.
Notice that he keeps repeating the narrative that their plans are unstoppable and will come to pass no matter what we do. I see massive red flags when people talk like that. We are at a point of such solid public support where the only thing that could possibly stop us from winning, is if we all sit back apathetic and convinced that we can't win because of guys like this, believing that we're being "pragmatic" and "realistic".
Very well done and full of important details, however the defeatism from a lot of these ex-Masons is concerning. I can't blame them after a lifetime being surrounded by these people for feeling hopeless and like their plans are unstoppable. My biggest concern is that some of these videos exist purely to seed that doubt in us. I see us teetering on the edge in a way that if they succeeded in convincing most truthers that there is no hope of stopping them, we would become apathetic and that belief would be what stops us from stopping them. I don't think that we will ultimately fall prey to that mindset but when I see it I always take whatever comes next to it with a grain of salt.
I wish I could embrace these posts. My head is so warped that I want bad things to happen to me and thus going to heaven just sounds like something to feel guilty and undeserving for. On a logical level I know it's where I should want to go and I try to live accordingly, but all my heart wants is for God to wipe me from existence altogether instead of bringing me into heaven.
It's very possible that's what he is trying to do but I'm confident things would be prevented from getting that far. So long as the Feds have to show their asses by forcefully occupying that park they take a huge public loss. All we need to do is hold out until they do that. It's not like the overall flow of illegals is changing much because of that one park.
Probably a combination of fraud and real voters crossing over to support Haley. It's the perfect cover to add in some ballots and have the end result seem believable. I only saw a few people when I went to vote but most of them were doing the whole thing where they immediately re-register as a Democrat or Undeclared after voting. Our town still went Trump though.
Fair enough but let's not allow that to make us forget the concerning aspects of Freemasonry in general.
I worry that they are trying to pull the same bait and switch the Catholic Church is, pretending it was all well and good until at some point relatively recently it got corrupted.