CO2 in the atmosphere is not bad for the planet. At ~0.04% of the atmosphere it can be considered to be in limited supply. Plants require it to grow and thrive when it is increased. Creating alarm about the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is akin to making a mountain out of a mole hill (a fraud). It is done to make the alarmists rich and powerful.
I think of Durham' report as a very important document release of data that is now officially on record. That counts for a lot in terms of setting the stage for whatever is the next twist in the plot. The truth is now a matter of record.
Vitamin deficiency problems may be responsible for many "conditions" currently being treated by expensive patented medications. One example: restless leg syndrome. I had a prescription for it for over 25 years. Then I read that B3 was helpful. I now take just 1 gram a day and it is gone. The amount of B3 to treat schizophrenia is just 3 grams a day according to the author I read. Just pennies a day.
That raises an important question. Thinking about how many other HTS may exist. It depends on the size of satanic population and how many lost souls each HTS can manage at once, (no clue.) Enough HTS that all of them can participate? Perish even the thought.
Nothing but hot air.