You are in a seeking stage, fren. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is reaching out to you on a deep level. Inviting you to be curious enough to seek Him out.
Your questions are legitimate and we all acknowledge them and your seeking heart. Those are positives.
You will find what you seek when you make that connection with Christ. He is inviting you, through all of our responses, to find His purpose for you and take refuge in His shelter.
There are many on this board who care enough to take the time to respond and encourage you. All are the hands and feet of Jesus.
The girls / women you are looking for are following their Bridegroom, Christ. They are found in settings that are Christ centered.
You sound high school age, but possibly college. Either way, find a larger ish youth group at a conservative church and go. (Side note, United Methodist churches have recently gotten crazy with the LBGTQ junk.)
They do a lot of other activities besides just straight Bible study. Of course Bible study is important, but if you are new to this, I encourage you to just go and participate.
Let Christ work on your heart. And give yourself a chance to experience fellowship with believers.
My teens are conservative and based. Both (one boy, one girl) are very attractive, athletic, and intelligent. We are believers, but busy, and have at times struggled to maintain church activity. More recently we just blocked off Wednesday night and demanded that they participate in youth group.
Interestingly, both came home at separate times talking about how nice it was to be around normal kids. Not all the crazy TikTok, lgbtq junk.
They both have lamented in the past at the crazy in their schools … yes, public school.
Ultimately, your choice, but I encourage you, as others have done, to find Christian fellowship in a conservative group.
Let these nudgings be called for what they are … Christ is pursuing you, reaching out to you.
Do you think there’s any way to help someone who may be affected by this?
My son broke his wrist and they wouldn’t set the bones without the dumb test. But it was the only one he had … at TX Childrens.
He used to never get sick but in the last year, he’s had a low level head cold almost non stop. Runny nose constantly.
Makes me SO crazy! I literally read thousands of hours, keeping my family away from all the vaxx and other crap.
But what was I going to do? He snapped the growth plate in his wrist and without surgery, he would have been forever deformed.
Do you know of anyone I could take him to to have him tested for this?
Or other resources?
Very powerful movie! Saw it at the late showing last night. Theater was full and all but 2 people stayed for the after message.
Hubby is a normie for the most part, but we had a great discussion on the way home. Today, he made a FB post about it and saying everyone should see it.
Normally, he gets around 100 “likes” on his FB posts.
This time, 5 likes in 14 hours. 🧐
If I might ask, any thoughts on why probiotics would create bloating? I have terrible gut health and have had so for a long time. Any time I try a probiotic, it makes me miserable with excessive bloating that won’t go away until I stop taking the probiotic. Super frustrating!
I’ve been trying water fasting and intermittent fasting to try to get a good reset.
Thank you in advance!
I meant to respond sooner, my apologies! (I own a tax business and it’s that time of year.)
Most of my reading about FenBen has been in relationship to treating cancer. However, the parasitic component keeps popping out at me.
When reading up on how FenBen destabilizes cancer cells, thus allowing those cells to be cleared from your body, here’s the best quote:
“specifically defined as binding to the colchicine-sensitive site of the beta subunit of helminithic (parasite) tubulin thereby disrupting binding of that beta unit with the alpha unit of tubulin which blocks intracellular transport and glucose absorption (Guerini et al., 2019).“
There is a new FenBen sub stack
Again about cancer. I sincerely thought I might have a tumor in my brain. As well as I had a dinner plate sized fibroid (non cancerous) removed from me a few years back. Based on the pain in that area and the pain in my head, I was willing to try something new.
I really dislike doctors. Always have. I actually signed up for a “concierge” doctor and paid exorbitant amounts trying to get help and it was a terrible waste of money. Plus, the doctor ended up being a super woke vaccine pusher who refuses to this day to see anything wrong with the narrative.
Okay, I’m sincerely interested. I keep seeing you and others post this. Then, my question is my kid comes home from school coughing and sneezing. Then the next day or day after, I am coughing and sneezing. How does that happen? Or, what causes me to get sick?
And, as an aside, I rarely leave my home. I work at home and generally only leave to take my children places. But, they are old enough that I just drop them and don’t get out of the car.
For all our friends with reflux, also consider chiropractic care. There is a spot in the middle of your back, when out of place, pinches the nerve that opens and closes the valve. Causes the valve to hang open. My symptom from GERD is non stop coughing. About 5 minutes after getting adjusted, the acid reflux stopped.
Just another option!
So, I am one of them. I got whatever CV is in November of 2019 after a trip to Bora Bora.
Took me 6 months to kinda get over it, but with lingering effects. Brain fog, crap rolling around in my head, extreme fatigue, massive pain in my head.
Didn’t get sick again until August 2021 … almost 2 years later.
Same situation … took forever to get over it. Lost all smell and taste with this round.
Got crud again this past November. Sick for 6 weeks again. Was so bad with the pain in my head, that I was seriously contemplating being done.
Mind you, not jabbed, took IVM multiple times, on zinc, d, c, quercetin, etc etc.
By way of this board, someone recommended FenBen. I was trying it for a different reason, but low and behold, it cleared up ALL of my remaining symptoms almost immediately. Like a freaking miracle.
Which brings me back full circle that whatever CV is, I think it has a parasitic component to it.
All I know is that I suffered for three years and FenBen cleared it all up in 3 days.
There’s a really good website going down these rabbit holes.
I do not know why the author quit posting, but all of the old articles are still there!
If you read the book “Trance formation of America” by Cathy O’Brien, you find that Bill Barr as attorney general under GHWB covered up and hid the sex trafficking of the presidents at that time. Book written back in 1995.
Barr has been an evil person for a very long time.
I honestly think you should try to look for a Protestant conservative church. Baptist is probably your best bet.
Find a large one.
One with lots of activity in your age group, and obviously steer clear of the lbgtq mess.
All churches have good and bad points. Just like all people.
Go church shopping.
I’m the one that wrote the long reply on your other thread. But, at this point, you are a seeker, which is completely fine and normal at the beginning of your journey. It is easier to blend in with a large church.
Smaller, more closely knit groups are very rewarding, but can be weird as a “new” believer.