Hmm is Trump the pause used for building out that manufacturing and infrastructure capacity. That means large outlays again of the caliber under Biden. As for domestic population usable for sabotages, I still see that internal sourced .But blocking immigration and deportation removes that vector but restricts a workforce needed due to DNC pro abortion choking population replacement
May as well add in secret ballot for Senate Leader. That will stop any claw back but also if stoppage of material shipments to Ukraine. You also have DNC securing lower government so elections can still be manipulated. So that is next elections which bubble up on Governor , State races , House and Senate. One and two years out can end current movement towards peace for continued conflict.
Tax Form 990 is a quick way to see NGOs with employees also getting paid to do social work for government. I have not looked for easy way to see federal to state to County to City money spread. You will find most bills like Inflation Reduction Act are simply Omnibus funding.
Desertification happened with draining of the lake in central California and Mexico City. Corn stalks biomass for energy is just introduced and removes more nutrients from a soil area.
Herds make land useful that is not easily arable such as too rocky or too much grade. I was surprised the left “Transfarmation” went into depth on failings of factory meat farms. Specifically large farm fecal handling. Year old farms and independent are getting priced out by large corporation’s pricing control.
I am concerned how changes cause catastrophic reduction of food supply such as government overthrown when fertilizers were banned by Sri Lanka and only 25% of food production was harvested. Agriculture loss from urbanization and increase of government domain is a slower trend but cities are tending to higher density even though replacement population is under 80% so housing decay still uses land.
How close are the time points? So many are 5h could be used to track who received talking points first and dissemination. Might even produce mismatches of individuals lifestyle habits versus post times like they were live on air or should be asleep. OpenAI ChatGPT could easily generate the response variety.
Conceptually, you need to consistently disseminate your own Stream of successes AND have work every day for regular people to do. That is the counter to doomers. That is a different level of operations than hinting at White hat operations. Brazil is doing a good job on mobilizing. Russia keeps a constant stream of local successes as USA encroaches through Ukraine.
DNC needs local voters on demand, moved where needed, an imported cheap work force and total dependents on government.