anti-ager 1 point ago +1 / -0

the mockingbird news talking heads who died live on air, never use their real names on air anyway. scare the public away from utilizing healthcare, with stories like 'self assembling nano bots with mac addresses', scare people away from mrna that will soon lengthen telomeres and fix ageing... the truth: 5g de-polarizes oxygen in bio-chemcial reactions, EMF causes parasites to increase toxin release by 500%, vaccine adjuvants feed microparasites and create bio-films... and whatever is in chemtrails. The vaxed will appear to die first but if you don't figure out how to cleanse your system it will effect anyone.

anti-ager 2 points ago +2 / -0

thank you. I knew something was off when they were all safely at orchestra camp, putting on plays, while cities like Dresden were firebombed. It doesn't seem like there's anything nationalist socialist about azov, just sort of murder and conquer. Western civilization evolved so that conquerors were no longer our heroes, and we started elevating saints, who healed the sick, and did charity. Unfortunately a bunch of slavs just got put in the meat grinder on our dime.

anti-ager 3 points ago +3 / -0

there's a lot of places where it's not legal to turn in a bulk batch of ballots, I wouldn't trust some pastors and deacons with my ballot

anti-ager 2 points ago +2 / -0

their names seem pretty kosher, as do their faces, for 'nazis', didn't see any blonde hair or blue eyes, just a bunch of giant noses

anti-ager 2 points ago +2 / -0

nice legit video. if she's installed, it will be tragic comedy.

anti-ager 1 point ago +1 / -0

He should open a school for other world leaders so they can learn how to run an america franchise

anti-ager 2 points ago +2 / -0

all the military drone operators can't be bothered, too busy killing goat herders

anti-ager 2 points ago +2 / -0

she's attacking the people that actually showed up. with a population like that, it will be hard to see any measurable success

anti-ager 3 points ago +3 / -0

there's millions of life-long democrats and republicans who want to see all the deepstaters rot in prison, regardless of affiliation. The only people who love the elite eunich party candidates are all retired beneficiaries with investments who don't care that life is unlivable for current workers. Those geezers who will not provide a meaningful 'backlash'.

anti-ager 3 points ago +3 / -0

that was awesome, 5 thumbs up

anti-ager 1 point ago +1 / -0

remember a few years back when there were 'pain clinics' aka pill mills all over the place, and anybody could go get a prescription for a 90 day supply of percosets, and nobody had ever heard of fentanyl? Then the pearl clutchers and handwringers got it all shutdown...

anti-ager 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's also the most common first job in USA

anti-ager 1 point ago +1 / -0

rfk is on the ballot, irish males/ catholic male dems will vote rfk as protest over higher cost of living, especially if they think Harris will lose nationally anyway

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